AP World History Review




How it was built

Egypt was first civilized when King Menes united Upper and Lower Egypt.

Old Kingdom had a strong centralized government

The pharaoh had a vizier to help him

People believed that pharaoh was god

Priests controlled

Middle Kingdom was a time of troubles

Nile did not rise as regularly

Hyskos invaded from the north

New Kingdom � time of expansion

Ramses II 

Queen Hatshepsut

Impact of geography

People depended on the Nile as their source of food and water

Economy was farming and trade

The Nile became a god

Society and political organization



Artisans, scribes, merchants








365-day calendar

medicine, math, astronomy

women did have rights

Mesopotamia � land between the rivers AKA Fertile Crescent

How they built their civilization - Sumerians

Built cities

How did geography impact environment?

Tigris and Euphrates River

Economy was mostly farming and trade

Organized into city states to protect from invaders because no natural borders

Society and political organization

Priests and kinglike figure

Upper class




Hammurabi�s law code

Did differentiate between social classes


Literature � Epic of Gilgamesh

Skilled builders � cities



Base 60

Fertile Crescent


Iron weapons


First true empire

Ruled through ruthlessness and cruelty


Postal system


Single currency

Decentralized form of government � satraps rules

Tolerant of other faiths



Sailors and traders

�Carriers of Civilization�

India � Indus Valley


Geography�s Impact

Monsoons � depended on them for irrigation. Could be a blessing or a curse

Ganges � believe it is holy

Cities � Harrapa and Mohenjo Darro

Vedas and other epic poems

Origins � Aryans came through the Khyber Pass. We know this from the Vedas

Sanskrit - language


Strong central government

Trade and farming

Mathematics, Arabic numbers


Chandragupta � organized society

Asoka � most honored

Converted to Buddhism


Civilization was built/Geography

China is isolated from other countries because of mountains. This led China to be ethnocentric and  consider themselves the �Middle Kingdom.�

Land by yellow and Yangtze River provided irrigation for soil and food

Shang � warrior aristocracy

Government in Shang


Princes and nobles governed most of the land

Noblewomen had importance

Social Class

Royal family








Ancestor worship

Written language


Mandate of Heaven � Dynastic Cycle

Qin Dynasty

Led by Shi Huangdi

Dictatorial, civilized nations


Abolished old feudal states

Strict � harsh punishments

Modernized the army

Built the Great Wall of China

Promoted unity

Standardized weights and measures

Uniform writing

Cart axles were the same width

Standard language

Han Dynasty

Came after collapse of Qin

Wudi was the emperor

Strong government

Postal service


Roads, fortification, canals

Expanded the borders


Technology � paper, bridges, rubber

Astronomy � calendar

Medicine � acupuncture

Scientists �eclipses, chemistry, zoology, biology

Civil Service Examination


Emperors could not control powerful warlords

Canals and roads collapsed







No one founder

Many priests and rituals



One god with 3 parts

Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva

Everything is part of a world soul � Brahmin

Ahmisa � try not to harm animals, don�t eat meat

Caste System

Brahmin � priests

Kshatryias � warrior

Vaisyas � merchant, farmer

Sudra � peasants

Untouchables � low jobs

No social mobility � rigid class system

reincarnation � soul continues to live. Goal � brahma

Karma � conducts raises or lowers your level

Dharma � fulfill your duties in your caste

Impact on Society

Indians followed this idea


Had some respect

Sati � jump into a funeral pyre upon becoming a widow




Buddha � Siddhartha Gautama - saw suffering  in the world. Wanted to cure it

Came up with the 4 Noble Truths

All life is suffering

Suffering comes from desire

To end suffering, end desire

To end desire, follow the way of the Buddha


4 noble truths

8-fold path

control your thoughts

resist evils

free your mind of evil

practice mediation

say nothing to hurt others

know the truth

work for the good of others

respect life

rejects the caste-system

focused on individuals

nirvana - goals


Important throughout Asia

Hinayana Buddhism � Theravada Buddhism

Emphasizes simplicity, meditation

Mahayana Buddhism

Elaborate, complicated

Involving more ritual and symbology


Wanted to restore harmony to society, so decided to first restore harmony in the home. This way, you can be good subjects.

