Zionism Test 2

How did the Second Aliyah contribute to the growth of Zionism?


I. Second Aliyah- 1905 (Russian Revolution)- 1914 (WWI begins)

   A. Who?

       1. Russians- Eastern Europeans

       2. Practical Zionists

       3. Few chose to go to Palestine

   B. Contributions

       1. 25 new settlements were built in Tel- Aviv. It used to be all sand dunes.

       2. New Philosophy-

            - Conquest of Labor- A.D. Gordon

 a. Jews have to learn manual labor. In the past, the Jews despised labors and they were merchants and tailors.

 b. need labor in order to rebuild the land

 c. If you want a connection to the land, you have to labor yourself

 d. Jews need to become �normal�- labor

 e. postcard- in order to transform the land, the Jew has to transform himself.

        3. Hebrew newspapers are created for workers. Jewish National Fund and Keren Kayemet were created- at first to purchase land in Palestine. In English, Israel was called Palestine, but in Hebrew- Eretz Yisrael.

Anti- Semetic Cartoon- Jew is paying for the land. This proves that Jews didn�t steal it.

        4. Eliezer ben Yehudah- He makes Hebrew the spoken language in Palestine and revived Hebrew with modifications for modern life.

        5. HaShomer- protected the settlements.

        6. Kibbutz- Deganya- by Teveriah

II. Conclusion

A.    Set the foundation for a state

B.     No �Arabs hating Jews� yet


How did WWI Impact the Yishuv (settlements) and the Zionist Movement?

I. WWI- Impact on Yishuv

   A. Turks Treatment of Jews

       1. make them work land

       2. confiscate property for use in war

       3. forced labor

       4. expelled Jews from Palestine (11,000)

   B. Jews Support British

       1. NILI- �Netzach Yisrael Lo Yishaker�- spy organization for the British

          a. caught through carrier pidgeons

       2. Zion Mule Corp- supplied British army

       3. Jewish Legion- formed to help fight with the British

   C. Arabs and British

      1. British encourage Arabs to fight against Turks

      2. Led by Hashemite Tribe (Hussein)

      3. Sykes- Picot- Deal � British make promise to the Arabs- give land

II. Balfour Declaration

   A. Contents

      1. written as a letter to Rothschild

      2. British favors the establishment in (not all of) Palestine of a national home (doesn�t say state) for the Jews.

      3. The British will help and assist the achievement of this

      4. No discrimination of Arabs

      5. This was the CHARTER

      6. Chafetz Chaim said this was a heavenly sign regarding the redemption of Israel

    B. Motives?

      1. Christian fundamentalists believed in the return of the Jews to the �holy land�

      2. help convince Jewish world opinion in favor of the Allies- U.S.A. and Russia- influence government in countries

      3. Jews would be in debt to England because of declaration and would be loyal to the British- �friendly group� by the Suez Canal.

      4. Chaim Weitzman- 1st Israeli president, befriended cabinet members, he made a new bomb. He used his influence for the declaration

      5. Some people in the British government favored Jews.

     C. Impact

        1. British win WWI and conquer Middle East

        2. Treaty of Versailles

            a. included Balfour Declaration

            b. Palestine becomes a British mandate. Mandate= territory administered by another country until such territory is ready for independence.

        3. It was the British intention to form a Jewish state and divide based on nationality.


How did Zionism Grow During the British Mandate?

I. 3rd Aliyah- 1919- 1923      35,000 Jews arrived

   A. Institutions

      1. Jewish Agency- offered by British- indirect rule. It was an agency to oversee local affairs at the Yishuv ( health, education, houses)

      2. Arabs offered same proposal, said no- double or nothing. If they said yes, it would show that the Jews have a right to the land.

     3. Histadrut- Jewish employment agency. Get off the boat  and would be assigned jobs based on their previous jobs.

     4. Haganah- Jewish Defence Force


   B. Arabs Riot- 1920-1921

      1. Began in Jerusalem, then it spread

      2. Arabs were rile dup by the Grand Mufti- Haj Amin Al Huseini

      3. Cartoon- British don�t do anything

      4. British issue White Paper in 1922- government report to modify their position on the mandate.

         a. British end unlimited Jewish immigration to Palestine. Immigration tied to �economic absorbtion capacity� of land= how much the economy could supportb.           b. Partition-  gave leader of Arabs- King Abdullah 2/3 of land. created TransJordan.

