Spring Semester - Part 1


Aim: Andrew Jackson: King or Democrat?

Jackson changed politics.

Election of 1824

John Quincy Adams (wins) and John Adams

No majority in Electoral College went to House of Representatives

Henry Clay � Speaker of the House (petitioned for JQA in the House) becomes Secretary of State under John Quincy Adams (very impt. job)

Andrew Jackson is furious. For the next four years, he campaigns across America telling them they have the  wrong president.


New Political Party � Jacksonian Democracy

Capitalized on a new idea � people can vote without land

In early America, needed property to vote this idea faded out by 1828.

Campaigns to new votes and poor voters

Philosophy = �cares about the common man�

Anyone was allowed to go to the White House for his Inaugural Party

Old timers said �muddy boots in the White House�

Cartoon of Andrew Jackson � he is depicted as king � stepping on the US Constitution. If you disagreed with him, it wasn�t good.

Previous career � general in war.

Spoils System � �to the victor goes the spoils�

Refers to government office. He fired all the old people in power and put in his friends who helped him.

No one in office will go against him.

It�s the opposite of the merit system.

Rotation in Office

Wanted to give new people opportunities. So, he fired the old and put new.

Every 4 years, move out old, put in new people who want government jobs.

Reason: get tired will probably look at the public interests with indifference

King or democrat? Both � people didn�t have a choice to leave, but more people got jobs.

Native Americans � Indians in West (we bought the land (L.P))

People are moving west

Indian Removal Act is passed

Indians sue in the Supreme Court

Worcester vs. Georgia Indians are allowed to sue�

John Marshall decided that law must be annulled

Jackson responds �John Marshall has made his decision�now let him enforce it.�

Jackson will not enforce Marshall�s decision with the army, etc.

�Trail of Tears� � force Indians out of homes � very sad. Blemish on United States history.

This couldn�t happen today, media would react. We can�t ignore the Supreme Court.

Tariff of Abomination

John C. Calhoun � strongest defendant for Southern / state rights. He passed the Nullification Theory we are not paying tariff.

This sparks a debate in Congress � Webster-Hayne debate

Hayne � �Liberty first & Union second � pro Nullification Theory

Webster � �Liberty & Union, now & forever, one & inseperable� � anti � Nullification Theory

�If one drop of blood is spilled in defiance of US law, I will hang the first man on the first tree I can find.� � Andrew Jackson

shows that we have to listen to laws and pay the tax

But, he went to Congress later and told them to lower the tax. He averted conflict between  states rights and civil rights.

National Bank � see sheet

Aim: Period of Reform: Jacksonian Reforms Why now?

1st Great Awakening � broke out of voting restriction. Little guy is involved in government.

2nd Great Awakening � Religious movement

Transcendentalism � very into nature and simple lifestyle


Family Temperance Pldge

Women cutting wine barrels

Promised to abstain from use of all intoxicating beverages.

If people signed it, God will bless their home

Why women? Men would drink and come home and disrupt the family life.

Reformers = Women

Reforms for Mentally Retarded People

They used to lock the people up and put them in a box. They didn�t know how to deal with them.

Very cruel / didn�t know

Reformer = Dorothea Dix (reporter) tried to fix the situation for the mentally inferm & jail.

Education � Horace Mann

Wants public education

Education makes people independent

Labor Reforms

�I regard my workpeople just as I regard my machinery.� � Textile manager

He can use them to the point of death. Could pay them whatever the manager wants, just enough to come back the next day. He can also fire them etc.

Factory conditions were very bad.

Idea is planted that people are unhappy with the conditions.


�We have the wolf by the ears and we can neither hold him nor safely let him go.�

TJ in response to MO Compromise

We can�t do anything

If you free all the slaves, we don�t want to live with them. Most whites were still racist. This is why we couldn�t push so much.

Colonization Movement � send them out of country � ship them back.