Ethical Beliefs

5 Relationships


Husband � wife

Parent � child

Elder brother � younger brother (filial piety)

Friend and friend are equal

2 elements of the Dao � follow the dao

Duty � accept your role

Humanity/Virtue � results are harmony in society

Female were under male


Founded by Laozi

Harmony with nature

Balance of ying-yang

Ying �

Yang �


Founded by Hon feizi � used in Zhou Dynasty

Believed that all people are evil

Harsh laws and strict punishment

No compassion

Islam = submission


Muhammad � a merchant - said that God appeared to him in a dream

He tried to spread his message but was kicked out of Mecca by the merchants

He fled to Medina AKA the hijira

He starts a community bounded by faith. Anyone can join.

Begins in Arabian Peninsula

Spread of Islam

Byzantine, Syria, Palestine, Persian Empire, Egypt, North Africa, Constantinople


Others empires are weak

Uncruel methods

Common faith

Strong army


Religious tolerance

Considered Jews people of the book


Had to pay a special tax (jizya), wear distinct clothing, not build tall buildings


One God and Muhammad is his prophet

Charity to the poor

Pray 5 times a day

Hajj � pilgrimage to Mecca

Fast during Ramadan

Sharia � Islamic system of law


At first, considered equal

However, forced to adopt the veil custom and to live in certain areas


Jihad � holy war

Quran � sacred word of God

Impacts of Islamic Golden Age

Baghdad � House of Wisdom

Architecture � Dome of the Rock

Science � anatomy, chemistry, astrolabe, eclipses

Medicine  - cataract surgery, quarantined the sick, treated mental illness�Ibn Sina, Muhammad al Razi

Math � algebra

Philosophy � tried to connect reason and belief. (Ibn Rushd)

Inventions � books, paper

Preserved  old learning

Trading network

New business style � bank checks, credit, banks

Impacts of Muslim Divisions

In the early times, the Muslim leader was considered to be both a political and religious leader!!!

Shiites � caliph should be chosen by Muhammad�s descent

Sunnis � caliph should be chosen by leaders

Split came before Abassaid Caliphate

Sufis � mystics



Jesus was its founder

Born into a Jewish family

Considered himself the Son of God

Put to death by Pontius Pilote on charges of blasphemy and treason



One god

Ten Commandments

Moses� teachings



No hard rules to follow

Did not have to perform hard laws of Judaism


Anyone could join

Edict of Milan � ended religious persecution

Missionaries were able to travel because the roads were nice

Word is spread by apostles � Paul

Learn about him from the Gospels

Muslim Golden Age � look at Day 2



Many mountains and seas. It is broken up into islands.

City-states developed

Greece developed independently 

The Greeks became excelled traders and had excellent harbors

Achievements � Golden Age

Form of government in Athens

Monarchy Aristocracy Oligarchy Democracy (limited and direct democracy)

Architecture � balance

Columns � Doric, ionic, and Corinthian style


Sculptures � valued strength and realism

Drama - Plays � comedy and satire


Plato � reason

Aristotle � lived life in the golden mean

Women � some were able to hold higher positions

Socrates � urged his students to question and critically examine everything


Athens and Sparta fought in the Peloponnesian wars

Rome � pax Romana � Roman peace


Republic empire

Desert to the south and ocean in west bounded them together

Empire � 5 things that held it together

Treatment of conquered people

Treated them with justice

Citizenship for everyone

Unified, loyalty


Sewer system

Via happia � first national highway

Aqueducts � Clokus Maxima



People equal under law

Innocent until proven guilty

Decisions must be fair

Law of Rome was publicized because the plebeians demanded that it be publicized � Twelve Tables


