First Semester Review


  1. Genetics

  2. Cells

  3. Bio-Chemistry

  4. Ecology

  5. Evolution

Genetics- Science of Heredity


Heredity- The passage of traits from one generation to another.

Gregor Mendel-Father of genetics, conducted breeding experiments with pea plants, university education, was a monk

Why pea plants?(5)

1) Short generation span

2) Easy to grow

3) Easily distinguishable traits

4) Large number of offspring (sample number)

5) Carry out both self and cross pollination

Why Mendel?(5)

1) Kept accurate written records

2) Studied one trait at a time

3) Conducted controlled experiments

4) used a large sample number

5) First to use statistics and probability

Terminology (7)

1) Dominant- A trait which expresses itself if even one dose of the gene is present

2) Recessive- A trait which expresses itself only if two dose of the gene is present

3) Homozygous- Both genes for the trait are the same (BB, bb)

4) Heterozygous- The two genes for the trait are different (Bb)

Homo- Same Hetero- Different Zygote- Fertilized Egg

5) Phenotype- External appearance of a trait

6) Genotype- Actual gene combination for a trait

7) Allele- Gene

Types of Cells

1) Somatic Cells(Body cells)- Cells which are not directly involved in reproduction

                                    46 Chromosomes per cell

                                    2 Genes/Trait/Cell

2) Gametes(sex cells; sperm & egg)- Cells which are directly involved in reproduction

                                    23 Chromosomes per cell

                                    1 Gene/Trait/Cell

Mendel�s Experiments-Height(T=Tall t =Short)

Mendel used the term �Factor� instead of �Gene�

P1-Parental Generation AKA First Generation

F1-First Filial AKA second generation

F2-Second Filial AKA third generation

P1 TT x tt (Homozygous Tall~TT~Crossed with Homozygous Short~tt)

F1 Tt-100% (All of the offspring was Tall)

F2 3:1, Tall: Short, 75% Tall 25% Short (25% Homozygous Tall~TT,50% Heterozygous Tall~Tt, 25% Homozygous Short~tt)

Punnit Square                                                 
















1:2:1 Genotypic Ratio TT:Tt:tt

3:1 Phenotypic Ratio Tall:Short

Law of Segregation

When F1 hybrids (heterozygous) are crossed with each other that that did not appear in the F1 appears in 1/4 of the F2 (3/4 are Tall 1/4 are Short; all the F1 where Tall)

Multi-Trait Crossing-Height(T=Tall t =Short)& Seed Color(Y=Yellow y =Green)

P1 TTYY x ttyy (Pure Tall & Yellow crossed with Pure Short & Green)

F1 TtYy x TtYy (100% Tall & Yellow)

F2 9:3:3:1, Tall & Yellow: Tall & Green: Short & Yellow: Short & Green


























































Law of Independent Assortment

When two traits are studied at the same time, the inheritance of one trait is independent of the second trait Exception-When genes for different traits are found on the same chromosome they tend to be inherited together

Linked Genes

Incomplete Dominance-AKA Blending Inheritance-The hybrid does not resemble either parent but instead is a blend of parental traits

1)Four O� Clocks(R=Red Flowers W=White Flowers)

P1 RR x WW

F1 RW- 100% Pink

F2 1:2:1, Red: Pink: White, 25% Red 50% Pink 25% White














2) Andalusian Fowl(B=Black Feathers W=White Feathers)

P1 BB x WW

F1 BW-100% Blue

F2 1:2:1, Black: Blue: White,25% Black 50% Blue 2% White














Sickle Cell Disease(HbA-HemoglobinA=Normal HbS-HemoglobinS=Abnormal






Sickle Cell Trait


Sickle Cell Trait

Sickle Cell Anemia

Sickle Cell Trait- Both types of cells, greater resistance to Malaria

Sickle Cell Anemia- Shortened Life span by approximately 50%

Multiple Alleles

There are 3 or more different genes in the population but any individual has only 2 genes/trait

Alleles for Blood-IA; group A, IB; group B, i; Group O

Blood Groups

Phenotype:      A                     B                     AB                  O

