Vocab for June Final



Page 27-28
busco� -                                                          I�m looking for�
una ferreter�a �                                                  hardware store
una dulcer�a �                                                    cand store
una sastrer�a �                                                   tailor shop
una relojer�a �                                                    watch store
una joyer�a �                                                     jewelry store
una librer�a-                                                       book store
una tienda de ropa �                                          clothing store
Est� cerrado(a) �                                               it�s closed
no est� abierto(a) �                                           not open
una canicer�a �                                                  butcher shop
un taller de reparaciones �                                 a repair shop
una farmac�a �                                                  pharmacy
una panader�a �                                                bakery, cake store / la pasteler�a
una papeler�a �                                                 office supply store
una helader�a �                                                 ice cream parlor
un almac�n grande �                                         a big department store
un Mercado al aire libre �                                   out door market
una tintorer�a �                                                  the cleaners / limpieza en seco (dry cleaners)
art�culos de cuero �                                           leather items
art�culos de artesan�a �                                      arts and crafts
art�culos de cer�mica �                                      ceramics
una camiser�a �                                                 shirt store
una zapater�a �                                                 shoe store
una muebler�a �                                                 furniture store
una lavander�a �                                                laundramat
la pasteler�a �                                                    cake store
la pescader�a �                                                  fish store
la jugueter�a �                                                    toy store
la verduler�a �                                                    vegetable store


Pages 36-37
El/la cliente �                                                                        the customer 

El.la vendedor(a) �                                                                 the sales man   
1. �Cu�nto pide usted? �                                                       how much are you asking for? 

1. A usted le doy un buen precio� cuarenta  mil pesos �         to you I give a good price� 40,000 pesos   
2. �C�mo? Es un robo. �                                                       What?! That�s a rip off 

2. �Qu� va! Es una verdadera ganga �                                      no way! It�s a real bargain   
3. �No puede rebajar el precio? �                                            you can�t lower the price? 

3. Pero la pulsera (brazaleta) es de plata �                               but the bracelet is of silver   
4. Bueno, le ofrezco veinte mil �                                              I offer you 20,000 

4. La puede llevar por treinta y cinco mil. Est� hecha a mano �  you can take it for 35,000. it is hand made   
Est� bien, de a cuerdo �                                                    ok agreed 


Pages 47-48
De desayuno, los clientes pidieron� -               for breakfast the customers ordered�
los huevos fritos �                                           fried eggs
los huevos revueltos �                                       scrambled eggs
los huevos tibios �                                            soft boiled eggs
el tocino �                                                         bacon
un panecillo �                                                    craussant
el jugo de naranja �                                           orange juice
un caf� con leche �                                           coffee with milk
la avena �                                                         oatmeal
para la cena, el mesero sirvi� -                       for dinner the waiter serves�
el/la mesero(a) / camarero(a) / mozo(a)                            waiter
la carne asada �                                                            roast meat
la carne de res �                                                            steak
la carne de cerdo �                                                        pig meat
la ternera �                                                                    veal
el pavo �                                                                      the turkey
las chuletas �                                                                chops
tambi�n sirvi� pescados y mariscos como.. �                he also served fish and shellfish like�
los camarones �                                                            the shrimp
la langosta �                                                                 the lobster
el at�n �                                                                        the tuna
la trucha �                                                                     the trout
en la mesa, el mesero puso� -                                      on the table the waiter put�
una taza �                                                                     a mug or cup
una servilleta �                                                              a napkin
un vaso �                                                                      a drinking glass
una cuchara �                                                                a spoon
un plato �                                                                     a plate
un tenedor �                                                                  a fork
un cuchillo �                                                                  a knife
el chocolate �                                                               chocolate
la limonada �                                                                lemonade
el jugo de manzana �                                                     apple juice
el jugo de uva �                                                             grape juice
las salchichas �                                                             sausages
la mostaza �                                                                 mustard
la mayonesa �                                                               mayonase
el cats�p �                                                                    ketchup / salsa de t�mate
el yog�r �                                                                     yogart
em mantel �                                                                  table cloth
los huevos duros �                                                        hard boiled eggs


Pages 55-56
Por favor, �me trae�? �                                               please bring me�
la salsa picante �                                                          hot sauce
la sal �                                                                          salt
la pimienta �                                                                 the spice
el pimiento �                                                                 the pepper
la cuenta �                                                                    the bill
el men� �                                                                      the menu / la carta / la lista de platos
el aceite �                                                                     the oil
el vinagre �                                                                   viniger
�c�mo quiere la carne? �                                               how would you like your meat?
jugosa �                                                                       rare, juicy
medio cocida �                                                             medium rare, half cooked
bien cocida �                                                                well done
�Qu� tal est� la comida?                                               How is the food?
est� -                                                                         it is�
muy rica �                                                                     very rich, delicious, tasty / delicioso(a) / agria � sour
demasiado dulce �                                                        too sweet
seca �                                                                          dry
 muy dura �                                                                   hard
demasiado salada �                                                      too salty
 muy picante �                                                              very spicy
de postre, �qu� desean? �                                            for dessert what do you wish for?
para mi� -                                                                                for me�
el flan �                                                                                    custard
la torta �  / el pastel / el bizcocho                                               the cake
el helado �                                                                                ice cream
con galletas �                                                                           with cookies
de vainilla �                                                                               vanilla
de fresa �                                                                                 strawberry
de chocolate �                                                                          chocolate
�Cu�nto dejamos de propina? �                                                how much to leave for a tip?
dejar �                                                                                      to leave