Julius Caesar � created jobs, public works, reorganized the government

Augustus � efficient, civil service, tax system fair,


Loving, dutiful, dignified, strong

Dined out, attended theaters

Art and Architecture

Language � one of the Romance language


Law � French law�s code was based on Rome�s


Punic Wars against Carthage

Byzantine Empire


Ruled by Justinian in Constantinople


Excellent for trading

Crossroads of trade for Europe and Asia

Control straits

Impact on Russia

Religion � eastern orthodox

Language � similar

Both leaders were autocrats

Art/architecture � onion domes


Built the Hagia Sofia

Justinian�s code of laws

Corpus Jurus Civilis

Qin and Han Dynasty � see Day 2

European Society during the middle Ages

Feudalism =


King to power lords



Powerful lords to king


Military service


Powerful lords to lesser lords



Lesser Lords to powerful lords



Military service

Lesser lords to serfs


Few acres of land to farm

Serfs to lesser lords



No centralized government

�the heart of the medieval economy was the manor�


blacksmith, grain mil, well, river, lord�s oven, pasture, church, castle

barter system

�In the Middle Ages, Europe was the Church and the Church was Europe.�

People believed everyone was sinners and you needed to depend on God�s grace



Roman curia � pope�s staff

Cardinals � advisors


Pastors/parish priests

Regulated economic life




Courage and valor

Devotion to a feudal and heavenly lord

Respect toward women

Medieval Universities

Rulers and clergymen needed better educated people.

Studied geometry, arithmetic, astronomy, music, grammar, rhetoric, and logic

Vernacular � every day language

Scholasticism by Thomas Aquinas � faith and reason exist together in harmony

Medieval Towns

Smelly, jam-packed, claustrophobic, little sanitation, disease-filled

Had a town charter � people had rights in the towns

Guilds � merchant and craft guilds

Growth of the middle class � House of Parliament was started

Black Death

Caused by poor sanitation, traders from the Black Sea spread it

Swelling and black bruises on their skin, coughing, spat blood

Impacts � Economic and Social

Rise in price because few workers

Economy fell

Brought about terror and bewilderment

People turned to magic and witchcraft

Church lost belief

Some believed the plague was God�s punishment

Hundred Years War � England and France

England used the longbow


Feudalism  was decreasing � monarchs needed large armies, not vassalas

End of Feudalism

Black Death killed many serfs. Those who lived demanded higher wages.

New Weapons � crossbow, longbow and cannon � ended the need for feudal vassals and walled castles

Rise of trade � more cities and growth of the middle class

Makert economy � replaces the self-sufficient manors, which used barter systems

Parliaments � middle class became more important than nobles

Nationalism � loyalty to king, not manor



On a mission

A war fought for ideological motives

Goal: recapture the Holy Land

Emperor Alexis asks the Pope to help him fight the Turks. Pope Urban II uses this as an excuse to create an army and capture the east

Reward � promised salvation in heaven

Motives  - knights can show off, peasants can explore, and people can get rich

Outcome � �Successful Failures�

Most of the crusades were failures � did not succeed in recapturing Jerusalem in the end

However, long term, had positive results on Western Europe

Cause: Crusades capture Jerusalem and set up feudal states


Western Europe is isolated

Increased contact with Europeans

Cultural diffusion � gun powder, astrolabe, Greek philosophy, sugar, paper � printing press

Cause: Crusades

Effects: kings raise army, taxes

Nobles sell estates, allow serfs to buy

Breakdown of feudalism

More centralized government

Church declines

Japan � Heian and Tokugawa

Geography and its Impact

4/5 mountainous

little room to farm terraced farming

high population density

Ring of Fire � led to a respect and fear of nature


Fishing thrived

Protected and isolated Japan

Selective borrowing � able to borrow some customs from China, such as religion, technology, and architecture

Korean Bridge � connection between Korea, Japan, and China which led to exchange of ideas

Japanese Feudalism

The Tokugawa family imposed a centralized feudalism

Economic growth with new roads, tools, and peace to the countryside. Towns sprang up

Old social order � strict moral code of bushido. Peasants had to remain on the land.