Genotype:       IA IA, IAi          IB IB, IBi          IA IB                 ii         

Antigen:          A                     B                     A&B               None

Antibody:        anti-b               anti-a               none                anti-a/anti-b

Antigen- A foreign substance which stimulates the formation of antibodies(Red blood cells)

Antibodies- A substance formed in response to an antigen(plasma-liquid part of blood)

Blood groups are an exception to these definitions

 �O� blood is known as the universal donor

�AB� blood is known as the universal recipient

Agglutination Reaction-Caused by transfusions when the antibodies attack the transfused blood

RH Factor(RH=Positive(+) rh= Negative(-)

Blood types


RH Disease

Mother�s RH Factor Negative

Father�s Positive

Fetus/Baby�s Positive

Antibodies from the mother attack the fetus if any blood from the baby leaked into the mother, the second Fetus with Positive blood will be attacked if blood is leaked from the second fetus, the mother�s body remembers the foreign RH and antibodies are already pre-created from first fetus, the second fetus may be injured or killed by the antibodies.  After the first Baby is born a vaccine may be created to prevent the creation of antibodies that may injure or kill the second fetus.

Placenta- Provides O2 and nutrients to the fetus, carries away fetal waste

Sex Determination

Somatic Cells-46 chromosomes/cell (23 Pairs)

44 Autosomes (22 Pairs)

2 Sex Chromosomes (1 Pair)

X chromosome-Female, Y Chromosome-Male

XX-Normal Female, XY-Normal Male

Female to Male ratio should be the same however it is not;

106 Males:100 Females-The Y chromosome is smaller and lighter in weight then the X chromosome.  Y sperm can swim slightly faster then the X sperm so more Y sperm will reach the egg.  There is a somewhat better chance that the Y sperm will fertilize the egg.


1) Fraternal-Two eggs each of which is fertilized by its own sperm

2) Identical-One egg is fertilized by one sperm then the zygote divides and each zygote matures by itself.

Variations in Sex Chromosomes

1)XO-Female-45 chromosomes per somatic cell; 44 autosomes 1 sex chromosome AKA

Turners Syndrome-sexually immature Female

2)XXY-Male-47 chromosomes per somatic cell; 44 autosomes 3 sex chromosomes AKA Klinefelter�s Syndrome-sexually immature Male

3)XXX-Female-47 chromosomes per somatic cell; 44 autosomes 3 sex chromosomes AKA Super Females

XYY-Male-47 chromosomes per somatic cell; 44 autosomes 3 sex chromosomes AKA

Super Males

XXYY-Male-48 chromosomes per somatic cell; 44 autosomes 4 sex chromosomes

has Turners Syndrome with Mental Retardation                                                             

Normal Gamete Formation    

Abnormal Gamete Formation
Non-Disjunction- Failure of chromosome pairs to separate during Gamete formation
(Same diagram as previous page until the last stage)



Autosomal Non-Disjunction

Down�s Syndrome AKA Trisomy 21 & Mongolism

(incorrectly called Mongolism because of �oriental� appearance)

47 Chromosomes/ Somatic Cell-45 Autosomes 2 Sex Chromosomes

Mental retardation, Short, Overweight, Round face, �Oriental� appearance, Poor muscular coordination, Tip of the tongue protrudes, Shortened life span, Simian Crease -Line crease across the length of both hands.  Called Trisomy 21 because there are three 21st Chromosomes instead of the normal pair (2)

Amniocentesis-A technique in which amniotic fluid and embryonic cells are retrieved and analyzed for genetic defects

Cells are cultured and examined microscopically to find the point of cell division

A photo of the chromosomes is taken which is called a Karyotype-A photo of the chromosomes arranged in pairs.

