Review Terms - Fall Final

  • Reincarnation-the rebirth of the soul in another body
  • Karma-the idea that all your actions in this life affect your next life
  • Dharma-the religious and moral obligations of an individual
  • Ahimsa-nonviolence
  • 4 Noble Truths

o       All life has pain and suffering

o       Pain and suffering caused by strong desire

o       Overcoming desire ends suffering

o       Follow the 8 Fold Path

  • Siddhartha Gautama-566 B.C.

Also known as Budda

Set up monasteries, preached the four noble truths

  • Tripitaka-texts with anonymous author based on the teachings of Budda, also known as 3 baskets of wisdom
  • Confucius-Chinese philosopher, taught five relationships

o       Father Son

o       Elder brother younger

o       husband wife

o       ruler subjects

o       friend friend

believed rulers should set good example, taught not religion but worldly goals like social order and government. Promoted honesty, hard work and concern for others

  • Filial piety-respect for parents, a value taught by Confucius
  • Daosim-founded by Lao Zi: the government that governs least governs best, goal is to be at peace, try to find �Dao� the way, evolved into religion with many gods and magic, experimented with alchemy
  • Legalism-founded by Han Feizi: government should be run by fear, nature of man is evil and good must be acquired
  • Hinduism-complex religion, no single founder or sacred text
  • Braham- Buddhist all powerful spiritual force, but is too complex so they worship gods in human or animal form
  • Atman-another name for the braham that is part of each Hindu, ultimate goal is to be one with atman/braham
  • Jainism-an extreme branch of Hinduism, emphasizing the importance of nonviolence, founded by Mahavira
  • 8 Fold Path-the way Buddha advised to overcome desire (see 4 noble truths) �right views, right aspirations, right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right contemplation�
  • Nirvana-final goal in Buddhism, similar to Hindu unity w/Braham, spiritual enlightenment, union w/universe and release from reincarnation cycle
  • Theravada Buddhism-more strict sect, hard spiritual work, only monks could hope to reach nirvana
  • Mahayana Buddhism-easier for ordinary people to follow, made Buddha god-like, nirvana described in terms of heaven and hell
  • Chandragupta Maurya- founder of first Indian Empire, well organized bureaucracy, empire from 321 B.C. to 185 B.C.
  • Asoka- Chandragupta Maurya grandson, emperor in 268 B.C, fought bloody war and then converted to Buddhism and adopted principles of nonviolence, positive for empire
  • Gupta Dynasty-Indian golden age, responsible for advancements

o       Math

         Arabic numbers



         Imaginary numbers




  • Kalidasa-Gupta poet and playwright
  • Caste System-extreme social class system, closely linked with Hinduism. Untouchableslowest class, received jobs that were considered �impure� i.e. digging graves
  •       Brahim (priests) highest, purest class
  • Each caste had role in society and were interdependent, people believed that karma determined caste, you could not change your caste in this life but could move up in next life
  • Patriarchal- Indian family stylecfather or eldest male headed the family, enjoyed great authority but was limited, property belonged to whole family
  • Qin (Shi Huangdi)-emperor  who united China in 221 B.C. and ruled by Legalism
  • Great Wall-accomplishment of Qin (Shi Huangdi), did not keep invaders out but showed emperors ability. Hard work for many years, many workers died
  • Han Dynasty-started by Liu Bang (Gao Zu), eased harsh Legalist policies and appointed Confucian advisers. 206 B.C.-220 A.D.

o       Wudi

         Famous Han emperor

         Strengthened government and economy and trade

o       Accomplishments


         Canals and Roads


         Astronomy, zoology, botany, chemistry




         Silk Road

         harsh trade route eventually stretching 4000 miles


  • Minoan Civilization-residents of island Crete, called after famous king Minos. Success based on trade, not conquest. Were in contact with Egypt and Mesopotamia, got ideas from them. Civilization disappeared 1400  B.C, reason unknown.
  • Trojan War-war fought between Mycenaeans and Trojans over vital straits (water passages). 10 year war, ended by Greeks tricking Trojans into opening walls to receive present (wooden horse) which was filled with soldiers that burnt Troy
  • Homer-blind poet who is our main source of information on Greek time period
  • Two great epics Odyssey and Iliad: main source of info on Trojan war
  • Polis-Greek city-state, typically built on two levels. Higher level=temple and main level=market, public buildings and homes. Small population, joined together to honor gods in festivals
  • Monarchy-a government which revolves around a central king or queenearly Greek govt
  • Aristocracy-govt ruled by landholding nobles
  • Oligarchy-govt in which power is in the hands of middle class
  • Phalanx-new method of Greek fightingmassive formation of heavily armed soldiers
  • Sparta-Dorians who conquered Laconia, made conquered people into slaves
  • Government: two kings and council of elders, strict because there were more slaves than Spartans, strict about citizenship
  • Military oriented societysick newborn babies were killed, boys began training at age 7
  • Athens-city state, govt changed from monarchy to aristocracy but people demanded something else and Athens moved towards democracy
  • Solon-Athenian leader, made reforms in slavery, citizenship, economy
  • Tyrants-people who gained power by force, often by making reforms that benefited the poor and merchant class
  • Cliesthenes-leader who increased citizens role in government, set up Council of 500citizens chosen by lot to supervise govt. Also made all male citizens over 30 part of lawmaking body (legislature)
  • How did geography affect Greece and Rome?

o       Greece was difficult to unite because of hills and water separating it but Rome could easily be united

  • Herodotus-Greek historian who told the story of the Athenian and Spartan defiance against the Persian king to give up land and water
  • Persian Wars-a series of wars fought against the Persian empire who was trying to conquer Greece
  • Darius-Persian emperor who led Persian Wars against Greece
  • Thucydies-Ancient Greek historian who recorded famous funeral oration by Pericles praising democracy
  • Xerxes-Darius�s son who fought in Persians Wars
  • Peloponnesian-league of enemies of Athens (Sparta), against democracy, fought war against Athenians that ended the greatness of Athens
  • Socrates-a philosopher who lived from 496 B.C.-399 B.C, wrote no books most of our info on him comes from student Plato, encouraged questioning your surroundings and was put to death for �corrupting youth and failing to respect gods�
  • Plato-Socrates� student, emphasized the importance of reason, wrote book The Republic, rejected democracy, felt state should regulate citizens lives to help them
  • Aristotle-Plato�s student, addressed how people ought to live, set up school �Lyceum� for the study of all branches of knowledge
  • Parthenon-famous Greek temple, dedicated to Athena, simple rectangle supported by columns
  • Aeschylus-great Greek playwright, along with Sophecles and Euripides, wrote tragedies
  • Philip of Macedonia-father of Alexander, ruler of Macedonia, conquered Athens, wished to conquer Persia but was murderedwife made his son Alexander take the throne
  • Alexander the Great-tutored by Aristotle, conquered Persia, Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Asia Minor and parts of India (continued father�s work), responsible for Hellenistic Age and cultural diffusion
  • Euclid-Greek mathematician during Hellenistic Age, wrote The Elementsbasis of modern geometry
  • Pythagoras-Hellenistic mathematician who developed formula to calculate right triangle sides
  • Archimide-famous Hellenistic scientistphysics, mastered lever and pulley
  • Hippocrates-Greek doctor who studied illnesses and their causes and made Hippocratic Oath that set ethical standards for doctors


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