Emperor - figurehead

Shogun � real leader

Daimyo � similar to a vassal


Upheld bushido and seppuku

Dual Way � artistic and militaristic




Women � declined in society

Worte books � The Pillow Book, The Tale of Genji

Artistic Tradition

Noh Drama Kabuki drama

Noh was slow

Kabuki had comedy and colorful costumes


Recreated Historical events

Zen Buddhism

Medidation and devotion to duty

Compassion for all

People could seek enlightenment through every day tasks

Shintoism � nature

Rock Garden

Castles � protection

Tea Ceremony

Tea Room represented Harmony, Respect, Purity, and Stillness

Some had new forms of Buddhism

Writing system � adopted it but added the  Kana



Pacific Ocean to Vienna, Austria covering the Middle East, Iraq, and Russia

Genghiz Khan � ruler � reasons for success

Military skills � also used women as fighters

When faced with the problem of walled cities, they learned how to use cannons and other weapons

Able to live on the move





Set up military schools

Conquered 4x as much as Alexander

Government in China

Only Mongols could serve in military

Chinese officials could rule provinces

Used Arab architecture

Rebuilt the Grand Canal

Had a law code and religious practice

Excellent military, bad government

Language = Uighur

Conquered Bulgaria, Russia, Hungary, (Abbassid Caliphate)


Conquered areas and people were treated with justice as long as taxes were paid

Mongols had a respect for scholars, artisans, artists, and different religions

Trade flourished

Cultural diffusion � windmills, gunpowder, papermaking, crops, trees

Maintained the Silk Road

Renaissance � Rebirth

Starts in Italy because trade revived here surplus of money patron of arts

Center of the Mediterranean � contact wit other civilizations


Seek fulfillment

Individual has dignity and worth

Challenged things that were long accepted as true

Renaissance Man- be knowledgeable about a lot of things

Some people

Petrarch, Mirandola, Erasmus � scholars


Leonardo da Vinci � TRUE RENAISSANCE MAN

Mona Lisa

Architect, engineer, musician




The ends justify the means

If a prince is too nice, he can be taken advantage of

Believed people are naturally bad

A prince should be like a fox and a lion



Clergymen are chosen based on family = nepitism

Money is being used by clergymen

King was upset with Church over Civil matters

People wanted to charge interest, and make a profit

Humanism � challenged the Church

Printing press � helped spread ideas

Indulgences � Church sold these to people who wanted penance. However, just kept the money for themselves


95 Theses

Bible is the final authority

�Justification by fate�

He was declared an outlaw by Charles V

Prince Frederick of Saxony protects him

Peace of Ausberg � each German ruler can pick which religion his area will follow


priests did not have special powers

clergy were allowed to marry

no saints

Justification through faith

Bible was the only source

Boys and girls should study the bible


Boys and girls and women should learn the Bible

Predestination � god determined who would achieve salvation

Bible is the final religious truth

Salvation could be achieved through fate

�The Saved� AKA �The Elect� � only ones who could lead sinful lives


strict, has a curfew


Henry VIII wanted to annul his marriage to marry someone else and have a boy

Church says no

Parliament passes the act of Supremacy

King is head of the Church of England

Counter Reformation � Council of Trent

Reaffirmed Catholic beliefs

Index of books that were considered �allowed�

Inquisition � held secret trials

Jesuits/Ignatius of Loyola � missionaries

Pope had authority

Results of Protestant Reformation

Europe is not longer religiously united

Wars erupt because of it

Huguenots (French Calvinists)

North  - protestants

South � Catholic

Russia � Eastern Orthodox

Scientific Revolution

 Used the Scientific Method

Used reason to discover natural laws that governed the physical world to achieve progress


Humanism � challenged traditions

Reacquired Greek and Roman learning. Based their sciences on it.


Bacon � experiment and observation

Copernicus � heliocentric theory

Ptolemy � geocentric theory

Kepler � Earth�s orbit is an ellipse

Galileo � agreed with Copernicus. Built a telescope. He went against the Church�s beliefs. He was put on trial and sentence to death unless he withdrew his statements.

