Zionism Test 1


  I. Zionism= movement to return to Israel and establish a state- Nationalism.

     A. Ancient Texts These examples show that there was always a desire to return- not just after the French revolution.

            1. Siddur and Prayers                        

             �Next Year in Jerusalem�

2. Tanach- a. there are mitzvot that can only be done in Israel (peah, leket, shmitah, beit hamikdash)        

                    b. Civil laws and criminal laws- these laws set up a nation and the nation can only be set up in Israel.

                    c. Gmara ketuvot- there were 3 oaths that were made between Hashem, the Jews, and the other nations of the world

                        1. The Jews should not go up to Israel in mass

                        2. The Jews won�t rebel against other nations

                                    3. Hashem made the other nations swear not to persecute the Jews.

In the 1500s, there was an argument about this gmara- should the Jews go up in mass to Israel? In the 1400s- Expulsion from Spain. There were 2 opinions- Mutual- if 1 oath is broken, the rest can be broken.  Independent- if 1 oath is broken, the rest still stand (the Sotmers believe in that)

d. All the borders of Israel are written out in the Torah. Rashi says that it is written bc of the mitzvot that can only be done in Israel.


     B. 4 Holy Cities in Israel

            1. Jerusalem

            2. Hebron

            3. Tzfat

            4. Teveriah

These four cities show that Jews were always in Israel. We didn�t start coming to Israel in the 1800s because we really never left. 

I. Rabbi Alkali (1798-1878) Sephardic

   A. Writes �Pleasant Path�

       1. Need to establish Jewish colonies in the �Holy Land� as a necessary prelude to the redemption- needed secular action

       2. Nationalism/ French Revolution was a sign from G-d

       3. Called for �tithing� of the Jewish people

            - 10% should emigrate

            - 10% of all assets should be invested in Jewish settlements

    B. 1843 writes:

        1. Syria- Blood Libel- Jews were accused of killing Christian kids and using their blood to make matzah. Jews were released with the help of some influential Jews- �miracle� of vigorous secular action a precedent for future stages of redemption.

        2. Everything is set in motion- the only thing left is for us to return to Israel

        3. We have to get up and go- stop waiting.

II. Rabbi Kalischer (1795-1874) Ashkenaz

-          Published �Emunah Yeshera� 1843

-          Published �Drishat Zion� 1862

A.    Salvation of the Jews could take place by natural means- not through miracles

B.     Colonization of Palestine should be launched without delay

C.     Only when pious and learned Jews volunteered to live in Jerusalem would G-d listen to their prayers and speed up the redemption- we have to go first, then G-d will speed up the Redemption. Practical Messianism- bring the mashiach through natural means.

D.    Jews should be trained in Agriculture (1870- Alliance Israelite Universalle)

E.     Jewish emigration should be encouraged at all costs-

1.      �No future for Jews in Russia.

2.      �Don�t rely on miracles. Get some money and move to Israel. We need philanthropists (ppl who donate money)�

3.      �If the Italians and Hungarians can do it, why not the Jews?�

F.      Urged:  1. Formation of a society of rich Jews to support colonization of �Zion.�

2. Settlements of Jews of all backgrounds on the soil in the �Holy Land.�

III. �Lovers of Zion�- 1870�s to 1880�s

A.    Not an official organization, but mass movement of Jews in local communities.

1.      Promote and encourage large scale Jewish emigration from Russia to Palestine.

2.      Help support Jews in Palestine.

3.      Make Jews in Palestine self sufficient- they lived on tzdakkah.

B.     Religious Basis: 1. Land of Israel belongs to the Jews- promised in the Torah.

 2. Jews have a right to return to it

 3. Messianic Nature- force mashiach to come. G-d can be   influenced.

     C. Who?

            1. Rabbis, Chasidim, all types of people go

            2. NTZIV said that these people are going to make to the first wineries. The people sent him the first bottle of wine and he put on his Shabbat clothing and drank it.

     D. Opposition

            1. Too much secular influence

            2. Some say you can�t force mashiach

            3.1882- Shmitah year- they did not want to stop working the land, but the religious people said you have to stop.

            4. Too much Messianic- Shabtai Tzvi- he proclaimed that he was the mashiach and the people believed him. They closed their shops and waited for him to announce to go to Israel. The Ottomans arrested him and gave him an ultimatum- convert to Islam or die. He converted.

IV. Rabbi Mohilver

A.    Visited Baron Edmund de Rothschild (knowable donor).

B.     Convinced him to support settlements of Jews in Palestine.

1.      Bought land in Palestine

2.      Created businesses

3.      Provided financial support




V. Rav Kook (1864- 1935)

   A. Zionism was part of the divine process of redemption that would lead to the coming of the mashiach.

   B. Every aspect (good and bad) of Zionism is part of the redemption

   C. Motto- �Renew the Land and Sanctify the New.�

   D. He would go to secular kibbutzim. Why? He said it is in the kaddish- �Yitkadal Viyitkadash�= first make something, and then make it holy. He saw Jewish secularism and assimilation as a passing phase in Jewish life.

   E. Once the Jewish state is established on the soil of the �Holy Land,� he believed that spiritual renewal and return to tradition would follow automatically.

VI. Rabbi Reines (1839- 1915)

A.    Founder of the Mizrachi Movement (1909)- political party made up of the �merkaz haruchanit� (spiritual center)

B.     Beliefs: 1. The idea of Zionism is a good idea and returning to the land was a good idea that the Jews should support.

