Muslim World & East Asia

                                    (Chapter 13, Sections 2,4,5 Chapter 11, Sections 1-4)


1) Genghiz Khan

         son of a warrior

         born to be a great warrior


         prepared nation for war

         used strict military discipline

         demanded loyalty

         outfitted soldiers with knives, spears, well trained horses

         had respect for religions, customs, and other fighters

         created safe routes for trade (silk road)

2) Kublai Khan

         grandson of Genghiz Khan

         defeated last Song emperor in 1279

         from his capital (Cambulac= present day Beijing) ruled all of China, as well as Korea, Tibet, + Vietnam

         Decreed only Mongols could serve in military

         reserved highest govt. jobs for Mongols

         called his dynasty: Yuan dynasty

         converted Cambulac into a walled city

         rebuilt and extended the Grand Canal to his new capital (many lives lost)

3) Marco Polo

         Italian merchant

         visited Yuan dynasty in 1271 with his father + Uncle

         In A Description of the World leaves vivid account of wealth and splendor of China

         described the efficient royal mail system (Couriers riding swift ponies along well kept roads)

         reported that the city Hangzhou was 10 or 12 time sthe size of Venice (where Polo was from)

4) Yuan Dynasty

         Kublai Khan ruled in 1279 when last Song Emperor was defeated


      kept Mongols from being absorbed into Chinese civilazations

      only Mongols in military

      arab architects design palace

      welcomed many foreigners to Kublai's court- African Muslem traveler Ibn Battuta

      Marco polo visited and described elegance and beauty

      Mongols tolerated variety of beliefs

      Chinese products moved towards Europe- gunpowder, porcelain + playing cards

5) Ming Dynasty-

         restored civil service system

         Confucian learning became road to success

         board of censors watched over bureaucracy (rooted out corruption and disloyalty0

         economy was productive

         home to industries such as porcelain, paper + tools

         repaired canal system

         better methods of printing led to more books

         revival of arts and literature

         writers wrote first detective stories

         developed opera (combined music, dance, + drama)

         voyage of Zheng He

      1405, head of fleet of 62 ships

      crew of 25,000 sailors

      ships were 400 feet long

      goal was to promote trade and collect tribute from lesser powers across the western seas

      1405-1433- explored coasts of Southeast Asia + India and entrances to Red Sea + Persian Gulf

      brought back the qilin (giraffe)

      1433- he died- Ming emperor banned the ships

o       fleets were costly

o       didn't produce profits

o       Confucian scholars had no interest

6) Archipelago

         Japan is located on an archipelago

         chain of islands

         about 100 miles off Asian mainland

         4 main islands = Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu, + Sikoku

7) Kami

         clan gods and goddesses

         generally nature spirits

         a spirit who was believed to be the original ancestor of an early Japanese clan

8) Kana

         phonetic symbols representing syllables

9) Yomato Clan

         dominated a corner of Honshu

         heartland of Japanese govt.

         first and only Japanese dynasty

         claimed direct descent from the sun goddess, Amaterasu

         rising sun was symbol

10) Ring of Fire

11) Shinto

         never evolved into religion

         means " the way of the gods"

12) The Korean Bridge

13) Hokkaido

  • Japanese island

14) Honshu

  • Japanese island

15) Kyushu

  • Japanese island

16) Shi Kokn

17) Sea of Japan

18) Sea of Okinotsk

19) Heian period

  • 794-1185
  • wealthy court families like the Fujiwara wielded real power
  • emperors preformed religious ceremonies
  • fairytale atmosphere with pavilions, gardens, + lotus pools
  • Sei Shonagon wrote The Pillow Book- gave vivid detail in court manners, decor, + dress
  • Lady Murasaki wrote The Tale of Genji- considered first novel- composed in 1010- recounts the lives and loves of the fictional Price Genji and his son

20) Shogun

         had real power

         supreme military commander

21) Daimyo

         great warrior lords

22) Samurai

         lesser warriors

23) Bushido

         developed code of values

         code emphasized honor, bravery, and absolute loyalty to one's lord

24) Kabuki

         1600s- new form of drama

25) Haiku

         miniature poems adapted from the Chinese

26) Tokugawa shogunate

         ruled Japan until 1868

         determined to end feudal warfare

         system of govt. = centralized feudalism

         created unified, orderly society

         to control daimyo, they ruled he must stay in Edo (Tokyo) every other year, wife and children remained in Edo full time,  Daimyo forbidden to marry or repair castle without permission

         only samurai could serve in military or hold govt. jobs

         samurais expected to follow traditions of bushido

         peasants had to remain on land

         lower classes forbidden to wear silk

         women faced restrictions

         agriculture improved and expanded

         rapid population growth due to surplus of food

         trade flourished within Japan

27) Centralized Feudalism- see above #26 (everything following system of govt.)

