Fall Final Review Outline


Aim: How did Louis XIV (AKA �The Sun King�) Rule France? (1643-1715)

Theme: Power/Government


  1. Royalty is sacred and absolute (divine right, absolute monarchy)

  2. The King is G-d�s messenger- G-d put him on the throne

  3. Subjects must obey the king- to go against him is to go against religion


Why did kings rise to power?

  1. The Crusades- church lost power; nobles dieking�s power rise

  2. Business class (townspeople) wanted strong central power, which keeps order and protects property and business, supports colonies (mercantilism) which increases trade, uniform currency, etc.

  3. Reformation- led to church�s decline

  4. Nationalism- king is the symbol of unity


Absolute Monarchy- rules by divine right and decides what is best for the state

Ruler has unlimited power; individuals are like objects owing loyalty and obedience.  Ruler encourages industry and trade to strengthen the economy.  Ruler dominates cultural life either as patron of the arts or by censorship.


-          Ruler holds unlimited powerpolitical

-          Ruler dominated upper classes, which in turn dominate lower classes.  Ceremonies symbolize ruler�s powersocial

-          Ruler encouraged industry and trade to strengthen the economyeconomic

-          Ruler dominated cultural life either by a patron of the arts or by censorshipcultural.


Louis XIV:


-          Appointed royal officials/ �intendants�(usually from middle class) to gain their loyalty- collect taxes, recruit soldiers, etc.

-          Absolute power

-           Didn�t call the Estate�s General (parliament) into session



-          Finance minister- Jean Baptiste Colbert who had mercantilist policies

-          High tariffs on imports

-          Oversaw colonies (New France)

-          Overseas colonies (New France)


-Palace of Versailles- symbol of wealth and power



-          Palace: ceremonies and rituals

-          Required nobles to live at Versailles to keep a close eye on them

-          He let them compete for his favor so they would fight each other, not him. Ceremonies and rituals(people following him and doing shallow chores for him- watch him get dressed, etc.)

-          paid a high tax


                    The reign of King Louis and the conditions of the time


1.      The government debt had tripled from 1774-1779 (half of it coming from France�s participation in the American Revolution)

2.      Banks were refusing to lend the government money even at 40% interest

3.      By the spring of 1789, the price of bread had almost doubled from 1789 due to the bad drought of 1788 and the cold winter which stopped grain from being shipped.  Bread was the main part of the diet of the French and the worker was used to paying about half of his earnings for bread; now almost every cent he earned went to his bread

4.      Louis XIV called the Estates-General into session for the first time in over 150 years in order to raise money through taxes and hopefully to quiet the demands of the people who were starting to riot in the streets of Paris.  Anticipating a discussion of the nation�s problems, each estate wrote its own cahier (letters of complaint to discuss conditions they wished changed) to the king. 


Aim: How did Peter �The Great�, 1692-1725 Rule Russia?

  Peter The Great 1692-1725


  1. Followed the absolutist idea of Louis XIV of France= Czar had complete control of highly centralized administration, nobles were only his agents

  2. Orthodox church fell under Peter�s control- in France, monarchy controlled local governments



  1. Made a new service nobility- rank and privilege were dependent of the amount of government service performed, rather than family status.

  2. Peter granted nobles large estates with thousands of serfs(formerly, free peasants).




  1. These changes caused by nobility increased the number of serfs, and worsened their condition

  2. At a time when serfdom was declining rapidly throughout Europe, Czar bound serfs to their lords as well as their lands; their owners could buy and sell them like slavesuprisingsgovernment crushed all rebellions.


Foreign Policy:

  1. In 1697, Peter, who often disguised himself as a private citizen, went with a Russian delegation to several countries in Western Europe to negotiate an alliance against the Turksfailedbut Peter learned all about the West(met leaders of learning and scientists, etc.)



  1. Czar Peter reorganized his army along French lines, and equipped it with the best European weaponstested this army in a long war (1700-1712) with Sweden= Russia won, and got territory with access to the Black Sea.

  2. Ended Sweden�s short lived role as a great power in Europe.



  1. Armies and navies cost money= taxed almost everything, even babies and long beards

  2. Encouraged the development of foreign trade and manufacturing

  3. Required Russian land owners to grow potatoes

  4. Favored mercantilist policies

  5. Built and subsided factories (from 13-2000)

  6. Encouraged iron industry (iron ore and large forests)



  1. Had to give up their long robes suitable for Russia�s bitter winters in order to wear European style short coats



  1. Had to shave off their long beards



a. Abandon their isolation and take part in community life


(See sheets)

Additional information:

  1. Assumed control of the church (Eastern Orthodox)

  2. His family, the Romanovs, ruled for a number of generations.  Nicolas Romanov (father of Anna- Anastasia) was the last czar of Russia, in 1917. Many of the royal families throughout Europe were interrelated- the Romanovs were related to  a royal family in England.