Jews make Aliyah, the Arabs riot, British give in to Arabs, Issue White Paper, modify the land in favor of the Arabs.


Fourth Aliyah

I. 1924- 1929. Eastern Europeans (Russia, Poland) came. 1929- Great Depression

   A. Haj Amin- al Husseini

       1. He gave a speech in August of 1929 in Jerusalem. It riled up the Arabs. He called for jihad- Down with the infidels.

       2. The Arabs attacked over 20 Jewish settlements.

       3. Many cities were abandoned

          a. From 1929 to 1967, Hebron was Jew- Free!

    B. British issue another White Paper in 1930.

        1. It temporarily stopped Jewish immigration to Palestine

        2. Some Jews went back to Russia


Fifth Aliyah

I. 1933- 1939. 250,000 Jews came. � from Germany and Western Europe

   A. Why now?

       1. Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany in 1933.

       2. WWII starts in 1939

   B.  Laws against the Jews- Nuremberg Law

   C. Arabs Riot in 1936

       1. They killed many Jews and burned their homes

       2. They went on strike from work � no shops were open

       3. They said they would stop if 2 conditions are met

          a. The British give them an Arab government

          b. Stop letting Jews in to Palestine

    D. The British didn�t really do anything. They searched the Arabs for weapons, but also searched the Jews

    E. 1937- British issue Royal Commision (Peel Commision)  led by Lord Peel- sent to investigate the problem in Palestine

       1. they interviewed Arabs and Jews.

       2. Chaim Weitzman- he said the Arabs have 5 states, and Palestine is the Jewish promised land

       3. Grand Mufti- he says that the Arabs are Palestine�s natural inhabitants. The Jews are strangers to the land. When he was asked what to do with the Jews already there, he hinted to banishing them, or kill them

       4. Outcome- Jews are offered very little land as Jewish state. Arabs are offered a huge portion. The Jews accept it because they have nowhere else to go and it is still something, but the Arabs reject �double or nothing�

     F. In 1939, Hitler calls for the extermination of the Jews

     G. 1937-1939- Arabs revolt against the British and Jews.

     H. U.S. had very strict immigration laws. Only a few Jews were able to get in. No visas were given at the embassies.

     I. September 1939- Germany invades Poland. WWII begins.

         1. Germany vs. British and France

     J. White Paper of 1939- worst one, most damning

        1. Next 5 years, only 15,000 Jews are allowed to emigrate per year.

        2. sale of land to Jews will be severely restricted

        3. After 5 years to 10 years, the British would establish a government in Palestine based on majority rule. The Arabs were a majority

        4. It was the worst one, because just when the Jews needed some place to escape to, the British don�t let.

           a. Why did the British issue this White Paper?

              i. want to protect the Suez Canal

              ii. they saw war coming

  iii. need oil



I. Should the Jews help the British or Germans?

  A. British

    1. For British- The British wanted Jews to fight, and if they do, maybe they would get a Jewish state

    2. Against British- The British did not open the doors

  B. Germans

     1. For Germans- The British did not open the doors

     2. Against Germans- They are killing the Jews

  C. Ben Gurion- �We will fight the war as if there are no White Papers, and we will fight the White Papers as if there is no war.�

      1. makes them separate issues

      2. They help the British in the hopes that they will get a state

          They will still smuggle in Jews

D. The Mufti meets with Hitler- �You are doing a good job. Keep up the good work killing the Jews.�

E. May 1945, Germany surrenders, Hitler commits suicide

F. British do not help the Jews


A.    Jews helped in the war, they should get some land.

B.     Jews tried to get smuggled in.

1.      Holocaust survivors were denied entrance to Palestine

C.     The Irgun, led by Menachem Begin, blew up a wing in the King David Hotel. It was the British headquarters. The Irgun warned them, but they did not listen. They said that no warning reached them.

D.    Pivitol Years- 1947- 1948.

1.      The British have had enough from all the violence. They said in May 1948, they will give up the mandate to the U.N. and let them solve the problem.

2.      UNSCOP (United Nations Special Committee On Palestine)- investigate and decide what to do with Palestine.

a.       The Arabs did not want to talk to UNSCOP.

b.      A ship called Exodus had 5,000 Zionists on board. It was caught and a fight broke out on board. There were many casualties. UNSCOP saw this and decided to make a Jewish state.