Sex Linkage(sex linked traits)

The genes for these traits are found only on the X chromosome, There are NO genes for this trait on the Y chromosome

Color-blindness (C-Normal color vision c-color blindness)

Females-Has XX therefore 2 genes                Males-Has XY therefore 1 gene (on the X chromosome)

CC-Normal Color Vision                                CY-Normal Color Vision

Cc-Carrier(Normal color vision but has the   Cannot be a carrier

gene to pass on)

cc-Color-blind                                                 cY-Color-blind






CC-Normal Color Vision




CY-Normal Color Vision







Hemophilia-A condition in which the blood doesn�t clot and continues to bleed caused by the body not synthesizing factor VIII(8)-a step in the process of blood clotting

H-Normal Clotting h-Hemophilia

Female             Male

HH-Normal                 HY-Normal


hh-Hemophilia            hY-Hemophilia

There have been virtually no cases(but still some) of Hemophilia in a Female because it is a rare gene and most people die at an early age from it

Genetics and Environment

1)Green Color in Plants-(C-Chlorophyl production c-No chlorophyl production)




2)Baldness in Humans-(B-Bald b-Hair)

Female      Genotype   Male    A minimal level of testosterone

Hair                 BB       Bald    is needed to activate the dominant

Hair                 Bb       Bald    gene for baldness in Humans

Hair                 bb        Hair


Twin Studies-Identical twins raised apart Vs. Fraternal twins raised together

Experiment proved that intelligence depended on genes but could be expressed differently depending on their environment


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Van Leeuwenhoek- Inventor of the microscope

Hooke-Examined cork cells and discovered rows of empty compartments (dead plant cells)

Schleiden- Botanist-examined plant cells under a microscope

Schwann- Zoologist-examined animal cells under a microscope

Schleiden and Schwann compared notes and created the Cell Theory

Cell Theory

1) Cells are the basic units of structure of all living things

2) Cells are the basic units of function of all living things

Virchow-First to observe cell division; added part 3 to the Cell Theory

3) All cells arise from pre-existing cells

~Problem~Where did the first cell come from?-Unknown

Exceptions to the Cell Theory

1)Virus-A packet of genetic material (DNA or RNA) enclosed in a protein shell and is a parasite

Parasite-Lives on or in another organism(host) cannot reproduce except in or on a host

2)Slime Mold-Has and doesn�t have cell alternatively, when without cells cell nuclei float in the mold

Organelles AKA Sub-Units of Cells

1) Nucleus- Controls the cells activities

2) Ribosome- Site of protein synthesis

3) Lysosome- Breaks down some cellular wastes

4) Mitochondria- Powerhouse of the cell, energy release

5) Endoplasmic Reticulum- Canals used for intercellular transport

6) Cell Wall- Found only in plant cells-Protection, outer boundary of plant cells, maintains the shape of the cell

7) Vacuoles- store various substances

8)Cell Membrane- Outer boundary of animal cells-Regulates the movement of substances in and out of the cell (semi-permeable)

9) Cytoplasm- Gel like substance composed mostly of water, site of many chemical reactions

10) Nuclear Membrane- Outer boundary of the nucleus , regulates movement of substances into and out of the cell

11) Golgi Bodies- Package and transport various cell secreations

12) Chromosomes- Function of heredity-collection of genes

13) Genes- individual units of heredity

14) Nucleolus- Functions in protein synthesis

15) Centriole (Centrosome)- In animal cells only function in cell division

16) Chloroplast-Found in plant cells only-contains chlorophyl used in photosynthesis

Levels of Organization

1) Cells- Most basic part of a body

2) Tissues- groups of cells specialized for a particular purpose

3) Organs- groups of different tissues working together for a specific function

4) Organ System- group of organs specialized for a specific function

Life Functions

1) Respiration (energy)

2)Nutrition-ingestion, digestion, absorption, egestion (elimination)


4)Transport (blood, air)

5) Regulation (reactions, neural pathways, hormones)

6) Reproduction




Homeostasis- The tendency of an organism to maintain a constant internal environment

Scientific Method

1) State the problem

2) Form a hypothesis

3) Conduct on experiment-

A) Independent variable(variable)

B) Dependent Variable (Variables in the variable)

C) Control

4) Collect data

5) Analyze the data

6) Conclusion

7) Repeat the experiment

The Compound Microscope-Sequence of Use

1) Low Power (all the way up)

A) Course adjustment

B) Fine Adjustment

2) High Power-Fine adjustment only

Centi-/100th a meter                            Mili-/1000th a meter


Micrometer= .001mm=1,000,000th a meter =FLow Power=100x normal size         High Power=430x normal size