Homework #1


Factors Contributing to Russia�s Isolation (1500�s)


    1. Asian influence resulting from Mongol domination

    2. Western civilization had reached Russia from Constantinople and the Byzantine empire, not from the west

    3. Russia�s religion was Eastern Orthodox, rather than Roman Catholic or Protestant

    4. Russia used the Cyrillic alphabet, which posed as a barrier to communicate with the rest of Europe (that used the Roman alphabet)



    1. Strong kingdoms of Sweden and Poland blocked Russia from the Baltic Sea

    2. South- Ottoman Turks held the Black Sea coast

    3. West- plains of Poland and Eastern Europe blocked commercial contact

    4. Russia�s rivers didn�t flow into the great oceans and seas(a lot was taking place commercially)

    5. Completely landlocked

    6. Frozen up North



Aim: How did Enlightenment Thinkers answer the basic question of the 18th century? (how does one make mankind happy, rational, and free?)

Theme: Turning Point


-�Whenever Law ends, Tyranny begins�- Locke- With no laws, there is anarchy

-          �Liberty is obedience to the law which one has laid down for oneself�- Rousseau � it is considered freedom because YOU make the law


All these questions about laws, etc. began with the Scientific Revolution, when they used logic, reason, and experimentation to solve problems of the physical- they discovered that everything has a cause and effect.

Descartes- �I think, therefore I am�

Beforehand, scientists relied on theology- religion and ancient texts.  Their methods of solving problems, using reason, to solve physical problems were then applied to the study of humans, and human nature- this was the Enlightenment Period.  They wanted to discover natural laws (laws between you and I), laws that govern human nature (society and human behavior).

Hobbes Vs. Locke- Hobbes lived during the English Civil War, and so he had a pessimistic opinion (since the king was beheaded), and Locke lived during the Glorious Revolution, so he had an optimistic view.


  1. Hobbes- �Leviathon� (1651)

People are driven by selfishness and greed

In a �State of Nature�- without laws- chaos/anarchy/ �war�

To avoid this, people give up their freedom (social contract) to a government that provides order

Such a government must be strong to control the nation= absolute monarchy


  1. Locke- �Two Treatsies On Civil Government� (1690)

Everybody is born with natural rights- life, liberty, and property

Purpose of government- protect property and these natural rights

If the government doesn�t fulfill its purpose or if it transgresses the people�s rights, they can revolt, they can change the government

Felt that people only gave up some individual rights, and kept others.

Also believe that people first lived in a state of anarchy, then made a social contract.

* Turning Point- this idea is used by the U.S and later, France


  1. Montesquieu- �The Spirit of the Laws� (1748)

If one person makes, enforces, and judges the laws, there is no freedom and this is an abuse of power.

Says that the powers of government should be separated into judicial, executive, and legislative branches.

Why?  To prevent any one group or person from gaining too much power.  Each branch should check and balance each other.

President�� Supreme court


Congress�� Supreme Court

Legislative- made the laws

Executive- administered the laws

Judicial- interpreted and applied the laws


  1. Voltaire: �Letters on England� (1734)

    1. Managed to reverse some legal decisions by rallying public opinions and raising people to oppose barbaric torture and religious intolerance

    2. �I do not agree with a word you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.�


  1. Rousseau: �The Royal Contract� (1762)

    1. People are born good, but their environment, laws and education corrupt them

    2. The free and good state in which people are born can be preserved only if they live under a government that they can choose and can control (�Popular Sovereignty�)

    3. Distrusted reason, and that it brought on misery and corruption, not progress.


Aim: How did the Enlightenment Spread?

Theme: Cultural Diffusion


�An opinion launched in Paris (France was the center of the Enlightenment) was like a battering ram launched by 30 million people.�

Ex: Ben Franklin visited Europe- brought enlightenment ideas back to America


  1. Encyclopedia- dictionary of reason, science, and occupations.

Denis Diderot- 28 volumes- 20,000 copies (1751-1789)- the editor

Purpose: to begin a revolution in the minds of men- wanted to change the wat people think or do things

Explained new ideas: Government, philosophy, religion, science, technology,- includes articles by leading professors (Voltaire, etc.) Denounced slavery, praised freedom of speech, urged education for all, attacks divine right theory and traditional religion- led to the democratization in France. 

Arranged alphabetically- Roi (king) and Dieu (god) comes in alphabetical order, they are not the first things in the books- are not placed first!  There was free access to knowledge and bypassed traditional authority.

  1. Salons- informal gathering where people would gather and exchange ideas- artists, philosophers, and others would gather.


