Halacha Shiurim 1-4

שיעור א- כיבוד אב ואם

2 פסוקים- כבד את אביך ואת אמיך.... respect
איש אמו ואביו תיראו.... fear

It says ���אביךbefore אמיך in 1st פסוקbecause you tend to respect your mom more and to make it equal they put אביך first.
It�s the same for the 2nd פסוק, you tend to fear your father then your mother so to equal it out they put mom 1st.

מורא- DO NOTS
כבוד- DOS

דמא בן נתִנָה- Rabbis come to buy gems for אֵפוֺד, dad was sleeping and the key was under the pillow, he didn�t want to wake up his father, and lost a lot of $. Year later he gets a פָרָה אָדוּמָה.
Mom (she is crazy) comes to shul and spits in his face, he just stands there and didn�t do anything because he didn�t want to embarrass his mother. Got a reward שָכָר.

If son/daughter give food to parent in not a nice way (�take it you stupid old fart!!!�) he doesn�t get a reward even though he did a mitzvah. The only way you get a mitzvah is the way you give it to the parents.

מִשֵל אָב מִשֵל בֵן- Do/can you get a mitzvah for giving your parents $ for צדקה? YES!! You get a mitzvah.
If parent is sick you pay the medications, hospital, etc. from their $. If parent doesn�t have $ and you have $- you should spend you own. If both (you and parent) don�t have $- פָטוּד (exempt) from mitzvah.

רבי משה סולובייצ'יק- if parent lives far, can you use parents $??? To make the mitzvah easier- you are NOT allowed.

Is adopted child have to do כיִבוּד? Yes only if was adopted when he was small. Step child- only if natural parent is still alive- MUST do כיִבוּד. If natural parent dies he is NOT חייב.

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שיעור ב- כיבוד אב ואם

If parent tells you to מֵחָלל Shabbat or any mitzvah you are not obligated to listen to them.

Kid wants to go study torah in ישראל and parents don�t want him to, are you allowed NOT to listen to them- YES! Do you get a punishment- NO!!! Because studying torah is a bigger mitzvah the כיִבוּד.

Kid is going out with a boy/girl and parents don�t like him/her- you don�t have to listen. Only for a religious reason you must listen to your parents.

רשב''ץ says that כיִבוּד over rules studying in ישראל. If parents want kid to come back you have to listen BUT on one condition that you have in mind you go back (על מֵנָת לָחזוֺר)

Can you put parent in nursing home � YES.

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שיעור ג-צדקה

If poor person come to you and asks for TZEDAKA and you walk away. There are עשה מצוות, ולא תעשה
עשה: 1. פתח תפתח.2 נתון תתן
לא תעשה: 1.לא תאמץ לבבך לא תקפץ ידך.2
If person מעלה עיניים (Walks away) he is called:
בלִיעַל- 1. אדםרשע 2. שפיכת דמים �if you stop giving,ppl. Will die 3. אדם שעובד ע״ז

צדקה- doesn�t hurt you pocket, צדקה תציל ממות, who ever gives צדקה, (רחמים-pity/ mercy), ה׳ gives you רחמים and whatever you need.

בנימין הצדיק- collects צדקה, women asks for צדקה, there is no $ in the box, she says she has 7 kids and they are going to die. He gives his own $ from his pocket. Few years later he gets sick, his reward is that his life is extended because he saved 8 lives (women + 7 kids)

Is עני (poor person) חייב (obligated) to give צדקה? Yes. Is בית דין(court) allowed to force a person to give צדקה? Yes.
How much צדקה is a person חייב (obligated) to give?
אם ידו מִשְגָת- whatever the poor person needs
אם ידו לא מִשְגָת- rich person (מצוה מִן הָמְבוּכָר) 1/5, middle class person (בינוניים ) 1/10, �jew� (cheap person) (עין רעה) less than 1/10

If person was once rich and then poor, give him whatever he is missing to make him feel rich.

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שיעור ד-צדקה

How is person supposed to give צדקה? - In a nice way (בסֵבֵר פָנִים יָפוֹת)

רמב״ם- wrote משנה תורה
8 levels to give צדקה:
1. Give them a job or loan to get them back on their feet
2. Give צדקה - you don�t know the person who is getting
3. you know the poor person- poor person doesn�t know you
4. poor knows you- you don�t know poor
5. giving it to save the guy�s embarrassment
6. regular (hand to hand)
7. in a nice way
8. reluctantly (like an ass)

Person should give צדקה to person in the same town/city (עָנִיֵי עירְךָ קודֶמֶת עָנײ עיר אחרתִ). Person give to relative is better than person from another town/city.

Person shouldn�t spend so much in Shabbat if it would make them in debt. You should spend a little less (try to make it fancy)

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