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Major Elements in life; C(Carbon),O(Oxygen), N(Nitrogen), H(Hydrogen), S(Sulfur), P(Phosphorus)

Trace Elements in life; K(Potassium), Fe(Iron), Na(Sodium), Ca(Calcium), Zn(Zinc), Mg(Magnesium), Cu(Copper), Br(Bromine), Cl(Chlorine), F (Fluorine), Mn(Manganese), Co(Cobalt), Se(Selenium), I(Iodine)


I. Inorganic-Do not contain Carbon and characterized by ionic bonds

A) H2O-Main component of cytoplasm-necessary for most chemical reactions, very stable


B) Acids-Substances that give off H+ in solution

C) Bases-(Alkalis)-Substances that give off (OH)- (AKA Hydroxide/Hydroxyl) in a solution

D) Salts-Formed in a reaction between an acid and a base

PH scale-(0-14)-Measures acidity and alkalinity; Acids: 0-6.99 Bases:7.01-14

7.00 is neutral and is either distilled water or salts

II. Organic-All contain Carbon, characterized by covalent bonds

Covalent Bond-Formed by the sharing of electrons

Surrounding atoms are �shells� of electrons this first shell has 2 electrons the second 8 and the third usually has 8.  All atoms like to have their outer shell completely filled

Example of a Covalent Bond *=Electrons of  Cl (Chlorine) �=Electron of C(Carbon)

Only the outer most shell is displayed


                                                * *

                                            *  Cl *

                                            *       *

                                    * *       *  �      * *

                               *    Cl    �  C   *    Cl   *

                               *            *       �           *

                                    * *       � *       * *

                                             * Cl *

                                             *      *

                                                * *

The electrons from the Carbon in sharing or alternating with those of the Chlorine filling all 5 of the atom�s outer shell�s simultaneously.

A) Carbohydrates-All contain C,H,O; The H:O ration is always 2:1 (Every Oxygen has 2 Hydrogens)

B) Lipids-All contain C,H,O; The H;O ratio is always >2:1 but not constant (evey Oxygen has more than 2 Hydrogens)

C) Proteins-All contain C,H,O,N many also contain S

D) Nucleic Acids-All contain C,H,O,N,P

E) Vitamins

A) Carbohydrates

1) Sugars-Properties-Sweet, Excellent source off immediate energy, Soluble in H2O, Burn

A) Monosaccharides-Glucose, Fructose, Galactose-Glucose most common, all 3 have the same Emperic Formula C6H12O6

Emperic Formula-The number of atoms in each element found in a single molecule of a substance

Structural Formula-Actual arrangment of atoms in a molecule

B)Disaccharides-Lactose, Sucrose, Maltose-Maltose most common, all tree have the smae emperic formula C12H22O11 (Maltose =2 Glucose) combines 2 Glucose molecules but loses a water molecule

Above is 1 molecule of Maltose created trough Dehydration Synthesis

Dehydration Synthesis- A process in which two or more smaller molecules are combined to form a larger molecule by the removal of H2O

2C6H12O6 AKA  �=�     C12H22O11 + H2O

Every Carbon is connected to 4 bonds

Every Nitrogen is connected to 3 bonds

Every Oxygen is connected to 2 bonds

Every Hydrogen is connected to 1 bonds

Hydrolysis- A process in which a large molecule is broken down into smaller molecules by the addition of H2O

C12H22O11 + H2O          2C6H12O6

2) Starches-Properties-(AKA Polysaccharide)-Excellent source of stored energy, insoluble in H2O, Polymer

Polymer-A chain of repeating units (Saccharides)

Animal Starch AKA Glycogen

Glycogen-Found primarily in the liver and in voluntary muscles

Each Starch Molecule consists of:

A) Amylose- A strait chain of Glucose molecules

Glucose are  represented by their Structural Formula is 6 sided

A strait chain of Glucose would look like:

 The �_______� represent the covalent bonds between molecules

 The �.......� represent bonds of varying lengths between molecules

B) Amylopectin A Branched chain of Glucose molecules

Cellulose-Found only in the cell wall, maintains the shape of the cell

B) Lipids (Fats, Oils, Waxes)

Properties- insoluble in H2O, excellent source of stored energy, greasy, burn, leaves a translucent stain on paper

Functions of Lipids

1) Insulation

2) Lubrication

3) Energy

4) Important component of cell membranes-made of lipids and proteins

Lipid Molecules are composed of:

1) (Three)Fatty Acid(s)

2) (One)Glycerol

Together all four molecules are needed to form a lipid

The four molecules together form a lipid trough a Dehydration Synthesis which creates 3 water molecules 

                                       Goes both ways

3 Fatty Acids+1 Glycerol  <-------> Lipid+3H2O

Saturated Fats-In the hydrocarbon chain there are only single bonds, usually solid t room temperature, usually found in animals

Unsaturated Fats-There is at least one double bond in the hydrocarbon chain, usually liquid at room temperature, usually found in plants

C) Proteins

Properties-Excellent source of energy (which is hardly ever used) burn, polymers-chains of Amino Acids-There are 20 different natural Amino Acids

Together these Amino Acids are a Protein called Glycylalanine and a molecule of H2O

Proteins are also known as Polypeptides because of their usually many Peptide Bond

Glycylalanine is an example of a Dipeptide because of its Peptide Bond (This bond is like every other covalent bond except it has a special name)

Types of Amino Acids

1) Essential- Those Amino Acids which cannot be synthesized by the body

2) Non-essential- Those Amino Acids which can be synthesized by the body

Nucleic Acids

Properties- High energy content-never used, Polymers-chains of Nucleotides


Each Nucleotide Contains

1) A 5 Carbon Sugar (Has 5 Carbons and 5 sides) is represented with pentagon shape

2) A Phospate Group is represented with circle shape

3) A Nitrogenous Base is represented with rectangle shape

Enzymes-Specialized proteins AKA Organic Catalysts

Catalysts-regulate the speed of chemical reaction

1) Most Enzymes are composed of Amino Acids only

2) Some Enzymes are composed of Amino Acids and a Non-Protein Segment AKA Co-Enzyme (Usually a Vitamin)

Substrate-The substance with which an Enzyme reacts

Enzyme           Substrate         All Enzymes end in �ase�

Maltase            Maltose           All Enzymes begin with a similar beginning as their Substrate

Sucrase            Sucrose            Generally, Enzymes are larger then their substrates

Lactase            Lactose            Enzymes and their substrates are represented in geometric shapes

Lipase              Lipids

Protease           Proteins


Factors Affecting Enzyme Action

1) Ph

2) Temperature

3) Poisons

- At low temperatures Enzyme activity decreases and would eventually stop at 0�C

- If the temperature is raised back to 37�C Enzyme activity resumes its former levels

- At temperatures above 37�C Enzyme activity drops rapidly an eventually stops

Enzyme Denaturation- Permanent destruction of Enzyme molecule is at 45�-50�C

3)Poisons-Cyanide- Interferes with respiratory enzymes-in the mtochondria

4)Relative Concentration of Enzyme and Substrate

[X]=Concentration of X

                        [Enzyme] Constant 10,000

                        [Substrate] Increasing 1,000-100,000

Concentration-Amount at any given time

After 10,000 Enzyme Substrate Complexes are created there are no more available Enzymes for the Substrates to combine with (same with diagram below)

                        [Substrate] Constant 10,000

                        [Enzyme] Increasing 1,000-100,000




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Ecology-Study of the environment (interactions between organisms and their environment)

Abiotic Factors(Non-Living)- Natural disasters, Pollution/Air quality, Temperature, Substratum (terrain), Water, Light, Minerals (in the substratum)    

Biotic factors(Living)

A)Population-All members of a single species inhabiting a given area

B)Community-All members of all species inhabiting a given area

C)Ecosystem-The Biotic and Abiotic factors working together in a given area

D)World Biomes-Large areas with multiple ecosystems

E)BioSpere-Every area on Earth that is inhabited by living organisms

Nutritional Relationships

Animals-1) Herbivore-Plant eater 2)Carnivore-Meat eater 3)Omnivore-Meat and plant eater