Problem: they don�t want to go (born in USA)

Decided its inhumane

Frederick Douglas was a black slave who taught himself to read. He escaped from slavery and ran up North and became an articulate speaker for abolition. He was invited by whites to a 4th of July party as a guest lecturer/

He says this 4th of July is yours, not mine.

The sunlight brought on you

The sunlight = freedom that brought life to you

3/5 Compromise

Commerce Compromise � no slavery for 20 years.

Fugitive Slave Act � if a slave runs way, then they have to return

William Loyd Garison


Started a paper called the Liberator

�I will be heard� � said that he was going to push for abolition

20-30 year time period of reform

�I will not equivocate, I will not excuse � I will not retreat a single inch.�

Underground Railroad

Network of paths, roads, and rivers through which African Americans escape out of slavery.

Example � Harriet Tubman

Matt Turner � radical abolitionist - led slave rebellions  - freed slaves and killed their masters

Women fight for emancipation of blacks

Start to fight for their rights too

Elizabeth Cady Stanton (+Lucretta Matt) create women�s conference  - Seneca Falls � for women rights

Declaration of Sentiments � similar to Dec. of Independence

�We hold these truths to be self evident that all men and women are created equal�have all the rights and privelages

Didn�t actually accomplish much, but it was a start

Shows that we need to make changes in baby steps


Aim: Moving West


Manifest Destiny

Americans believed that God gave them the right to expand from sea to shining seas

From 13 colonies to California

This was led by adventurous spirit of America who decide to pick up and move west. They move there for new opportunities and a new life.

Didn�t care that Indians lives there

Oregon Trail

Good, fertile land, missionary schools attempt to convert Native Americans

Leave possessions behind and move


Lack of food and water, thunderstorms, diseases (cholera, diarrhea), attacks by Native Americans

Arrive at Oregon and its filled with fertile land farm

Trail lasts 6 months

Travel was difficult

Why go to Oregon?

Cheap land

Religious reasons � convert Native Americans

Opportunities � good, fertile, cheap land

New Mexico � Santa Fe Trail

Why go?

Primarily for trade � dreams of finding gold, silver, fur,  exciting things that weren�t there. Also want a fresh start.

They didn�t really find gold or strike rich, but found land � settled there and started a new life

Travel was difficult

Indians, lack of water & food


Came for polygamy for Mormonism

Joseph Smith started Mormonism

Brigham Young started Utah � built Salt Lake City


California gold rush � January 1848

People who rushed there are called 49ers

James Marshall � born in NJ, carpenter & saw mill owner

Moved west, to MO to farm � got malaria moved to CA

John Sahter � leader of California at that time

James Marshall starts sawmill in CA. He finds gold, people flock to CA sawmill people quit.

Levi Strauss � started jeans. Industries started up to support the gold industry

Most people didn�t discover gold

Massive amounts came to discover gold. Most don�t start other industries

In 1850, CA is ready to apply for a state because its so packed with people � starts a conflict � will it enter as a free or slave state?


All people are equal

Original 297 members of Texas

Stephen Austin starts state

It was taken from Mexico

Why go?

Went because wanted land � incredibly fertile land

Mexicans allowed them to come in. As times passes, friction arises between American Texans, tejanos, and Mexican Texas

Americans are Protestant. Mexican are Catholic

Mexican said you are in our country and need to follow our practices

Catholicism, speak Spanish, no slaves

Americans are not used to following rules

Mexican War

Polk�s campaign � �54-40 or fight� � settled with 49th parallel and didn�t fight

He�s an expansionist

Austin who was from Texas argued with Santa Anna, the President of Mexico, over Texas

Battle of Alamo � fought hard � appealed to Americans � said fighting for Independence

Texas becomes �Lone Star Republic� They were eventually asked to be part of the United States

Alamo � fort, Americans stayed there guarding � Travis was general at Alamo. Santa Anna fights and takes over the fort & kill 1600 Americans

David G. Burnette became temporary president of Texas

Polk pushed for war with Mexico

Polk just wanted to add more states into the Union � New Mexico, Texas, California

Ends with Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo � Mexico cedes to America new Mexico, Texas, and California

Paid 15,000,000 for Mexican Cession � doubled their land

Gazdan Purchase � purchased another small piece of land to finish off U.S. territory


1st war � texas vs. Mexico � in this war have Battle of Alamo

2nd war � US vs Mecixo

Aim: How did Manifest Destiny cause conflict between the North and South?