Vocabulary 67-68
En el mercado se puede ver frutas como� -                              in the market you�
los torojas �                                                                              grape fruit / los pomelos
las fresas �                                                                               strawberries / las frutillas
las pi�as �                                                                                pineapples / el anan�
las peras �                                                                                pears
los melons �                                                                             melons
las manzanas �                                                                         apples
los pl�tanos �                                                                           bananas / los guineos

las naranjas �                                                                           oranges
las uvas �                                                                                 grapes
los duraznos �                                                                          peaches / los melocotones
las sand�as �                                                                             watermelon / el melon de agua
las ciruelas �                                                                             plums
los aguacates �                                                                         avocados
Tambi�n se puede ver verdures y legumbres como� -                also you can see vegetables and legumes like�
las legumbres /                                                                        las vegetales / las verdures
las espinacas �                                                                         spinach
las cebollas �                                                                            onions
los cacahuates �                                                                       peanuts
las habichuelas �                                                                       string beans
las zanahorian �                                                                        carrots
el br�coli  �                                                                               broccoli
los frijoles �                                                                              beans
los r�banos �                                                                            radishes
el apio �                                                                                   celery
el ajo �                                                                                     garlic
la lechuga �                                                                              lettuce
el ma�z �                                                                                   corn / el choclo / el elote
las calabazas �                                                                         squash, pumpkin
los ch�charos �                                                                         peas / las arvejas
la coliflor �                                                                                cauliflower
la cereza �                                                                                cherry
la papaya �                                                                               papaya
el coco �                                                                                  coconut
el albaricoque �                                                                         apricot / el chabacano
el d�til �                                                                                    date
la pasa �                                                                                   the raison
la frambuesa �                                                                          raspberry
la col �                                                                                     cabbage
el pepino �                                                                                cucumber
las papas �                                                                               potatoes / las patatas
el garbanzo �                                                                            chick peas
el pimiento �                                                                             pepper / el chile
el mango �                                                                                mango
el higo �                                                                                   fig
la nuez �                                                                                   nut
la almendra �                                                                            almond
el pistache �                                                                             pistachio
la Granada �                                                                             pomegrant
el jitomate �                                                                              tomato / el tomate


Vocabulary 73 � 74


�D�nde prefieres comprar? �                                                    what do you prefer to buy?
prefiero comprar� -                                                                  I prefer to buy�
en el Mercado �                                                                        in the market
en el supermercado �                                                                the super market
en la bodega de mi barrio �                                                       in the grocery store in my neighborhood
prefiero comprar verdures� -                                                    I prefer to buy vegetables�
frescas �                                                                                  fresh
congeladas �                                                                            frozen / helados
�A c�mo est�n? �                                                                     How much are they?
est�n a quinientos pesos� -                                                      they�re at 500 pesos
cada uno(a) �                                                                            each one
la bolsa �                                                                                  the bag
la botella �                                                                                the bottle
la lata �                                                                                     the can
el racimo �                                                                                the bunch
la caja �                                                                                    the box
la docena �                                                                               the dozen
el kilo �                                                                                     the kilogram
el gramo �                                                                                the gram
la libra �                                                                                    the pound
el litro �                                                                                    the liter
la onza �                                                                                   the ounce


Textbook Pages 93-94
Antes hab�a� -                                                                         before there was/were�
muchas pir�mides �                                                                  pyramids
mucha gente �                                                                          many people / las personas
muchas plantas �                                                                      many plants
muchas fincas �                                                                       farms / las granjas / los ranchos / las estacias
muchas flores �                                                                         flowers
mucha tierra �                                                                           lands
muchos �rboles �                                                                      trees
muchos botes �                                                                        boats / los barcos
muchos animales �                                                                    animals
muchos jard�nes �                                                                     gardens
Tambi�n hab�a� -                                                                     also there was/were�
un volc�n �                                                                               a volcano
aire puro �                                                                                pure air
una sierra �                                                                               a mountain
una selva �                                                                               a jungle / la jungla
un valle grande �                                                                       a big valley
varias islas �                                                                             various islands
muchos puentes �                                                                     many bridges
No hab�a� -                                                                              there wasn�t�
mucha contaminaci�n �                                                             a lot of contamination
muchas carreteras �                                                                  many highways
mucho ruido �                                                                           a lot of noise
mucho tr�nsito �                                                                       a lot of traffic / el tr�fico
�D�nde est�?
Est� -                                                              where is it? It is�
encima del volc�n �                                                                   on top of the volcano
al fondo de jard�n �                                                                   in the back of the garden
debajo del Puente �                                                                  under the bridge
dentro del bote �                                                                       inside the boat
fuera de la finca �                                                                     outside the farm
la colina �                                                                                 the hill
el arroyo �                                                                                the stream
el paisaje �                                                                               the landscape
el ca��n �                                                                                 the canyon
la pradera �                                                                               the prairie
la bah�a �                                                                                  the baya
el golfo �                                                                                  the gulf (of Mexico)
el mar �                                                                                    the ocean
el lago �                                                                                   the lake
el r�o �                                                                                      the river
la laguna �                                                                                the lagoon
un cuerpo de agua �                                                                  a body of water
el bosque �                                                                               the forest
hab�a �                                                                                     there was, there were
hay �                                                                                        there is, there are


