Vocabulary Units 1-8


Lesson 1



Apocryphal-   of dubious authenticity or origin, spurious

Arcane-          understood by only a few, mysterious

Convene-        to gather or assemble

Expedient-      useful for some purpose; convenient

Concerned primarily or exclusively with servings one�s interest

Exude-            to flow out slowly; ooze or emit

                        To give forth, exhibit in abundance

Gesticulate-    to motion energetically with the body or limbs

Imperturbable- calm and assured

Levity-            lack of seriousness, joking

Mortify-          to embarrass or humiliate

Periphery-      the area around the edges; the outermost part

Raconteur-     one who tells stories with skill and wit

Reiterate-       to say or do over again; repeat

Subterfuge-    a depictive scheme or strategy

Vacillate-        move back and forth



Lesson 2


Accoutrements- equipment or accessories

Aggrieved-     feeling or expressing a sense of injustice, injury, or offense

Choleric-        easily angered, quick tempered

Comport-       to behave or conduct oneself; to be accord in agreement

Disconcert-     to disrupt the self- possession or confidence of; to fluster

Fauna-            animals of a region or period; considered as a whole

Interpose-       to place or come between; to intervene or interrupt

Maraud-         to roam in search of plunders

Modicum-       a small amount

Opulent-         having or exhibiting great wealth or abundance

Patrician-       a member of the nobility; of noble birth; showing manners

Phlegmatic-    not given to action or reaction; sluggish or calm in temperament

Propensity-     a natural inclination or tendency

Therapeutic-  relating to the treatment of a disease; contributing to general well being

Utilitarian-     relating to usefulness rather then beauty; practical


Lesson 3


Atrophy-        to waste away or fail to develop

Efficacy-         the power to bring about the desired result; effectiveness

Emolument-   salary or fees for work done; compensation

Icon-               a religious painting especially one revered by the eastern Christian churches

                        A symbol or image whose form suggest its meaning

                        One who is idolized

Incipient-        beginning to exist or appear; in the first stage�

Inculcate-       to impress upon or teach by frequent repletion

Inestimable-   too valuable or great to be measured

Lackluster-     lacking brightness or vitality; without spirit or enthusiasm

Martinet-        a strict disciplinarian

Prodigious-     extremely large in bulk, quantity or degree

                        Causing amazement or wonder

Regimen-        a regulated program, especially one designed to improve or maintain health

Stellar-            of or related to a star

                        Outstanding or brilliant

Stoic-               one seemingly indifferent to pleasure or pain

Vibrant-         full of life or vigor; bright or brilliant; quivering or vibrating

Zealous-          very enthusiastic; fervent; passionate on behalf of someone or something



Lesson 4



Autonomy-     the quality or state of being self-governing; independence

Circumspect- cautious and prudent; heedful of consequences

Composure-   calmness of mind or bearing; self-control

Edifice-           large, imposing structure or building

                        A complex structure or system built up over time

Ensconce-       to settle or place securely or snugly

Environs-       the area adjoining or surrounding a place

Hapless-          marked by the absence of good luck: unfortunate

Heinous-         shockingly evil or wicked

Incognito-       with one�s identity concealed, unrecognized

Indoctrinate-  to teach or train in the fundamentals

                        To instill or teach from a partisan point of view

Interim-          an interval of time between events

                        Belonging to or taking place between events; temporarily

Mausoleum-   a large and impressive tomb

Pillage-            to rob and plunder, steal

Reverie-          being lost in thought, daydream

Thrall-            no control, loss of ability to act freely



Lesson 5


Abstruse-        difficult to understand

Accrue-           to arise or increase as a natural result or growth, usually used with to or from; to come as a regular addition

Acquiesce-      to accept as inevitable; to comply passively

Besmirch-       to stain or tarnish; to make dirty

Explicit-          fully and clearly expressed, leaving nothing merely implied

Histrionic-      purposely affected; theatrical

Impropriety-  the quality or state of being improper or unsuitable; something that is improper

Inveigle-          to lure or trick into doing something; to obtain by flattery or trickery

Penitent-         sorry for having done wrong

Probity-          honesty, trustwothiness, adherence to virtue

Purport-         to give or present the often false impression of being someone or intending something

Repercussion- an unforeseen or indirect result or effect of an event

Revelation-     something that is made known or revealed, often coming as a surprise

Surfeit-           an overabundant supply, excess

Unsabvory-      having an unpleasant look, taste, or smell

                        Morally offensive



Lesson 6


Anathema-     someone or something that is intensity disliked, cursed, or shunned

Assuage-         to satisfy; to lessen or reduce the intensity of


Avuncular-     like a benevolent uncle; familiar and indulgent


Convivial-       sociable; concerned with good company and festivities


Eclectic-          combining elements form a variety of sources


Epigram-        a short witty poem or saying


Expound-       to explain in detail; to set forth


Intrinsic-         relating to the essential nature of something; real or actual


Inveterate-      habitual or deeply rooted; persistent


Mogul-            a very powerful or wealthy person


Munificent-    extremely generous; liberal in giving


Nascent-         beginning to exist; emerging


Perspicacious- clear sighted; shrewd


Philistine-       one who is indifferent to or disdainful of intellectual values


Propitious-     tending to favor or assist; encouraging



Lesson 7


Archipelagoa large group of islands

                        A body of water containing a large number of islands


Careen-          to rush headlong, often with a swerving or lurch in motion

                        To cause to lean or tip to one side (as a ship)


Cavalier-        showing an offhand or carefree disregard; arrogant


Contiguous-   sharing a boundary; being very close or in contact: adjacent



Correlate-       to connect related things; to bring things into proper relation with one another


Etymology-     the history of a word

                        The science that studied such histories


Frenetic-         wildly excited; frantic


Kinetic-           relating to motion


Presage-          to foretell; to warn or indicate in advance


Pulverize-       to crush or grind into dust or powder; to demolish


Recondite-      difficult to understand; abstruse


Repulse-         to repel; to drive back

                        To reject in a cool or distant manner

                        To disgust


Seismic-          caused by or having to do with earthquakes

                        Having powerful and widespread affects


Undulate-       to form or move in waves; to have wavelike appearance or motion


Upheaval-       a radical or violent change

                        A forceful lifting or warping from beneath



Lesson 8



Betrothed-      engaged to be married


Blasphemy-    an act or statement that shows disrespect or irreverence toward something considered scared


Cadence-        a rhythm marked by a regular beat.

                        The rising and falling of the voice in human speech


Canon-           a rule or principle that provide the norm for judgment

                        The works of a writer accepted as authentic


Denouement- the outcome of a series of events

                        The final resolution following the climax of the plot of a work of drama or fiction


Edict-              a statement or command having the force of law


Enamor-         to inspire with love, to captivate


Insensate-       lacking sensation or awareness; lacking sense or ability to reason

                        Brutal; lacking feeling


Renegade-      a person who deserts one group or cause for another; a traitor

                        A person who rejects lawful behavior


Soliloquy-       a speech in which a character�s thoughts are given verbal expression


Triumvirate-  a group of three, especially one possessing great power or eminence


Usurp-            to seize and hold power or authority in an illegal or unjust manner


Vestment-       an outer garment; especially one indicating a role, rank or office


Votary-           a person who is devoted to a cause or organization, especially one of a religious nature


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