1961 is Civil War. All these things leading up to the Civil War

We have a lot more territory now and more states are applying for admission. Will they be free states? or slave states?

Core Problem � this will create and imbalance in the SENATE

Certain Compromises were made regarding slavery

Missouri Compromise � 36-30 Mason-Dixon Line

North � free

South - slave

Compromise of 1850

California Gold Rush � they now want to be a free state. This disrupts the balance in the Senate

The Fugitive Slave Act needs to be enforced

Can only run away to Canada bc other slaves need to be returned

Washington DC gets rid of Slave trade � wrong to have slavery in the capital

Popular Sovereignty in new territories � Stephen Douglas pushes for this

1854 � New Mexico Area + ____ +_____

said they should do popular sovereignty � let people vote


Dred Scott Decision � see sheet

Dred Scott was a slave whose owner decided to take him to a free area, so now he�s free. The owner wants to move back to the South, but Dred Scott does not want to go. He says he is free. Dred Scott sues for his freedom.

1857 � Roger B. Taney was the Chief Justice

he was a slaveholder

he believed in Southern rights

Question � can a negro sue? Is he entitled to these freedoms?

Taney says no. They are not citizens, so they can�t sue.

But, case did not end there!!! If Taney was really all about interpreting the Constitution, then he should have stopped talking. But, he continued talking and this shows he has an agenda to push!

He brings up the MO Compromise.

He says slaves are property and people have every right to property. No state of federal government could limit one�s property and take away slaves because they�re property.

MO Compromise is now null. More intense conflict is created

There could be no such thing as a �free� state

Also Kansas-Nebraska Act and Compromise of 1850 are void.

The only way to get rid of slavery would be with an amendment needs 2/3 of the states. This is not going to happen. Therefore, the only way to get rid of slavery is war.

(we can also have a new judge interpret the constitution, but..)

Taney thought he was making it better but in fact, he makes us closer to war no more compromises.

How did the events of the 1850�s lead to increased tensions between the North and South?


Compromise of 1850

Fugitive Slave Act makes North notice slavery in the South. The northerners are racist, but they didn�t have slaves because they were too expensive and didn�t need them�but now, slave-catchers are running into North to catch the slave.

Uncle Tom�s Cabin � personalized slavery

Humanized the story

Excerpt � George (light black/almost white) is running away, goes into a white bar. Mr. Wilson tried to tell him to return. George tells him why he shouldn�t.

This show that slaves are people too. Abuse/family separation hurts.

Kansas-Nebraska Act

Divides the area in two territories � Nebraska in North and Kansas in South

Gives Nebraska and Kansas popular sovereignty

Repeals the MO compromise Bleeding Kansas

Underground Railroad � w/ Harriet Tubman

Sack of Lawrence

Anti-Slavery people founded town in KA � Lawrence. Proslavery people come burn & loot houses & stores

Bleeding Sumner

Sumner delivered an anti-slavery report, which put down Butler. Butler�s nephew, a congressman, hit Sumner with his cane and was injured.

Rise of Republican Party

Fremont is running � �Free soil, free labor, freemen, Fremont�

Free soil � no slavery in Western territories

But, Buchanan, a Democrat, wins.

1857 � Dred Scott Decision

North � not so good economy, there is a mini-panic. The South feels arrogant because their cotton is doing well.

