Life Processes


  1. What are life processes?

  2. What structure provides the unity of life?

  3. What distinguishes plant and animal cells?


What are life processes?

A.    Life processes- when we are dealing with life processes, the 1st process we should deal with is Nutrition.

1.      Nutrition- obtaining and processing food.

-          There are two types of nutrition

a. Autotrophs

1. Self feeders- Example- green plants. They make their own food from simple (inorganic) materials.

2. They carry out food by photosynthesis- light- they make something using light.

- Chemosynthesis- carried out by things that live deep in the ocean- using chemicals to make something.

                                    b. Heterotrophs

1. Other feeders- animals. They obtain preformed food from others.

2. They carry out food by

            a. Ingest- take the food in

            b. Digest- to brake down the food

            c. Egest- eliminating unprocessed waste.

                        2. Transport- absorb and circulate (distribute)

                        3. Respiration- release of energy from food. (Oxidation- burning of food.)

4. Excretion- removal of processed (metabolic) wastes. What body part has this role? The kidneys.

5. Synthesis- root syn- together. Small molecules are put together to form/make larger ones.

6. Growth- organism increase in size.

7. Regulation- control and coordination- Communication is included.

8. Reproduction- production of new individuals. Why was reproduction written last as it has anything to do with the others? Why did scientists include this? Reproduction is not necessary for the individual. It is necessary for the preservation of the species.

B. Metabolism- all of the life processes- life activities.

C. Homeostasis- living organisms must remain in homeostasis. If they don�t, they are ill or they are dead. Homeostasis- same stationary condition- steady state- organisms need to maintain a steady state despite an ever-changing internal and external environment. How do we maintain balance? How does the body know? The nervous system is most related to this- sweat.


What structure provides the unity of life?

The Cell

A.    Cell Theory

-          Microscope (Light Microscope)- cells were 1st viewed under the microscope- 17th century.

1.      The cell is the basic unit of structure of living things.

2.      The cell is the basic unit of function

3.      Cells come from other cells. 20th century- All cells arise from preexisting cells.

-          What is the difference between structure and function?

What is the cell theory?

A.    See A- Cell Theory.

B.   Structure                                                   Function

a. The form of the cell- what it is made of.

a. What it does, performs.

b. ANATOMY- handle- gives it more force.

b. Physiology.

C. General Structure of a cell.

1. Cell Membrane- selective permeability- it is a boundary of a cell. Instead of calling it a cell membrane, sometimes they say plasma membrane.

            2. Nucleus

                        a. Controls cell�s activities (metabolism)

                        b. reproduction

3. Cytoplasm- all the cell material between the nucleus and the cell membrane.

4. Organelles- tiny organs.

a. Mitochondria- �power house�- site of cellular respiration- oxidation. It is rod like- double membrane bound organelle. It is longer than it is round.

- What is the general structure of a cell? How would you draw a cell?

1.      Nucleus

2.      Cytoplasm

3.      Cell Membrane


What distinguishes plant and animal cells?

            A. Comparison between plant and animal cells.

1. Similarities- both have a cell membrane, a nucleus and a cytoplasm. They both have the same general structure.

2. Differences- Plant cells only have a cell wall. Plants only have chloroplasts. Only Animal cells have centrioles. The vacuoles in a plant cell are larger- storage. In animal cells they are smaller- specialized- food and water vacuoles.


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