Types Of Nutrition

Autotroph-Organisms which can make there own food (green plants)

Heterotroph-Organisms which cannot make their own food (all animals)


1)Predator-Kills and eats other animals

2)Prey-Animal being killed by the predator

3)Scavenger-Eats previously killed animals


Grass �> Mice �> Snake �> Hawk (X�>Y- X is going into Y, X�s energy is going into Y)

 (A More complete food web including sunlight and several organisms)


           Sunlight           _______________

               |                 /                              \

            Grass �> Mice �> Snake �> Hawk

              |                                  |                   |

           Fungi                           Mites           Mites


Decomposers-Bacteria and Fungi-Decompose animal carcases and excretions into fertilizers, all food webs will include Decomposers (even if not shown)


You will part of the energy you eat because you don�t have the enzymes to digest it.  Each food web starts with 1) Producers(green plants) The food web then continues with 2)Consumers a) Primary(herbivores) b) Secondary Consumers (carnivores) 3) Decomposers -decomposers will never appear on the pyramid of energy



Pyramid of Energy-             /\  -Secondary Consumers

                                         /   \  -Primary Consumers

                                       /___ \ -Producers

Pyramid of Numbers-The higher up on the pyramid the less of each organism there are

Symbiosis-A situation where 2 species interact in an ongoing manner

1)Parasitism(+ -)-One species benefits while the other is harmed

2)Mutualism(+ +)-Both species benefit


Termites and there intestinal Bacteria-bacteria gets food from the wood  and digests the wood for the termite to have food

Wrasse(cleaner fish)and coral-coral gets cleaned Wrasse gets food

Clownfish and Anemone-Clownfish (Immune to anemone poison)is protected by the Anemone and lures fish (that aren�t immune to the Anemone poison)to the Anemone which then kills and eats them

Cattle/Rhinos and Cattle egrets- Cattle egrets sit on the Rhino(or Cattle)�s back and warns the Rhino of danger with its better eyesight, by being on the Rhino�s back it gets locomotion and is protected from other animals

Crocodile and Crocodile bird- Crocodile gets its teeth cleaned by the Crocodile bird, Crocodile bird gets food

Whale and Barnacle-Barnacle attaches to the whale and eats whatever comes to it as the whale swims trough the water

Habitat-Location where an organism lives-Terrestrial(land) and Aquatic(water)

Niche-The role of an organism in its environment 1 species/niche

Competition-Contest between 2 species to occupy a specific niche

Limited Resources-Factors which limit the population of a species; food, water, shelter, oxygen, light, minerals

Carrying Capacity-Maximum number of organisms that can be supported in a given area

Ecological Succesion-Changes in the plant community

1)Pioneer Organisms-First plants to inhabit an area

2)Intermediate Stages-Replace the previous in habitants

3)Climax Community-Final stage of succession, permanent unless it is destroyed

Lichen-found on bare rock and converts it into soil-often pioneer organism

Saprophytes(Decomposers)-Live on dead or decaying organic matter


Material Cycles


1) Nitrogen Cycle: N2 (Nitrogen)in the air�>Plants�>Animals�>Decomposers --> N2


2) Water(Hydrolic) Cycle:


         Water in the atmosphere �>Condensation(precipitation)�>Water on the ground�>Evaporates (to atmosphere)


 3) Oxygen/Carbon Dioxide Cycle(O2 /CO2 Cycle):                Animals         

                                                                                       O2     ^          |  CO2

                                                                                                                               |           v



Human Impact on the Environment


A)Negative-1)Pollution, 2)Extinction of Species-Hunting, Habitat destruction 3)Overpopulation 4)Introduction of Non-Native (Invasive)Species-Purple Loosestrife; a vine with no natural predators in North America which got out of control and multiplied in the habitat of other plant species in the same area causing them to be endangered, Asian Longhorn Beatle; a beatle with no natural predators in North America that is destroying many trees, Rabbits in Australia; Rabbits got loose in Australia and with no natural predators there multiplied and destroyed many plants 5) Chemical Control-DDT; A chemical used as a pesticide that went trough the food chain and caused Bald Eagles eggs to be brittle, these eggs were often broken because they were so brittle and the Bald Eagle population became endangered. 6) Global Warming (?)-This may or may not be because of Humans 7)Destruction of Ozone Layer 8) Acid Rain-caused by burning coal which releases SO2 (Sulfur Dioxide) that mixes with water vapor