Descartes � human reasoning � �I think therefore I am�

Harvey � circulation of blood

Vesalius � anatomy

Newton � laws of gravity

Boyle � gas laws


Enlightenment AKA Age of Reason

Used reason to discover natural laws that governed society/people to make people happy and progress

Happiness, liberty, reason, nature, progress


Assumes people are bad

Solution � social contract

Monarch has some rights. In return, people got peace.


Believed in life, liberty, and property

Permits revolution if government is bad


Separation of powers


Popular sovereignty

Believed that people were ruined by environment

If government doesn�t serve you, you may change it


Freedom of speech

Mary Wollstone-Craft

Women�s rights

Frederick the Great

Enlightened Despot

Believed he was the �first servant of the state�

How did the Enlightenment spread?

Encyclopedia � articles on government, religion, slavery, divine right

People were able to learn

Salons � living rooms

Invited important people and close friends to be entertained


Info was easily spread

They weren�t thrown out

Easy to hide from the king


Revolutions � people got ideas

Peter and Catherine Romanov


Isolated physically because of Seas and land. It was almost entirely landlocked. Culturally, it had a different religion, alphabet, it was influenced by the Mongols and the Byzantine empire.


Peter waned to learn from the west and modernize Russia

He gained a warm-water port.

He disguised himself as a private citizen and traveled to Western Europe to negotiate an alliance against the Turks. There, he learned a lot about Western civilization.

What did he do?

Remodeled the army and defeated Sweden and gained access to a warm-water port

Wanted women tot take part in community life

Men had to shave long beards

Nobles had to wear short English robes

Taxed everything to build up army and navy

Absolutist ideas

Serfs had worse condition

Noble rank depended on government service

Peter was unrivaled as a conqueror.

Ottoman Empire

Established their own state in 1280

Ruled by the sultan

Helped by viziers


Destroyed the Byzantine empire in 1453

Conquered in Europe and Africa

Greatest sultan Suleiman I the Magnificent

Stopped by Christian armies in the outskirts of Vienna

Used cavalry with janissaries �new troops�

Raised to be loyal to the sultan

Converted to Islam from Christianity

Ruled other religions

Practiced relative religious tolerance

Not forced to convert to Islam

No equal rights � could not serve into military

Had to pay a special tax

Each religious group was organized into a millet.


Elite women had important roles

Women had rights to won property and retain property after marriage

Could testify



Level of intellectual advancement was high

Skilled in art, literature, and music



Designed mosques

In Africa, supervised trading towns along the Niger River and other waterways

Safavid Empire in Persia

At the beginning of the 1500s, gained independence

Militarily, the early Safavids were innovative and well organized

Became a gunpowder empire

Fell in 1723

Mughal India

Babur = Mongol Warlord, invaded India from the north.

Was a gunpowder empire, using military force to maintain power

Economy thrived thanks to a cotton trade

Taj Mahal built by Shah Jana as a tomb for his wife

Akbar the Great

Created a strong central government

Allowed Hindus to participate in the government

Ended the tax on non-Muslims

Modernized the army

Encouraged international trade

Introduced land reforms

Changes to India by Muslim Rule

Trade increased

Scholars learned in Baghdad

Hinduism and Muslim had differences

As long as Hindus paid taxes, were allowed to worship freely

Eventually, blended and a new language � Urdu- was created


Were allowed certain rights

Female aristocrats were awarded titles, earned salaries, owned land, and ran businesses

Permitted to sell woven products

Could inherit  land

Rights were restricted through Islamic law


Akbars great-grandson abandoned religious tolerance, and reimposed the tax on non-Muslims, and forced people to convert to Islam

Sikhs revolted after their leader was killed

Ming Dynasty

Sends explorers � Zheng He Exploration. However it is stopped in 1433 because fleets were too costly, and they wanted China�s traditions to be preserved.