Text Pages 100-101
en la ciudad los peatones deben� -                                          in the city the pedestrians should�
usar el transporte p�blico �                                                        use public transportation
caminar por la acera �                                                               walk on the sidewalk / acera-la banqueta / caminar-andar
subir al autob�s �                                                                      get on the bus / el b�s / el amnib�s / el colectivo / la guagua / el cami�n
bajar del autob�s �                                                                    get off the bus
esperar el autob�s en la prada �                                                to wait for the bus at the stop
tomar el metro si los autob�ses van llenos de gente �                  take the subway if the buses are full of people / el metro / el subte / el tren
cruzar la calle en la esquina �                                                     cross the street at the corner
la esquina � street corner / el rinc�n �                                         corner of a room
los conductors deben� -                                                           the drivers should�
parar en el semaforo �                                                               stop at the traffic light
respetar las reglas del tr�nsito �                                                 respect the laws of traffic
evitar un choque �                                                                     avoid a crash
estacionar en el estacionamiento �                                             park in the parking lot
ir r�pido en la carretera �                                                           go fast on the highway
manejar (conducir) a una velocidad de 55 millas (100 kilometros) por hora � drive at a speed of 55 miles per hour
seguir derecho �                                                                      stay straight
derecho � straight / el derecho � the right (to do) / la derecha � right (direction)
evitar una multa �                                                                     a fine
doblar a la derecha (a la izquierda) en la bocacalle � turn to the right or to the left of the intersection
leer letreros � read the signs / los posters / los afiches / los carteles / los r�tulos
ir despacio si hay mucho tr�nsito �                                             go slow if there is a lot of traffic
todos deben tener cuidado �                                                     everyone should be careful
el pargu�metro �                                                                       a parking meter
el taxi �                                                                                   taxi
el paso de peatones �                                                              the cross walk for the pedestrians
el permiso (la licencia, el carnet) de manejar (conducir) �             driver�s license
el clax�n �                                                                               the horn / la bocina


Text Pages 111-112
cuando era ni�o(a), me gustaba� -                                            when I was a child I liked�
trepar a los �rboles �                                                                 to climb trees
tirar piedras �                                                                            throw stones / tirar / lanzar /
romper los vidrios �                                                                  break the glass, windows
gritar como loco(a) �                                                                 scream like crazy
yo no lo hice �                                                                          I didn�t do it
decir mentiras �                                                                         to tell lies
sonar con astronautas �                                                            dream about astronauts
pelear con mi hermana �                                                            fight with my sister
explorer las cuevas �                                                                 explore the caves
jugar� -                                                                                    play
con mu�ecas �                                                                          with dolls
en la nieve �                                                                              in the snow
en la tierra �                                                                              in the dirt
en la arena �                                                                             in the sand
con juguetes �                                                                          with toys
al escindite �                                                                             hide and seek
saltar a la cuerda �                                                                    jump rope / saltar / brincar
llorar �                                                                                      to cry
ver los dibujos animados de la tele �                                         watch cartoons on TV
armar cosas �                                                                           to build things / construir
destruir coses �                                                                        destroy things
leer las tiras c�micas �                                                              read comic strips
coleccionar cosas �                                                                  to collect things
acampar �                                                                                 to go camping
montar en la monta�a rusa �                                                      to ride a motor cycle
pillar� -                                                                                    to catch / cachar / agarrar /
arenas �                                                                                    spiders
mariposas �                                                                              butterflies
insectos �                                                                                 insects
lagartijas �                                                                                lizards
ranas �                                                                                     frogs


Text Pages 119-120
cuando era ni�o(a) me costaba trabajo� -                      when I was a child it was hard for me
hablar delante de la clase �                                            speak in front of the class
poner atenci�n �                                                           to pay attention / prestar atenci�n
hablar en voz baja �                                                      to speak in a low voice
salir bien en los ex�menes �                                          to get good grades on tests
probar un plato nuevo �                                                 to try a new dish
guardar un secreto �                                                      to keep a secret
Trataba de� -                                                               I try to�
compartir mis juguetes �                                                share my toys
seguir las instrucciones de los maestros �                      to follow the teachers� instructions
no me costaba trabajo� -                                             it wasn�t hard for me to�
contar chistes �                                                             to tell jokes
agarrar la pelota �                                                         to catch the ball / la pelota / la bola

patear la pelota �                                                          to kick the ball
tirar la pelota �                                                              to throw the ball
mantener el equilibrio �                                                  keep your balance
veces ten�a �                                                                 sometimes I had�
suerte �                                                                        luck
�xito �                                                                          success
paciencia �                                                                   patience
verg�enza �                                                                  shame
razon �                                                                         reason
ganas de huir de la casa �                                             the urge to run away from home