B)Positive Aspects-1)Biological Control-Purple Loosestrife; Brought a certain beetle to North America that eats only purple loosestrife in order to control the Purple Loosestrife population, Rabbits in Australia; Scientists infected thousands of rabbits with a species specific fatal virus released these rabbits in Australia to bring the rabbit population down by having the virus spread and kill the rabbits. 2)Population Control 3)Pollution Control 4) Breeding Programs for Endangered Species 5) Habitat Protection 6) Reforestation


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Evolution-Change over time

I) Inorganic-Changes in the Earth�s features and climate

II) Organic-Changes in life forms (species)


Evidence of Evolution

A)Fossils-Remains or traces of once living organisms, at least 10,000 years old (last ice age), Last 10,000 years are considered recent time

1)Actual Remains

a) Frozen-Wooly Mammoth

b) Tar Pits-La Brea Tar Pits

c) Mummification-dries out organism

d) Amber-Fossilized tree sap


a) Footprints

b) Imprints

c) Petrified Remains(Minerilization)-In a body of water sediment covers hard remains (bones, claws, shells) pressure hardens sediment into sedimentary rock(which is porous) water combines with chemicals in the rock to foram a weak acid.  This acid dissolves the remains. Sometimes, minerals which are carried in with the water come out of the solution and crystalizes.  These minerals resemble the remains.

B)Comparative Anatomy-Comparison of structure to establish a degree of relationship and common ancestry

Vestigial Structures-Structures that had a use ancestrally but are no longer functional

Examples-Appendix, Coccyx(tail bone), hair, toenails

Missing Links-Transition organisms between major groups

5 Groups of Vertebrates-Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, mammals


Fish�>Amphibians�>Reptiles <


Archeopteryx-Had both reptile and Avian(bird) characteristics

Reptilian-Teeth, Tail with bones, Scales                     Avian-Wings, Feathers, Beak

C)Comparative Embryology-Comparison of Embryos to establish a degree of relationship and common ancestry

Early Human Embryology-Gill Slits, Webbed toes and fingers, Tail, 2 chambered heart�>3�>4

D) Comparative Biochemistry-Comparison of molecules to establish a degree of relationship and common ancestry

-DNA Comparison-Human DNA and Chimpanzee DNA is 97.5% the same

-Pig Insulin-Used for Human diabetes treatment before Human Insulin was used)

-Sheep Thyroxin-Used to treat Human thyroxin deficiency, defective thyroid gland

-Pig Valves-Used to replace defective Human heart valves

E) Geographic Isolation(Divergent evolution, Adaptive Radiation)-Natural Barriers-Geographic features which separate populations

1)Darwin�s Finches in the Galapagos Islands-There were slight variations in beak size and shape among ancestral Finches.  Some beaks were better suited (adapted) to one set of environmental conditions, while different beaks were better adapted to other environmental conditions.   Over time, small initial differences became more pronounced and unified on individual islands.  Geographic isolation would prevent different kinds from mating with each other.

2)Marsupials in Australia-Placentals or more likely to survive when reproducing then marsupials.  When placentals and marsupials compete for the same niche the placentals win and the marsupials often become extinct.  The placentals never reached Australia because of Continental Drift and marsupials are mostly the only native mammals on Australia.

Types of Mammals

1)Marsupials-have a pouch

2)Placentals-have a placenta*(for definition of placenta look above)

Continental Drift-The Earth once only had a single landmass.  This landmass split into 2 Super Continents-1)North America, Europe, Asia, Greenland 2) South America, Africa, India, Australia, Antarctica.  Placentals originated on South America and spread to the other continents except Australia when it had drifted away from the greater landmass.

