Endocrine System



Hormones � specialized chemicals produced in one part of the body, which have an effect on anther part of the body � transported through blood only. Hormones are secreted by endocrine glands

Endocrine glands = ductless glands

Antagonistic substances � substances that work in opposition to each other

1) Thyroid �

a)      Thyroxin

        Regulates metabolic rate

        Influences growth

        Influences mental development in children

        Controls metamorphosis � change in shape or form from the juvenile to the adult stage

b)      Thyrocalcitonin � lowers blood calcium levels

2) Parathyroid �

        Parathormone � elevates blood calcium levels

3) Pancreas � Islets of Langerhans

a)      Insulin � reduces blood glucose by converting the excess into glycogen in the liver

b)      Glucagons � raises blood glucose levels by promoting the breakdown of glycogen from the liver

4) Adrenals � kidney

              I.      Cortex � covering � outside

a)      Cortisone � anti-inflammatory agent

b)      Aldosterone � regulates salt level in the blood and is transported to the kidney

           II.      Medulla � Adrenalin � epinephrine � emergency hormone

        Increases blood glucose levels

        Increases heart beat

        Increases respiration

�Flight or fight� reaction � how you react to an emergency

5) Testes � testosterone � male secondary sex characteristics

        Growth of body hair

        Deepening of the voice

        Muscular development

        Ability to reproduce

6) Ovaries �

a)      Estrogen � female secondary sex characteristics

        Growth of body hair

        Ability to reproduce

        Breast development

        Widening of hips

b)      Progesterone �

        Functions in the menstrual cycle

        Maintains pregnancy

7) Pituitary

a)      TSH � Thyroid Stimulating Hormone

b)      FSH � Follicle Stimulating Hormone �involved on reproduction

c)      LH � Lutianizing Hormone � involved in reproduction

d)      ACTH � AdrenoCorticoTropic Hormone � hormone that stimulates the adrenal cortex

e)      GH � Growth Hormone � height

f)        ADH � Anti-Diuretic Hormone � (helps retain water) regulates H2O absorption in the nephron 

g)      Oxytocin � responsible for uterine contractions � males do not have this hormone


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