Textbook Pages 131�132
Hay que� -                                                                   one must...
acostarse temprano �                                                    to lie down early
portarse bien �                                                              to behave
despertarse temprano �                                                 to wake up early
levantarse en seguida �                                                 to get up immediately
cuando era ni�o(a), siempre ten�a que� -                       when I was a boy/girl, I always had to�
regar las plantas y las flores �                                       to water the plats and the flowers
ordenar mi habitaci�n �                                                 to organize my room
ordenar mis juguetes �                                                  to organize my toys
recoger la ropa de suelo �                                             to pick up my clothes from the floor
colgar la ropa en el armario �                                         to hang the clothes in the closet
secar los platos �                                                          to dry the dishes
Hay que� -                                                                   one must
vestirse bien �                                                               to get dressed
pensar en los dem�s �                                                  to think about others
divertirse �                                                                    to have fun
No hay que �                                                                it is not necessary�
acostarse muy tarde �                                                   to sleep very late
quejarse �                                                                     to complain
levantarse tarde �                                                          to wake up late


Textbook Pages 140�141
en la playa va a� -                                                        in the beach you go to�
reunirse con los amigos �                                              to meet with friends
llevarse bien con todos �                                               to get along well with everyone
zambullirse en el mar y divertirse �                                 to jump in the sea and have fun
quitarse el su�ter �                                                        to take off the sweater
ponerse el chaleco salvavidas �                                     to put on the lifejacket
ponerse loci�n protectora �                                           to put on protective lotion
broncearse �                                                                 to get a tan
Debe� -                                                                       you should�
sentarse bajo la sombrilla de playa �                              to sit under the beach umbrella
secarse �                                                                      to get dry
no debe� -                                                                   you shouldn�t�
quemarse �                                                                   to get burned
mojarse �                                                                      to get wet
caerse �                                                                        to fall down
ahogarse �                                                                    to drown
debe dares cuenta de la hora �                                      you should realize the time
no sabe si va a� -                                                        you don�t know if you�re going to�
acostumbrarse �                                                           to get used to
enamorarse de una muchacha �                                     fall in love with a girl


Textbook Pages 153�154
el d�a que mi amigo sali� para M�xico. �                        the day my friend left for Mexico
quer�a prepararse para el viaje �                         he wanted to get ready for the trip
no quer�a apurarse. �                                                     he didn�t want to hurry
quer�a calmarse �                                                          he wanted to be calm
no quer�a enojarse �                                                      he did not want to get angry
quer�an sentirse contentos. �                                         they wanted to feel happy
quer�an re�rse. �                                                             they wanted to laugh
no quer�a preocuparse. �                                               she didn�t want to be worried
no quer�a ponerse triste. �                                             she didn�t want to become sad
quer�an quedarse. �                                                       they wanted to stay
no quer�an irse. �                                                           they didn�t want to leave
ten�an que despedirse de su hijo. �                                they had to say goodbye to their son
quer�a acordarse de sus amigos. �                                 wanted to remember his friends
no quer�a olvidarse de ellos. �                                       did not want to forget them
quer�a comer. �                                                             wanted to eat
no quer�a morirse de hambre. �                                      didn�t want to starve
quer�a dormirse. �                                                         wanted to sleep
no quer�a morirse de sue�o �                                         didn�t want to die fm tiredness
se preguntaba si despu�s de graduarse iba a mudarse a M�xico. � he asked himself if after graduating he would move to Mexico


Textbook Pages 162�163
en mi familia somos� -                                                 in my family we are�
mis abuelos �                                                               my grandparents
mis bisabuelos �                                                           my great grandparents
mi pap� �                                                                     my father
mi padrastro �                                                               my stepfather
mi mam� �                                                                    my mother
mi madrastra �                                                              my stepmother
mis hermanos Rogelio y Yolanda �                                my siblings Rogelio and Yolanda
mis hermanastros Riqui y Carmen �                                my step-siblings
mis padrinos y yo �                                                       my godparents and I
mi cu�ado, el esposo de mi hermana Sonia �                 my brother-in-law, the husband of my sister Sonia
mi cu�ada, la esposa de mi hermano Paco �                  my sister-in-law, the wife of my brother Paco
mis sobrinos, los hijos de mi hermana Sonia �               my nieces and nephews, the children of my sister Sonia
Aqu� est�n� -                                                               here they are�
los hijastros de mi t�a Lourdes �                                     the stepchildren of my aunt Lourdes
mi hermana Andrea y su novio �                                    my sister Andrea and her fianc� (boyfriend)
piensan casarse en Julio �                                             they plan to get married in July
mi primo Jose Luis y su novia. �                                     my cousin Jose Luis and his fianc�e (girlfriend)
Van a casarse en septiembre. �                                     they are going to be married in September
nacer �                                                                         to be born
crecer �                                                                        to grow
conocerse �                                                                  to meet
estar comprometidos �                                                  to be engaged
casarse (con) �                                                            to be married (with)