Tectonic Plates-Cause continents ro move

Theories of Evolution

A)Lamarck-Theory of Acquired Characteristics 1809(This one is completely wrong)

1)Physical structures arise according to need

2)The size of structures is proportional to their degree of use(use and disuse)

3)Traits acquired during an organisms life are passed on to its offspring

Weismann-disproved acquired characteristics 1870's-He cut off the tales of P1 and according Lamarck the offspring should have been born without tails. However, the F1 had tails.  Weismann redid this experiment many times to disprove acquired characteristics.

Darwin-Theory of Natural Slection

1) There is an overproduction of offspring

2) The adult population stays relatively constant

3) There is a struggle for survival among the offspring(Competition)

4) These organisms with the best variations(adaptations) tend to survive(Survival of the Fittest)

5) The survivors tend to reproduce and pass on the favorable traits to their offspring

6) Over time, the favorable adaptation will become part of the entire population or species

C)Modern Evolution-Darwinian Evolution and causes of variations(mutations)

1)Gradualism-Evolution proceeds at a slow steady pace(represented by a strait raising line on a graph)

2)Punctualism-Evolution happens in brief intense bursts with long periods of inactivity in between (represented by a stepped line on a graph)

Pepper Moth-Originally mostly light colored to camouflage with the light colored trees, dark colored moths existed in the population but were mostly eaten by predators because of their inability to hide.  Pollution from factories went on the trees making them darker colored allowing the dark colored moths to camouflage and the lighter colored moths, unable to hide from predators, decreased while the dark colored ones increased.  Pollution control laws lessened the pollution on the trees making them darker then original but not as dark as before the pollution reduction laws.  The greyish pepper moths then became the majority of the population because both lighter and darker colored moths were unable to camouflage.

DDT-During WWII DDT was sprayed to stop the spread of disease and kill flies.  Some flies were naturally resistant to DDT and didn�t get killed while most of the non-resistant ones did.  Resistant flies survived and passed the resistant gene to future generation populating most of the fly population with DDT-resistant flies.

Origin of Life on Earth

1)Divine Origin

2)Came From Outer Space

3)Spontaneous Generation-Life arose from non-living matter

1&2 are neither scientifically provable or unprovable

People believed flies spontaneously generated from rotting meat and garbage

Redi-Made an experiment to disprove this belief.  He had 3 jars with meat in each, 1 jar closed, 1 jar opened, 1 jar with a mesh cap. (That didn�t allow flies to enter but allowed the smell to leave)  The flies were all over the meat in the jar without a cap, no flies were on the meat in the jar with a cap, flies were on the mesh cap but not on the meat of in the third jar.  This was a good experiment however, people wanted to keep believing in spontaneous generation and said the meat had to be in direct contact with the air in order for it to work, and disregarded the experiment.

Pasteur-Disproved spontaneous generation by making a goose-necked flask that allowed air to flow freely and didn�t allow microorganisms to reach the broth in the flask.

Oparin-The Heterotroph Hypothesis-Condition were different when life originated

1) The Earth was in a molten state temperatures were very high

2) The primitive atmosphere consisted of Water Vapor, H2 (Hydrogen), CH4 (Methane), NH3 (Ammonia)

3) The Earth was bombarded by very high doses of U-V Radiation

4) The Earth started to cool forming a crust, water vapor condensed resulting in long periods of rain(centuries long) This rain filled depressions in the Earth�s crust forming the primitive oceans.  Gases from the atmosphere dissolved in these oceans under the influence of U-V Radiation and electrical energy, simple organic molecules were formed (monosaccharides, simple amino acids.)  Over time small organic molecules combined to form larger. More complex organic compounds-Aggregates.  At some point in time aggregates were able to replicate-DNA replicates-Life.  First organic life forms were heterotrophs, autotrophs evolved later.  First organisms were Anaerobes- Do not require Oxygen to Survive, Aerobes-Do require oxygen to survive evolved later.  The Tetnas Bacteria are anaerobic.

Grey and Miller-Built a chamber into which they put H2, CH4, NH3, and Water.  They gently heated this mixture and circulated it past an electric shock-they found simple organic molecules after a few weeks and later found aggregates


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