1858 � Lincoln vs. Douglas for Senator of Illinois

For the first time, America is introduced to Abe Lincoln. He knew he wouldn�t win. But he wants to get known (maybe for president). Lincoln challenges Douglas to 7 debates. (Watershed Debate)


�A house divided against itself cannot  stand. This government cannot endure permanently � slave and � free. I do not expect the house to fall � but I expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other.�

Lincoln, 1858

He is not saying that it has to be all free, but it has to be united.

�I am not in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white or black race.� - Lincoln

Just because he is anti-slavery, he is not pro-civil rights.

�He who would be no slave, must consent to have no slave.�

He is kind-of racist, but a very forward thinker.

Question to Douglas: How does Dred Scott influence popular sovereignty?

According to Dred Scott, there is not such thing as a free state. This challenges the idea of popular sovereignty. Douglas must choose. Either slavery can be everywhere (Dred Scott) � South loved this.  Or he doesn�t believe in Dred Scott � the south thinks its bad.

Douglas picks popular sovereignty. This loses the Southern vote.

1859 � John Brown raids Harpers Ferry

kills slave owners

A picture depicts him as a martyr � walking out of court kissing baby. Another quote depicts him as a murderer/ vigilante.

It is easy to sway people�s perspectives.

Freeport Doctrine

Election of 1860

Lincoln wins by getting electoral vote � 180, even though he didn�t have the majority of the popular vote.

South Carolina Secession

During the lame time between Buchanan and Lincoln, South Carolina secedes from the Union

Buchanan does nothing � he says he�s a lame duck president and�

Now SC has time to form an army

Movie about Buchanan

He was a congressman, foreign minister, secretary of state. He�s a hard worker. �Bachelor President� 1 of the lowest ranking presidents

Buchanan�s Bad Actions

He endorsed the Kansas pro-slave Constitution

He does not preserve, protect, and defend the US Constitution.

Did �nothing� while Union was destroyed. He denied the legality of the secession. But didn�t actually do anything.

Abe Lincoln became President. The South lost their White House ally.

South Carolina secedes on December 20, 1860.

Within weeks, 6 more states left.

Jefferson Davis = president of Confederacy


Aim: Different aspects of slavery.


White = Economics. Pink = Pro Slavery Justification. Green = Institution.


1 ABC White

cotton production increased

so did slave population

Slavery is primarily in the south

1810 � 1850

2A Pink

before and after cartoon

Before � Negro in his country acting like a herd

After � In America living richly

2B Pink

Southern attack on Northern states

Says that the Northerners really do have slaves � their factory workers � not literal slaves though because do not pay for their bed or food, but their treatment is not good!!

2C Pink

some people felt that slavery was good

2D Pink

Priests were also divided over slavery

Used quotes from the Bible to prove their side.

3A Green

slaves were like property  - they were sold and traded for a new and better good.

3B Green

Families were torn apart at slaves

4 Green

The slaves are put in stalls like cattle

5 Green

Slaves had to wear a bell, so that they could be detected by their owner.

6 Green

Blacks were lynched, whipped, and threatened.

7 Green

on the way to America, slaves were netted

8 Green

As a slave, he never saw his mom. Slaves worked hard, busy days.

9 Green

ate �mush� like a herd of pigs


Long term�

Slaves were a major investment. Only 10-15% of the South had slaves. The rich people had plantations. The middle class had 1-2 slaves. The poor didn�t have slaves. Slaves were the only way to sustain the economy. If we freed the slaves, people lost huge investments. (value of a slave is about the price of a car. The average person is losing about 60,000.) The south is tied to slavery. The north has industry. They can�t afford to buy or keep a slave. Maybe the south could free them and pay them a little. But it�s still a huge loss. Why do you work hard? Incentive for reward. In slavery, the only incentive is to not get beat. Maybe if no slaves, there would be greater incentive more cotton production? Even if there were other ways to get rid of slavery, the South believed that they NEEDED slavery. Even people without slaves, were pro-slavery. Why? Because a social hierarchy was established. They liked to feel good about themselves. Maybe there is a fear that if the blacks are free, they will get government jobs and be higher on the social ladder than the whites. 

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