Economic Revival

Rice crops

Industries � porcelain, paper, tools

Production of books

Cultural Achievements

Arts and literature

Ming vases

Scroll painting

Overthrows Mongol because of heavy taxes, corruption, and natural disasters

Expanded Chinese borders

Established a tributary system

Forged alliances

French Revolution

Organized into 3 estates

First Class � clergy

Owned less than 1 percent of the land

No taxes

Second Estate � nobles

Less than 2%

Paid few taxes

Third Estate


city dweller/merchants/manufacturers

laborers and artisans


Causes of Revolution

Enlightenment ideas


Inequality in French society

Crumbling Economy � Louis XVI was in heavy debt

Deficit spending

Marie Antoinette � �Madame Deficit�

Poor harvest � 1789 � harsh winter

Food prices rose which led to food riots

1789 � king calls Estates general for the first time

Voting problem � vote by estate

3rd estate breaks away because they were always outvoted

form the National Assembly

King locks the National Assembly out of the meeting

Meet of a tennis court and take the tennis court oath

Want a monarchy, just not an absolute monarch

July 14 � rumors that the king wants to kill members of the National Assembly

Third Estate breaks into the Bastille

Slogan: �Liberty, Equality, Fraternity�

How did the National Assembly attempt to reform France?



All male citizens are equal

Limited monarchy

Established legislative assembly to make calls

Tax payers were able to elect members of legislative assembly

Social and Economic

Abolished special privelages

End of feudalism

Taxes based on income

Abolished guilds and labor unions

Compensate nobles from land seized by peasants


Declared freedom of religion � weren�t forced to pay the tithe

Took over and sol Church�s land

Placed the French Catholic Church under control

Bishop and priests paid by government salaries

Political Opinions

Center � moderates � minor changes


Liberals � some change

Far Left � radicals � extreme changes

Right � liked Louis

Conservative � maintaining status quo

Far Right � Reactionary � return to past traditions

Declarations of Rights of Man � people are important

Louis signs this

The King and Queen move to Paris

Revolution Turns Radical

Reign of Terror � people all over are being killed

Even the leaders � George Danton and Robespierre are killed

Committee of Public Safety � fights foreign invaders


Directory � new rules

Industrial Revolution

Why in Great Britain? (mining and textiles)

Possessed the factors of production � capital, labor, and land

Money from the slave trade

Labor from the farmers who moved to the cities

Land  - natural resources and great harbors

England has an excellent navy which was able to reach other parts of the world

Government passed laws encouraging trade

It�s colonies were used as a large market

System of roads and canals


Improvements in farming technology

Jethro Tull � seed drill

One invention creates a need for another


Population growth

Lower infant mortality


Very crowded, polluted, small, tenements, poor sanitation, little privacy, diseases (cholera,rickets)

Electricity, safety, entertainment, theater

Factory Life

Child labor, long hours, few breaks

Machines eliminate the need for skill � women and children worked

Rise of a Middle Class

Bankers, manufacturers, lawyers, doctors, engineers, professors

Lived in nice houses

Could hired servants and be schooled


Middle class

Home, college, jobs

Working class

Home responsibilities were diminished

Jobs that required little skill


Based on needs, number of workers, prices, amount of goods, how much the person would have made at another job

Working Class Improved

Quality of life and standard of living


Owner tools




Worker tools





Illiteracy decreased


Emily Pankhurst � women�s suffrage


Private ownership, free enterprise, profit motive, competition, supply and demand

See chart

Karl Marx

Economic struggle between the proletariats vs the Middle class

Believed that the workers need to rise up and take control of the factory and means of production

Workers control the means of productions

Workers share the profits

Everyone is equal classless society

Government will slowly wither away



Raw materials for Europe

Expand their markets

New land to settle their population

Found the cure for malaria, so could explore in jungles

Technology � easier to capture these places


Want tiny islands as naval bases

Wanted to spread their culture

Create an aristocracy  of the white race


Social Darwinism

Spread the word of God



Civilize, Commerce, Christianize

Easy to overtake because they have a variety of culture and languages, low level of technology, and conflict between the tribes

Resources � iron, diamonds, magnesium, gold, tin, copper, nickel, coal, oil, rubber