Thomas Paine- �Common Sense�-this pamphlet represents Enlightenment thinking- says that it goes against reason that King George, who is so far away from the colonies, should rule them.  This sparked the American Revolution.

We see a lot of Enlightenment ideas in the Declaration of Independence as well- we see concepts of all men are created equal, popular sovereignty, unalienable rights, right to rebel, etc.


Mercantilism- helped mother country, but greatly harmed colonies


Enlightened Deposits- people who tried to use Enlightenment thinking to help reform the country (they were absolute monarchs) King Frederick of Prussia- he says that he wants to fight ignorance and prejudice, to cultivate his peoples manners and morals, and to make them as happy as himself.  He had Voltaire live in his court for a short while as an advisor.  Although he spoke a lot about helping the state, he did more to increase his own power.


Catherine the Great- Gave a lot of �lip service�- said she wanted to free the serfs, etc. She conquered the Turks and finally got the warm water ports on the Black Sea that Peter had wanted- it was this, her military service, that she was known for.


Peasants are untouched by enlightenment- still lived in small, rural villages.


Still serfs

Could be sold with land

�Owed labor with land

Some were forced to serve as sailors




No longer serfs

Rented or owned land

Hired as day laborers

By late 1700�s, some sought reform and justice


Rousseau believed that education of women is key.  A woman named Mary Wollstonecraft was the first real feminist. 





Aim: Why did a Revolution Erupt in France in 1789?

The Revolution/Turning Point

�Road to Revolution�


Some Background�.


First Estate

Type of people= Clergy of the Roman Catholic Church

Percent of the Population= made up less than 1%

�Special Privileges�= (held since the middle ages)- only church courts could try priests and bishops

-          Clergy didn�t have to pay taxes, but made a �free gift� of money to the French king

-          Church owned about 1/10 of all French land, and therefore got a lot of money from taxes, rents, and fees.

-          Higher clergy (archbishops and bishops) had a lot of money- therefore became lazy and neglected many spiritual duties

Poor Treatment and abuse= lower clergy (parish priest) did most of the work and got very little pay

Gave religious guidance and fed the poor, while providing education



Second Estate

Type of People= nobility

Percent of the population= less than 2% of the population

�Special Privileges�- (originated in the feudal time)

-          The right to wear a sword

-          Right to function as �Lord of the Manor�

-          Exempt from most taxes

-          Could collect rent from the poor peasants that worked their lands

-          Many of the wealthiest bought their titles from past kings

-          Some of the idealists among the nobility did understand the complaints of the first estate

Poor treatment/abuse=

-          Nobles paid few taxes if any, and still collected feudal dues from the peasants

-          Nobles were the only ones that could hold the highest positions in the army and the government

-          Some cared about the welfare of France, but on the whole, the nobility were thoughtless and irresponsible


Third Estate

Type of People= The top: �Burgeoies�city-dwelling middle class- merchants, manufacturers, doctors, lawyers, etc.  Below them- artisans and laborers; Bottom- the peasants- led miserable lives of poverty

% of Population= about 97%

Burgeoise- wealthy and had education

Peasants- by 1700�s few of them remained serfs, but still owned feudal dues

-          Paid rent for the land on which they worked

-          Heaviest taxes

-          Tithe- 1/10 income to church

-          Many could not afford to farm the land

-          Many used farming equipment


 July 14th, 1789 (also Mr. Rothbort�s birthday)- �Bastille Day�- Revolution Begins (French Independence Day)

  1. Enlightenment Ideas

  2. English Glorious Revolution

  3. Inequality (Class Pyramid)- 2% of the people (first and second estate) owned 30% of the land

  4. Abuses of the �Old Regime� by king and first and second estates

  5. Food riots 1788- poor harvestfood (bread shortage) rise in pricesbakers go out of businessriots


Deficit- the French owed 126,000,000 francs more than they collected- this is called deficit spending

Frenchmen would fight for the Americans, and Louis spent a lot of money on the colonies there, because he believed in the phrase �My enemy�s enemy is my friend�.- the English and the Americans are enemies, as are the English and French.

The banks refused to grant Louis XVI loans, and so he planned to tax the 1st and 2nd estates, but they refused.


1789- Louis calls the Estate�s General (who had not met for 175 years)- asked each estate to write their grievances in a notebook (a �cahier)




1. Wanted a say in government policy mainly because the government interfered with their business

2.      Wanted their sons to have important positions in the church, army and government= only nobles could

3.      Merchants and manufacturers didn�t want to pay taxes when nobles and clergy didn�t

               4.Wanted political power

5.      Freedom to trade with foreign countries without interference

6.      At first wanted mercantilism, but by the mid 1700�s , disliked mercantilist policies concerning government waging taxes, wages, and prices.