E.     Partition Plan

1.      Jews don�t receive much land. Mostly desert. They accept- little but something.

2.      Arabs reject- �double or nothing,� Throw the Jews into the sea.

3.      2/3 vote needed to partition.

4.      The U.N. votes in favor of the partition

5.      Al- Naqbah= catastrophe. Arabs call it a catastrophe

F.      The Haganah tries to protect convoys

G.    Truman recognizes Israel as a state, even though many people in the cabinet were opposed. He sympathized for the Jews and Holocaust survivors.

H.    If the Jews declare a state, 5 Arab countries will attack.

I.       Israel is declared a Jewish state on May 14, 1948.

J.       U.S. supports Israel

Soviets support Israel


Independence War of 1948

I. after they declared a state, armies of surrounding countries attacked

   A. Israel was outnumbered- 40 million to � a million

   B. They got a standstill and even gained some land

   C. Egypt annexed Gaza

        Jordan annexed the West Bank

   D. The Russians helped the Jews


II. Post war.

A.    Israel welcomed immigrants from everywhere

B.     There were economic problems like food, shelter, and jobs

C.     Arabs fled to other countries but were not given citizenship because the Arabs wanted to use them as political pawns

D.    Arabs gain sympathy and blame the Jews for stealing land.


















How does War Come About in June 1967. How did it Impact Israel?

I. Israel is surrounded by Arab countries

   A. The Arabs want to push the Jews into the sea.

   B. The Soviets (siding with the Arabs) tell Syria that Israel is mobalizing its troops on the Golan.

      1. It was not true

      2. U.S. is allied with Israel. U.S. was involved with Vietnam at the time, so the Soviets thought that the U.S. won�t send troops to help Israel. Soviets and U.S. had competition- If my friend beats your friend, I am stronger.

    C. Egypt is allied with Syria. Gamal Abdul Nasser- the leader of Egypt, called for Pan Arabism. He sent troops to defend Syria. Israel Prime Minister said that it is not true and he can come check it out if he wants. Nasser said no.

    D. Nasser mobilizes his troops. Egypt has the largest army. They go into the Sinai because it is close to Israel.

        1. The U.N. were in the Sinai as a buffer ( barrier). Nasser orders them out.

        2. Egypt blockades the Straits of Tiron- this cuts off Israel�s trade routes.

        3. He said he would wipe Israel off the map.

II. Israel Generals say they have to preempt- attack first.

A.    There are too many troops to feed.

B.     Lyndon Johnson (American president) said that if Israel preempts, they would win easily in 7 days, but they would also lose U.S. support in the war- If you go alone, you stay alone.  If Egypt attacks first, America would help.

C.     King Hussein of Jordan send his troops to help Egypt.

D.    Israel preempts- they had no other choice

1.      The Prime Minister waited to see if anyone would help them. When no one helped, he attacked first


6 Day War

I. Israel sends 180 jets.

   A. They flew very low in a roundabout way so that the Egyptians would not think they are being attacked.

   B. Egyptians are caught off guard and Israel destroys their airforce in just a few hours.

   C. Israel sent a message t Jordan to stay out of the war, but King Hussein shelled and attacked Jerusalem because he had a treaty with Egypt. 

      1. Israel attacked Jordan and captured Jerusalem and the Kotel.

      2. Jordan lost the West Bank

   D. Golan Heights- Syria

       1. Israel wanted to capture it. They bombed it with a lot of explosives. They used rockets, bombs, etc�

       2. Israel annexes it.

   E. Soviets are worried- their allies are getting defeated. They sent weapons to Syria, but the Syrians did not know how to use them, since they were in Russian.

   F. The U.S. tried to pressure Israel to end the war.

     1. They called the Prime Minister�s  house, but he wasn�t there. They told his wife to tell him to end the war. She called him and said that he has to end the war. He said �I can�t hear you!�

In 6 days, Israel conquered 4 times as much land than they had before.

From: Egypt- Sinai (it was returned for peacein 1978) and Gaza ( Israel left it in 2005)

           Jordan- West Bank- no one recognizes Israel�s right to it

           Syria- Golan- Syria wants it back for peace. In negotiations about it today


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