Text pages 181-182
�Qu� trabajo te gustar�a escoger? �                               what job would you like to choose
me gustar�a ser� -                                                        I would like to be�
el trbajo �                                                                     work / el oficio (job) / el puesto (position)
asistente medico(a) �                                                    medical assistant
modelo �                                                                      model
recepcionista �                                                              receptionist
ni�ero(a) �                                                                     babysitter
dependiente �                                                               clerk
operario(a) �                                                                 machine operator
vendedor(a) �                                                                salesman
cocinero(a) �                                                                 cook
asistente legal �                                                            legal assistant
asistente dental �                                                          dental assistant
pintor(a) de casas �                                                       house painter
cajero(a) �                                                                     cashier
lava platos �                                                                 dish washer
empacador(a) �                                                             packer
mesero(a) �                                                                   waiter / mozo(a) / camarero(a)
salvavidas �                                                                  life guard
terapista �                                                                     therapist
me gustar�a un trabajo de� �                                        I would like a job as�
consejero(a) �                                                               counselor
jardinero(a) �                                                                 gardener
int�rprete de ingles �                                                     English interpreter
tiempo parcial �                                                            part time
repartidor(a) de� -                                                        deliverer of�
peri�dicos �                                                                  newspapers
pizzas �                                                                        pizzas
tiempo complete �                                                        full time
medio tiempo �                                                             half time
ayudante de� -                                                             helper of�
cocina �                                                                        kitchen
laboratorio �                                                                 laboratory
construcci�n �                                                              construction
acabo de� -                                                                 I just�
sacar mi t�tulo �                                                             got my diploma
terminar el Segundo (tercer, primer) a�o �                       finish my second year (third, first)
graduarme �                                                                  graduate
matricularme �                                                               registered
el/la panadero(a) �                                                         the baker
el/la banquero(a) �                                                         the banker
el/la joyero(a) �                                                             the jewler
el/la carnicero(a) �                                                         the butcher
el/la juez �                                                                     the judge
el/la embajador(a) �                                                       ambassador
el/la senador(a) �                                                           senator
el/la contador(a) �                                                         accountant
el/la ejectivo(a) �                                                           executive
el/la gerente �                                                               manager
el/la publicista �                                                            publicist


Text pages 188-189
busco oportunidades para superarme �                          I am looking for a way to improve myself�
me gustar�a conseguir �                                                 I would like to get�
una beca �                                                                    scholarship
un puesto �                                                                   a job, position
un buen sueldo �                                                           a good salary / el salararo
primero, voy a enterarme� -                                          first I am going to find�
leer los avisos �                                                            read ads / los anuncios
de los puestos �                                                           about the jobs
de las oportunidades �                                                  of the opportunities
escoger un trabajo �                                                      choose a job
entonces tengo que�                                                   - then I have to�
pedir la solicitud �                                                         ask for an application / de empleo / de ingreso
llenar la solicitud �                                                         fillout the application
firmar la solicitud �                                                        sign the application
pedir cartas de recomendaci�n �                                   ask for letters of recomendation
pedir una entrevista �                                                    an interview
hacer una cita �                                                             request a date
luego, tengo que tomar decisions. �                              then I have to make decisions.
depende� -                                                                  it depends on�
de mi experiencia �                                                       my experience
del horario �                                                                  the schedule
del lugar �                                                                     the place
vivo cerca de aqu� �                                                      I live near here
del sueldo �                                                                  the salary
de las condiciones �                                                     the conditions
ser�a un(a) buen(a) empleado(a), pues soy� -                I would be a good employee since I am�
maduro!a) �                                                                  mature
organizado(a) �                                                             organized
gracias, muy amable �                                                   thank you you�re very kind
cort�s �                                                                        corteous
servicial �                                                                     helpful service people


Text pages 192
el abrelatas �                                                                can opener
el guardajoyas �                                                            jewelry box
el sacapuntas �                                                             pencil sharpener
el lavamanos �                                                              sink
el corta��as �                                                               nail clipper
el tocadiscos �                                                              disk player
el subibaja �                                                                 seesaw
el rompecabeza �                                                          puzzle
el parachoques �                                                           bumper
el portaguantes �                                                          glove compartment
el abrebotellas �                                                            bottle opener
el pasatiempo �                                                            past time
el rompehielos �                                                            ice pick
el quitasol �                                                                  beach umbrella / el parasol / la sombrilla
el rascacielos �                                                             sky scraper
el paraguas �                                                                umbrella