   2. Religious Jews need to influence and participate in it to give it a Jewish content

   3. Work from within the movement �fighting for Torah within Zionism rather than outside it.�

   4. Not a messianic movement- only practical solutions

        C. Motto: �Land of Israel, for the People of Israel, According to the Torah of Israel.�



I. Settlement- Pre Aliyah (pre 1880)

   A. Always a Jewish presence in the land.

      1. Before Mohammed was born, a Jew exiled in Babylonia would say, �If I forget Jerusalem...�

      2. Israel was the birthplace of the Jewish people. Their spiritual identity was formed there.

      3. Small amount of Jews, but constant throughout the ages.

   B. 4 major areas of settlement- Jerusalem, Hebron, Tzfat, and Teveria.

      1. Who? Followers of the Vilna Gaon, Baal Shem Tov

      2. Laid foundation � Yeshuv Hayashan.

      3. Jerusalem- the Jews are almost a majority or 50% in the land

      4. Moses Montefure- builds Yemin Moshe and Machane Moshe

   C. Support System

       1. Chalukah System- system in which Jews survived. Collected money in the local shul and twice a year, the money was sent to Israel. In Israel, it was divided to the families. It wasn�t enough to survive. It was called the �Rabbi Meir Baal Hannes Fund.�

       2. Jews have always formed a nation in Israel- nowhere else

   D. Conditions of Land and People

       1. Land- desolate, barren, disease (malaria), swamps (got rid of swamps by using the Eucalyptus Tree)

       2. People- treatment of Jews= discriminated

                      - Arabs- Fellahim= peasants, poor, tenant farmers

II. First Aliyah (1881-1903)

A.    BILU- Beit Yaakov Lichu Vinelcha (Beor Hashem)- they left off the last 2 words bc they were primarily secular, but they had religious foundation/ tradition.

Philosophy- 1. Now is the time to go 

                    2. Urge others to go too.

                    3.  Work as farmers

Manifesto- Why did the come?

    1. After the pogroms, they realized they had to leave.

    2. They want a home country- registered in the archives of history

    3. Poor land in Russia

    4. 1/3 policy in Russia- 1/3 killed, 1/3 leave, 1/3 assimilate

III. Palestine- Origins

A.    Name

1.      Roman Origins

2.      Renamed from Judea to Palestine

3.      Erase Jewish Identity from the Land

4.      �Palestine� comes the word �Pelishtim� in the Tanach. The Pelishtim were the enemies of the Jews.

5.      It was called Palestine from 135 -1948

B.     Political

1.      Never a country or a state

2.      Territory within a larger entity

3.      Label or designation for an area.

4.      1800- Ruled by the Ottomans

5.      1920- ruled by the British until 1948



I. Pre Herzel Thinkers

   A. Leon Pinsker

            He wrote �Auto Emancipation� in 1882

1.      He argued- Anti-Semitism is incurable

2.      The Jews must free themselves

3.      The Jews need a place to go.

II. Conditions in Western Europe 1800�s and on

A.    Emancipation

1.      Jews are given full Civil Rights- voting rights, universities, professions

2.      Jews begin to assimilate- some lose Jewish identity

3.      The hope is that if they assimilate, the discrimination will whither away.

III. Dreyfus Affair 1894

A.    Dreyfus is on trial of the century. He was a French officer accused of treason. Herzel was a reporter and was sent to cover the case. Dreyfus was declared guilty and as he was being led away, the crowd yelled �Death to the Jews!�

B.     Impact on Herzel

1.      He was shocked. He did not understand how this could happen.

2.      He thought that if the Jews assimilated, they would not be hated.

3.      Quote �We tried to assimilate, but it was all in vain. We are still strangers.�

IV. Der Judenstat= �The Jewish State�

A.    Solution to the Jewish problem of Anti-Semitism

1.      Jews should be �normalized�= The Jews need an army, flag, government, anthem- should be like every other country.

2.      Jews need their own state

3.      Called for a World Organization- Zionism

V. Why Herzel?

   A. Well known journalist

   B. He could convey his ideas well - he can write well

   C. He was from Western Europe

      1. Considered worldly, intellectual, well respected

   D. First to call for World Organization

   E. He was a very Charismatic Speaker

      1. Well spoken, could convey ideas well.

   F. He said, �The Jews who will it shall have a state of their own.�

VI. First World Zionist Congress in Basle, Switzerland in 1897

A.    Delegates from all over the world came

B.     Basle Declaration

1.      Home for Jews in Palestine- gotten by law- achieve a charter= legal document that grants land to people with rights.

2.      Need some government consent so it can be recognized worldwide so no one can take it away.

3.      Create nationalist feeling/ bond with Zionism

a. The flag and Hatikvah were created at this congress.

                    C. He said that if he were to sum up the Basle Congress, he would say that he found the Jewish State. People will laugh at him now, but in 5 years, or in 50 years at most, everyone will realize it. He said this 1897. 51 years later is 1948. State of Israel is established.

VII. Herzel Quest for Charter

  1. Visits England, France, Germany, Ottoman

1.      Asks for charter � all said �no.�

VIII. Kishniev (Russia)- Pogroms    1903- massacre of 49 Jews- and the police did not intervene until 3 days later- widely covered in the press.

A.    Desperate times leads to Sixth World Zionism Congress in 1903.

B.     Uganda Proposal- major debate. England offers Uganda, an African colony, to Herzel. He takes it.

C.     A year later, Herzel dies. The plan died with him. Even the people affected by the pogroms didn�t want it. They wanted to go to Israel.

D.    Zionism

1.      Political- wants a legal document by government. People from Western Europe supported this.

2.      Practical- emphasize in making Aliyah. Build up land. No need for charter. People from Eastern Europe supported this. 


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