
Locomotion is defined as the movement of an entire animal. Sessile animals are ones that do not move their entire body.

There are many advantages to locomotion. If an animal can move, it has the ability to escape predators (animals that want to eat it). There is an increased feeding ability because the animal can go get food. It can seek shelter; hibernation and migration are examples. There is an increased mating possibility. Finally, the animal could escape pollution.

Connective Tissue- This type of tissue connects different parts of the body and allows the animal to move. Ligaments are connective tissue that connects bone to bone, and tendons connect bone to muscle. A joint is a junction between bones. Cartilage is also found in joints. It provides strength and flexibility, as well as freedom of movement to the animal. Arthritis is a disease involving not enough cartilage.

Types of Muscles- There are three different types of muscles found in the body. Cardiac muscles are muscles that are found exclusively in the heart. Smooth muscle is involuntary muscle that an organism has no control over. An example is the muscles that cause peristalsis on the esophagus. Skeletal muscles, also known as Striates, are voluntary muscle. There are two kinds of skeletal muscles, called flexors and extensors. Flexors move a part to the body while extensors move the part away from the body. An example is the biceps and triceps.

Gout is the accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints.


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