Text pages 199-200
antes de presentarse a la entrevista, hay que� �            before showing up at the interview, one must�
 afeitarse despacio �                                                     shave slowly / rasurarse-shave / lentamente-slowly
prepararse �                                                                  get ready
maquillarse cuidadosamente �                                       put on make up carefully
ba�arse �                                                                      to take a bath
lavarse� -                                                                                to wash�
la cara �                                                                                    the face
las manos �                                                                              the hands
el pelo �                                                                                   the hair / el cabello
cepillarse los dientes �                                                              brush your teeth
peinerse ropa limpia �                                                               to put on clean clothes
cortarse� -                                                                               to cut
limpiarse los zapatos �                                                              to clean your shoes
las u�as �                                                                                 the nails
echarse perfume �                                                                     to put on perfume / ponerse perfume
arreglarse el pelo �                                                                    to fix your hair
echarse colonia �                                                                      to put on cologne
mirarse en el espejo �                                                                to look in the mirror


Text pages 208-209
para estar sano(a) y sentirse bien, es conveniente� -                 in order to be healthy and to feel well it is convenient to�
levanter los grasas �                                                                 avoid fats, greases
evitar los antojos �                                                                    avoid glasses
comer alimentos sanos �                                                           eat healthy foods
lo debe hacer una vez (dos, tres veces) �                                   you should do it once, twice, three times
al d�a �                                                                                     a day
a la semana �                                                                            a week
al mes �                                                                                    a month
comer una diet asana �                                                              eat a healthy diet
hacer ejercicios aer�bicos �                                                       do aerobic exercises
en caso de incendio, es conveniente� -                                     in case of a fire it is convenient� / el fuego-fire
gritar �Socorro� �                                                                       yell for help
marcar 911 �                                                                             dial 911
apagar la luz �                                                                           shut the light
cubrirse la boca �                                                                      to cover your mouth
acercarse a la ventana �                                                            get near a window
escaparse por la ventana �                                                        escape through a window
gatear en el suelo �                                                                   crawl on the floor
no se debe� -                                                                          you shouldn�t
respirar el humo �                                                                      breath the smoke
tirar agua si hay grasa �                                                             throw water if there is fat, grease
en caso de� -                                                                          in case of�
tormenta �                                                                                storm
tornado �                                                                                  tornado
terremoto �                                                                               earthquake
es preciso� -                                                                           it is precise
esconderse �                                                                            to hide
bajar al s�tano �                                                                       go down to the basement
refugiarse �                                                                               find refuge
cerrar las ventanas �                                                                  close the windows
escuchar las noticias �                                                              listen to the news
tomar veneno �                                                                         to drink poison
llamar �Socorro� �                                                                      call for help
masticar (mascar) bien la comida �                                            to chew the food well
calendar los m�sculas �                                                            warm up the muscles
respirar por la nariz �                                                                 breath through your nose
la inundaci�n �                                                                          the flood
el hurac�n �                                                                              the hurricane
el derrumbe �                                                                            the landslide


Text pages 219-220
echo de menos los dias de fiesta �                                            I miss the holidays
echar de menos �                                                                      extra�ar / extra�o
por ejemple, las celebraciones� -                                              for example, the celebrations�
de la Nochebuena �                                                       the good night / Christmas Eve
de Nauldad �                                                                Christmas
de a�o Viejo �                                                               New Year�s Eve
de a�o Nuevo �                                                             New Year�s Day
del D�a de la Raza �                                                      Columbus Day
del D�a de la Independencia �                                        Independence Day
del D�a de Acci�n de Gracias �                                                  Thanksgiving Day
de Chanukah �                                                              Chanukah
de Yom Kippur �                                                           Yom Kippur
de D�a de los Enamorados �                                                     Valentines Day
del D�a de las brujas �                                                               Holloween / brujas-witches
de semana santa �                                                                    Holy week / Easter
los desfiles �                                                                            the parades
los fuegos artificiales �                                                             the fire works
las reuniones familiares �                                                           the family reunions
el disfraz �                                                                                the costumes
el antif�s �                                                                                the mask / la m�scara


Text pages 239 � 240
sue�o con� -                                                                           I dream about�
hacer un crucero por el caribe �                                                  go on a cruise in the Caribbean
hacer alpinismo �                                                                      go mountain climbing
hacer paracaidismo �                                                                go parachuting
hacer un viaje al extranjero dar la vuelta al mundo �                    make a trip overseas, travel around the world
escaparme a una isla tropical �                                                  escape to a tropical island
hacer una pel�cula �                                                                   make a movie
ser millonario(a) �                                                                      become a millionaire
tocar� -                                                                                   play�
el piano �                                                                                  piano
la guitarra el�ctrica �                                                                  electric guitar
la trompeta �                                                                             trumpet
el saxof�n �                                                                              saxophone
la bater�a �                                                                                drums / los tambores
el contrabajo �                                                                          double bass
irme a otro planeta �                                                                  go to another planet
viajar en una aeronave especial �                                               travel on a spaceship
practicar la tabla hawaiana �                                                      practice surfing / hacer surfing /
bajar el r�o en balso �                                                                get my license
pilotear un avi�n �                                                                     pilot a plane / aeroplano
sacar mi licencia de manejar �                                                    get my drivers license / permiso de manejar / licencia / carnet
ponerme en farma �                                                                  get in shape
correr en una marat�n �                                                             run a marathon
conocer las pir�mides de Egipto �                                             see the pyramids of Egypt
defender los animales de �frica �                                              defend the animals of Africa
entrenarme para las olimpiadas �                                               train for the Olympics


