Review Terms - HW 1-8


The Medieval Church

Ÿ         Secular- Having to do with wordly rather than religious matters

Ÿ         Sacrament-sacred ritual of the Roman Catholic Church

Ÿ         Canon Law-body of laws of a church

Ÿ         Excommunication-exclusion from the Eroman Catholic Church as a penalty for refusing to obey church laws

Ÿ         Interdict-in the Roman Catholic Church, Excommunication of the entire region, town or kingdom

Ÿ         Tithe- Payment to a church equal to one tenth  of a person’s income

Ÿ         Anti- Semitism- Prejudice against Jews


An Island Empire Emerges

Ÿ         Archipelago- Chains of islands

Ÿ         Kami-spirit who was believed to be the original ancestor of an early Japanese clan

Ÿ         Kana- in the Japanese writing system. Phonetic symbols representing syllables


Japan’s Feudal Age

Ÿ         Shogun- in Japanese feudal society, supreme military commander who hel moe power than the emperor

Ÿ         Daimyo- warrior lords directly below the shogun in feudal japan

Ÿ         Samurai- member of the warrior class in Japanese feudal system

Ÿ         Bushido- code of conduct for samurai during the feudal period in Japan

Ÿ         Kabuki-form of Japanese drama developed in the 1600’s

Ÿ            Haiku- form of Japanese poetry that expresses a feeling, thought or idea in three lines, or 17 Syllables


Two Golden Ages of China

Ÿ         Tributary state-  independent state that has to acknowledge the supremacy of another state and pay tribute to its ruler

Ÿ         Pagoda- Multistoried Buddhist temple                                       


Rise if Islam

Ÿ         Hijra- Muhammad’s flight from Mecca to medina in 622

Ÿ         Caliph- successor to Muhammad as political and religious leader of the muslims

Ÿ         Mosque- Muslim house of worship

Ÿ         Hajj-pilgrimage to Mecca that all Muslims are expected to make at least once in their lifetime


Islam Spreads

Ÿ         Minaret- slender tower of a mosque, from which Muslims are called to prayer

Ÿ         Sultan- Muslim ruler


Economic Expansion and Change

Ÿ         Charter- in the middle ages, a written document that set out the rights and privileges of a town

Ÿ         Capital- money for investement

Ÿ         Usury-practice of lending money at interest

Ÿ         Guild in the middle ages, association of merchants or artisans who cooperated to protect their economic interests

Ÿ         Apprentice- young person learning a trade from a master


Growth of Royal Power in England and France

Ÿ         Common law-system of law based on court decisions that became accepted legal principles

Ÿ         Jury-group of people sworn to make a decision in a legal case


The Holy Roman Empire and the Church

Ÿ         Crusade- holy war


Learning Literature and the arts

Ÿ         Theology- the study of religion

Ÿ         Scholasticism-in medieval Europe, a school of thought that used logic and reason to support Christian belief

Ÿ         Vernacular- everyday language of ordinary people


The Renaissance in Italy

Ÿ         Patron-person who provides financial support for the arts

Ÿ         Humanism-intellectual movement at the heart of the Italian Renaissance that focused on worldly subjects rather than on religious issues

Ÿ         Perspective- artistic technique used to give drawings and paintings a 3d effect


The Protestant Reformation

Ÿ         Indulgence- in the Roman Catholic Church, pardon for sins committed during a person’s lifetime

Ÿ         Recant-to give up one’s views or beliefs

Ÿ         Predestination-idea that god long ago determined who will gain salvation

Ÿ         Theocracy- government run by church leaders


Reformation Ideas Spread

Ÿ         Annul- to cancel or invalidate

Ÿ         Ghetto-separate section of a city where members of a minority group are forced to live


The Scientific Revolution

Ÿ         Heliocentric-based on the belief that the sun is the center of the universe

Ÿ         Gravity- force that tends to pull one mass or object to another


The Search for Spices

Ÿ         Cartographer-mapmaker

Ÿ         Astrolabe- instrument used to determine latitude by measuring the position of the stars

Ÿ         Caravel-improved type of sailing ship in the 1400’s

Ÿ         Circumnavigate-to travel all the way around the Earth


Conquest In The Americas

Ÿ         Conquistadors-name for the Spanish explorers who claim lands in the Americas for Spain in the 1500’s and 1600’s


Remaking The Americas

Ÿ         Viceroy-

Ÿ         Plantation-large estate run by an owner or overseer and worked by laborers who live there

Ÿ         Ecomienda-right the Spanish government granted to its American colonists to demand labor or tribute from Native Americas

Ÿ         Peon-worker forced to labor for a landlord in order to pay off a debt

Ÿ         Peninsular-member of thew highest class in Spain’s colonies in the Americas

Ÿ         Creole-person in Spain’s colonies in the Americas who was an American-born descendant of Spanish settlers

Ÿ         Mestizo-person in Spain’s in the Americas whom as of Native American and European descent

Ÿ    Mulatto-person in Spain’s colonies in the Americas who was African and European descent


Changes In Europe

·         Inflation-economic cycle that involves a rise in prices linked to a sharp increase in the amount of money available

·         Capitalism-economic system in which the means of the production are privately owned and operated for profit

·         Entrepreneur-person who assumes financial risks in the hope of making a profit

·         Joint stock company-private trading company in which shares are solid to investors to finance business ventures

·         Mercantilism- policy by which a nation sought to export more than imported in order to build its supply of gold and silver

·         Tariff- tax on imported goods


Extending Spanish Power

·         Absolute Monarch- ruler with complete authority over the government and lives of the people in which he or she governs

·         Divine Right-belief that a ruler’s authority comes directly from God


France under Louis The Fourteenth

·         Intendant-official appointed by French king Louis the fourteenth to govern the provinces

·         Balance of power-distribution of military and economic power that prevents any one nation from becoming strong


Triumph of Parliament in England

·         Limited monarchy-government in which a constitution or legislative body limit’s the monarch’s powers

·         Habeas corpus-principle that a person cannot be held in prison without first being charged with a specific crime



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