Berlin Conference � countries met to discuss how to divide Africa


Instilled European education

Africans lost their self-rule

Forced to adopt European culture

Land is lost to Eropeans � forced to grow cash crops food shortages

Forced to work for Europeans

Better health care

Faster transportation

Tribalism � ethnic groups are divided

King Leopold � Belgian Congo

Killed Africans for their rubber


First controlled by British East India Company

Exploited the diversity of India

Resources -  jute, cotton, spices, opium, indigo

Growing discontent

Sepoys did not want to serve oversees, missionaries tried to convert natives, animal fat was used on rifle cartridges, allowed Hindu women to remarry, and outlawed sutee

1857 � Sepoy Mutiny

Britain wins

Now Britain, and not the Company controls it

India = Raj

Suez Canal



Modernize India

Large market and resources

Improved their infrastructure


Telegraph lines

Have to grow cash crops

Improved health care population explosion and strain on food supply


Brought peace and order

Revised legal system

Encouraged unity


Imposed Christianity of Indians

Restricted their businesses

Destroyed their hand-domestic system of production

Cash crops


Had an ethnocentric attitude. Self-sufficient, no use for European goods

China gave tea, spices, silver, and porcelain to Europe in exchange for silver

Britain�s cash supply was depleting

They decided to sell opium

Opium war � Britain defeats Chinese

Forced to sign the Treaty of Nanking

Give over Hong Kong

Open more ports

Pay for war damages

Extraterritoriality � Britain crime doers in China were charged under British law

China is cut up into spheres of influence

America � open door policy

Converted the Chinese

Boxer Rebellion

Want to destroy the Europeans

However, they were disorganized, poorly equipped, and not united

Manchu dynasty takes over

Dr. Sun Yat Sen

Believed in Nationhood, democracy, and livelihood


Became imperialistic � did not want to be taken over by Europe

The Charter oath

Discarded unworthy customs

Justice based on principles of nature


Welcomes foreigners and seeks experts

New advances � steamship, foreign loans, telegraph, railroad

Sino Japanese War � Japan beats China and gains Manchuria and Taiwan and Korea

Changed it to Japanese

Russo � Japanese War

Japan wins

Latin America

Unfair social class system

Ottoman Empire

Lost their territory and want it back

�Sick man of Europe�

Germany wants to build a railroad from Berlin to Baghdad. This is a threat to England, who would lose money since people would no longer need the Suez Canal

Causes of WWI

Immediate Cause

Serbs kill Arch-duke Ferdinand of Austria

Austria sends an ultimatum to Serbia

Serbia does not agree. On July 28, 1914, Austria Hungary declares war on Serbia


Balkan Powder Keg

Imperialism � competition between the nations

Militarism � war was glorified

Alliances � by fighting one nation, you would be starting a war with a few

Global Impacts

Total war

Every aspect is directed towards the war

Soldiers, factory workers, women took jobs

Colonies � soldiers, naval bases, resources

Government � draft, controlled economy, sold bonds

New weapons/inventions

Guns, canons, shellshock, crude bombs, tank, airplane, chemical warfare

Trench warfare

Propaganda was important � appealed to emotions


Name calling

Shows the enemy in the worst light

US Involvement

Zimmerman Telegram

Russia becomes a democracy

Was already helping the Allies and providing them with materials, good, and ammunition

Armenian Genocide

See sheet?

Russian Revolution


Autocratic government

Lost to Japan

People are hungry

Force czar to abdicate his throne

Provisional government led by Kirensky

Mistake � continued in WWI

Bolshevik Revolution � Lenin gains power

He modified Marxism

Leaders � a small group of dedicated Marxists who would train workers to become a revolutionary force

�peace,, bread, land�

Russia is out of war

Brest-Litvosk treaty � between Russia and Germany

End of WWI

Treaty of Versailles

Many people were angry that they didn�t get what they wanted

Germany was forced to pay reparations and diminish their army and navy, they lost land

Latin America

Businesses were formed since the materials couldn�t be imported

Rise of an urban middle class

Political system was opened


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