Text pages 248 � 249
las elecciones del gobierno estudiantil �                         the elections of student government
hay que apoyar al candidato para� -                             one must support the candidate for�
presidente �                                                                              president
vice-presidente �                                                                       vice president
tesorero(a) �                                                                             treasurer
secretario(a) �                                                                           secretary
necesitamos voluntaries para� -                                                we need volunteers for�
repartir folletos �                                                                       hand out fliers
hacer carteles �                                                                         make posters / los r�tulos
organizar las reuniones �                                                           organize meetings
preparar discursos �                                                                  prepare speeches
contar los votos publicar los resultados �                                  count the votes, publish the results
los candidatos quieren� -                                                         the candidates want�
mejorar� -                                                                                to improve�
el ambiente �                                                                            the environment
cambiar� -                                                                               to change�
fomentar� -                                                                              to promote�
los deportes �                                                                           sports
las campa�as ecol�gicas �                                                        ecological campaigns
las actividades �                                                                       the activities
los programas de recreaci�n �                                                   the recreational programs
hemos planeado� -                                                                  we have planned�
un debate �                                                                               a debate
dos asambleas �                                                                       2 assemblies
tres discursos �                                                                        3 speeches
la manifestaci�n �                                                                     the protest
manifestar �                                                                              to protest
votar �                                                                                      to vote
el auditorio -                                                                              auditorium


  1. Text Pages 267-268
    �D�nde te duele? �                                         where does it hurt you?
  2. me duele� -                                                   it hurts
  3. el est�mago �                                                  stomach
  4. la cabeza �                                                       head
  5. la garganta �                                                    throat
  6. una muela �                                                     tooth
  7. �Qu� tienes? �                                                 what do you have?
  8. tengo� -                                                         I have�
  9. mucha tos �                                                     a bad cough
  10. un catarro �                                                     cold
  11. fiebre alta �                                                     high fever
  12. la nariz tapada �                                              stuffy nose
  13. mucho hipo �                                                  lots of hiccups
  14. la garganta inflamada �                                   swollen throat
  15. una herida �                                                    a wound
  16. la gripa �                                                         the flu
  17. una picadura �                                                 sting
  18. una quemadura �                                             burn
  19. unaa infecci�n de la piel �                              skin infection
  20. una cortadura �                                               a cut
  21. pican� -                                                         they sting me�
  22. me duelen� -                                                   they hurt me�
  23. los ojos �                                                         the eyes
  24. los oidos �                                                       the ears
  25. estoy� -                                                         I am�
  26. de mal humor �                                               in a bad mood
  27. ronco(a) �                                                        hoarse
  28. me siento� -                                                   I feel
  29. d�bil �                                                            weak
  30. mareado(a) �                                                   dizzy
  31. congestionado(a) �                                          congested
  32. resfriado(a) �                                                   cold, chilled / catarro / resfr�o / gripa
  33. para mejorarte debes tomar� -                       in order to get better you should take�
  34. estas pastilles �                                                these pills
  35. unas aspirinas �                                               some aspirin
  36. este antibi�tico �                                             this antibiotic
  37. este jarabe �                                                    this syrup
  38. debes ponerte� -                                            you should put on�
  39. una loci�n repelente �                                     repellent lotion
  40. una goats en los ojos �                                    eye drops
  41. una venda �                                                     a bandage
  42. una curita �                                                     band aid
  43. crema con antibi�ticos �                                 antibiotic creams


Text Pages 274-275

  1. el cuerpo humana �                                         human body
  2. el cuello �                                                        neck
  3. la espalda �                                                     back
  4. el codo �                                                         elbow
  5. la cintura �                                                      waist
  6. la nariz �                                                          nose
  7. la boca �                                                          mouth
  8. el humbro �                                                     shoulder
  9. la mu�eca �                                                     wrist
  10. el dedo �                                                         finger
  11. la rodilla �                                                       knee
  12. el pie �                                                             foot
  13. me ca� y me quembr� -                                I feel and I broke�
  14. la mano �                                                         hand
  15. el brazo �                                                         arm
  16. el tobillo �                                                       ankle
  17. la pierna �                                                        leg
  18. tengo el tobillo hinchado �                             I have problems with my throat
  19. tengo problemas del coraz�n �                       I have a swollen ankle


Text Page 285

  1. cuando lo vi me puse� -                                when I saw it I became�
  2. blanco(a) de miedo �                                      white with fear
  3. blanco(a) como el papel �                               white as paper
  4. rojo(a) de rabia �                                             red with rage
  5. rojo(a) de verg�enza �                                    red with shame
  6. hist�eico(a) �                                                   hysterical
  7. furiouso(a) �                                                     furious
  8. verde de envidia �                                          green with envy
  9. asustado(a) �                                                    scared, frightened
  10. serio(a) �                                                         serious
  11. p�lido(a) �                                                        pale
  12. contento(a) �                                                   happy
  13. agitado(a) �                                                     agitated