28) Zen Buddhism

         won acceptance among samurai

         emphasized meditation and devotion to duty

         Zen monks were scholars that emphasized the importance of reaching a moment of "non knowing"

         stressed compassion for all

         believed people could seek enlightenment through the precise performance of everyday tasks

29) No plays

         1300s, feudal culture produced No plays on a square wooden stage without scenery

         represented Zen Buddhist themes, emphasizing the need to renounce selfish desires

         recounted fairy tales or the struggles between powerful lords

30) Essays in idleness

         important prose work of the feudal period

         loosely organized collection of 243 shorts essays by a Zen Buddhist priest named Kenko

31) Hijra

         Muhammad's flight from Mecca to Medina (Yathrib)

         Muhammad was faced with the threat of murder when he made the trip in 622 (first year of Arab calendar)

32) Hajj

         pilgrimage to Mecca Arabs are expected to make at least once in their lives

33) Caliph

         successor to Muhammad

         Abu Bakr was elected first caliph

34) Mosque

         house of worship where Muslims prefer to gather to pray

35) Prophet Muhammad

         born in Mecca in 570

         grew up as a successful merchant

         The angel Gabriel came to him while meditating with the word of god

         Muhammad's Hijra (see #31)

         In Medina he was welcomed as ruler, lawgiver, and god's prophet

         630- destroyed idols in Kaaba (in Mecca)

         632- he died

36) Allah

         Arabic word for one all powerful, compassionate god

37) Abu Bakr

         first caliph (after Muhammad's death)

38) Islam

         religion Muslims follow

         based on strict monotheism

         Muhammad spread Islam

         sacred text = Quran

         there are 5 pillars of Islam

39) Five Pillars of Islam

         5 basic duties all Muslims accept

1.      declaration of faith = "there is no god but god"

2.      daily prayer = after a ritual of washing Muslims face Mecca to pray, often gather in mosques

3.      giving charity to the poor

4.      fasting from sunrise to sunset during the Ramadan

5.      Hajj- pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime

40) Mecca, Medina

         Muhammad's journey was from Mecca to Medina, call Hijra

         Medina was originally called Yathrib

41) Sharia

         immense body of law interpreting the Quran and applying its teachings to daily life

         the system of law regulates moral conduct, family life, business practices, government, and other aspects of a Muslim community

         helped unite the many people that converted to Islam

42) People of the Book

         Muslims believe that the Quran and Islam was god's last revelation and that the Torah and bible contain partial revalations

         feel "people of the book" are spiritually superior to polytheistic idol worshippers

         enjoyed religious freedom

43) Sultan

         1055, a Seljuk sultan, authority, controlled Baghdad but he left Abbassid caliph as a figurehead

44) Kaaba

         In Mecca, Muhammad destroyed the idols there

45) Sunni

         a group that makes up about 90% of Muslims

         felt caliph should be chosen by leaders of Muslim community

         agreed caliph should be pious but viewed him as a leader not as a religious authority

46) Shiites

         a group that makes up about 9% of Muslims

         felt caliph could only be a true successor to the prophet (descendants of Muhammad)

         believed descendants were divinely inspired

47) Sufis

         a group of Muslim mystics that make up about 1% of Muslims

         sought communication with god through meditation, fasting, and other rituals

         respected for piety and miraculous powers

48) Fatima and Ali

         daughter and son-in-law of Muhammad

         Shiites believed their descendants could be the only ones to become caliph

49) Tamerlane

         1398, he invaded India

         plundered northern plain and smashed into Delhi

50) Dome of the Rock

         Muslims built it in Jerusalem (architecture they adapted from Byzantine buildings)

         a great shrine capped with a magnificent dome 

51) Taj Mahal

         Shah Jahan had a stunning tomb built for his dead wife, tomb = Taj Mahal

52) Urdu

         a new language evolved from persian, Arabic, and Hindi

53) Sikhism

         Nanak's teachings led to a new religion, Sikhism, in northern India

         a blend of Muslim monotheism and Hindu beliefs

         preached the unity of god, the brotherhood of man, the rejection of caste, and the futility of idol worship

         Sikhs organized into military forces that clashed with the powerful Mughal rulers of India

54) Akbar the Great

         the chief builder of the Mughal empire

         long reign from 1556 to 1605

         created a strong central govt.

         although a Muslim, won support of Hindu subjects through his policy of toleration

         opened govt. jobs to Hinud's of all castes

         ended tax on non Muslims

         married a Hindu princess

         used paid officials in place of heredity officeholders

         modernized the army

         encouraged international trade

         introduced land reforms

55) al- Khwarizmi


56) Rabiah al- Adawiyya

         one of the earliest Sufis

         rejected marriage and devoted her life to prayer

         in her poetry, she urged Muslims to worship God selflessly without hope or reward

57) Golden Age of Muslims (see notes and handout)



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