Text Pages 292-293

  1. hablando por tel�fono� -                               speaking on the phone
  2. marca el n�mero �                                           dial the number
  3. al� �                                                                hello
  4. quisiera hablar con Victoria v�lez, por favor  I would like to speak to Victoria please
  5. si, c�mo no �                                                   yes why not
  6. �de porte de qui�n? �                                      whose speaking
  7. un momento por favor �                                 one minute please
  8. quisiera hablar con Ignacio, por favor �          I would like to speak to Ignacio, please
  9. no est� en casa ahora �                                    he�s not home right now
  10. �quiere dejar un recado? �                              do you want to leave a message
  11. si, por favor �                                                  yes please
  12. �le puede decir que ha llamado Marta Gonzalez? � can you tell him Marta Gonzalez called?
  13. si c�mo no. se lo voy a decir �                        sure why not I will tell him
  14. quisiera hablar con Susan por favor �             I would like to speak to Susan please
  15. �C�mo? No, est� equivocado �                      what? Not here you�re mistaken
  16. ay perdone �                                                   oh sorry
  17. quisiera hablar con Elena �                             I would like to speak to Elena
  18. con ella �                                                         with her
  19. hola Elena, te habla Sandra �                          Hey Elena, Sandra is speaking
  20. �C�mo est�s? �                                               how are you?
  21. �Qu� lata! Sigue ocupado �                            what a pain I�m busy
  22. vuelvo a llamar a Elena m�s tarde �                I will return your call later
  23. la gu�a de tel�fono �                                       phone book
  24. descolger el receptor �                                    pick up the receiver
  25. el / la telefonista �                                           operator
  26. colger el receptor �                                          hang up the receiver / vocina
  27. la llado de larga distancia �                            long distance phone call
  28. el tono �                                                          dial tone
  29. el c�digo de area �                                          area code
  30. la llamado de cobro revertido �                      collect phone call


Text Pages 303-304

  1. �a que eres alergico? �                                    what are you allergic to?
  2. soy alergico �                                                  I am allergic to�
  3. a las piceduras de algunos insectos como� - to the stings of some insects like�
  4. la hormigas �                                                   the ants
  5. al abejas �                                                        the bees
  6. los mosquitos �                                               mosquitoes / moscos
  7. a algunos flores plantos y arboles �                some flowers, plants, and trees
  8. las ara�as �                                                      the spiders
  9. las pulgas �                                                      fleas
  10. al zumaque venenoso �                                   the poisonous sumac
  11. a la hierba venenosa �                                     the poison ivy
  12. a algunos medicamentos como la penicilina � some medicines like penicillin
  13. al polen �                                                         the pollen
  14. al polvo �                                                        the dust
  15. al humo �                                                        the smoke
  16. al perfume �                                                    the perfume
  17. a algunos metales como �                               some metals like
  18. al oro �                                                            gold
  19. la plata �                                                          silver
  20. cobre -                                                             copper
  21. al jab�n �                                                         soap
  22. a algunos materials como �                             some materials like
  23. la goma �                                                         rubber
  24. el pl�stico �                                                     plastic
  25. la lana �                                                           wool
  26. el algod�n �                                                    cotton
  27. la seda �                                                          silk
  28. el cuero �                                                         leather
  29. a algunos aliementos como �                          some foods like�
  30. los mariscos �                                                  shellfish
  31. le leche �                                                         milk
  32. la harina de trigo �                              wheat flour
  33. a algunos animals, como los gatos � some animals like cats
  34. a algunos cosm�ticos �                        some cosmetics


Text pages 312-313

  1. la enfermedades �                               the illness
  2. la mononocleosis �                              mono
  3. el asma �                                             asthma
  4. la vericela �                                         chiken pox
  5. una puimon�c �                                    pneumonic
  6. un bronquitis �                                    bronchitis
  7. los s�ntomas �                                      the symptoms
  8. la inflamac�on �                                   inflammation
  9. una erupci�n en la piel �                     rash
  10. la gl�ndulas hinchadas �                     swollen glands
  11. estormudos �                                       sneezed
  12. no puede �                                          I can�t
  13. tragar �                                                swollen
  14. respirar �                                             breath
  15. me corre la nar�z �                               my nose is running
  16. los remidios caseros �                         house remedies
  17. debes guardar cama �                                     you should be in bed rest
  18. tomar caldo de ave �                           drink chicken broth / sopa de pollo
  19. necesitas una vacuna contrala influenza � you need a shot against the flu
  20. debes �                                                you should�
  21. tomar t� con miel �                             drink tea with honey
  22. tomar una infusion de hierbas �          drink herbal tea
  23. tomar jugo de lim�n �                         drink lemon juice
  24. ponerte una compresa de hielo �         you should put on an ice compress



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