Nobles and Clergy

  1. Disliked increasing concentration of power in hands of the French king

  2. France became larger and kings more powerful

  3. Larger armies- lost influence and didn�t profit


  1. Found food prices rising higher and higher, lost wages not going up

Artisans and Peasants
  1. Blamed the king for letting prices get so high

  2. Resented the rich, that collected their rent, ate a lot, and lived in big houses

  3. Mad that they had to pay taxes and nobles and clergy didn�t have to sometimes the poor rebelled- increased crime and robbery

Nobles treatment of peasants
  1. Nobles taxed land and raised rent

  2. Hired lawyers to find old feudal dues

  3. Tried to sell things they once gave away


Page 429 Q�s #5 and #6

5).a. The terms liberty and equality were interpreted by the peasants as the right to eat and get reward for their labor.

b. By the Bourgoise- the freedom to trade without restrictions, and the right to get into the highest positions on society by way of merit alone

Called this �equality of opportunity�

6). A. Louis XVI called a meeting of the estates general (1789 at Versailles), because he thought that by calling together all the representatives from all 3 estates (not just nobility) could get his approval for his idea for taxing the wealth


Famous speech made by a clergy- Abbe Sieyes

What is the third estate? EVERYTHING (majority of the population).  What is it asking for? TO BE SOMETHING.

He was sympathetic to the peasants.


The voting was by estate, not by the individuals.  In order to pass a law, two estates and the king must approve it.  This was the third estate�s major complaint- 300 members of the first estate, 300 members of the 2nd estate, 600 members of the third estate. But each estate only gets one vote.  The first and second estates would always vote as a bloc.  This system angered the Third estate, and there was no resolution to this problem.  They declared a national assembly National Assembly- they claimed that this represents the people.  Louis XVI locks the assembly out of their meeting place.  Instead, they meet outside, on a tennis court, and declared that they would not disband until a new constitution was established.  After they take this oath, a rumor began that the king was marching an army in Paris against them, and this sparked the storming of the Bastille- the king�s jail, where prisoners who had been arrested by letters of cache were kept)-on July 14th, 1789.  There were only 7 prisoners, but they heard arms were stored there.

-          This sends a warning to the nobility and king not to resist reform

-          Commoners express support for this new National Assembly

-          The Bastille was a symbol of the King�s power

This was an attack on the kings power.  Once the soldiers did not support the king, the tide turned.  This was a turning point.


Summer of 1789- the �Great Fear�- violence and bread riots continued, especially peasants vs. nobles

October of 1789- women march in Versaille demanding bread

�We have the baker, the bakers wife, and son�- they captured Louis, Marie, and their son and took them back to Paris

People didn�t like Mary Antoinette- Louis�s wife married for political reasons- people didn�t like her because she was concerned with luxury and wealth

By the women getting involved, we see it was a popular revolt.


-          Summer of riots- taxes should go to the poor

-          King is having feasts while the rest of France is hungry


Aim: How did the National Assembly attempt to Reform France?


August 1789- �Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen�

  1. Men are born and remain free and equal in rights.  Social distinctions can be based only upon the common good.

  2. The aim of every political association is the preservation of the natural and imprescriptible rights of man.  These rights are liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression.

  3. The source for all sovereignty is essentially in the nation (that is, the people); no body, no individual can exercise authority that does not emanate from it expressly.

  4. Liberty consists in the power to do anything that does not injure others; accordingly, the exercise of the natural rights of each man has no limits except those that assure to the other members of society the enjoyment of these same rights.  These limits can be determined only by law.

  5. The law can forbid only such actions as are injurious to society.  Nothing can be forbidden by the law, and no one can be constrained to do that which it does not decree.

  6. Law is the expression of the general will.  All citizens have the right to take part personally, or by their representatives, in its enactment.  It must be the same for all, being equal in its eyes, are equally eligible to all public dignities, places, and employments, according to their capacities, and without other distinction than that of their merits and talents.

  7. No man can be accused, arrested, or detained, except in the cases determined by the law and according to the forms which it has prescribed.  Those who call for, expedite, execute, or cause to be executed arbitrary orders should be punished; but every citizen summoned or seized by virtue of the law ought to obey instantly; he makes himself culpable by resistance.

  8. The law ought to establish only punishments that are strictly and obviously necessary, and no one should be punished and promulgated prior to the offence and legally applied.

  9. Every man being presumed innocent until he has been declared guilty, if it is judged indispensable to arrest him, all severity that may be necessary to secure his person ought to be severely suppressed by the law.

  10. No one should be disturbed on account of his opinions, even religious, provided their manifestations does not trouble the public order as established by law

  11. The free communication of thoughts and opinions is one of the most precious of the rights of man; every citizen can then speak, write, and print freely, save for the responsibility for the abuse of this liberty in the cases determined by law.

  12.  The guarantee of the rights of man and citizen necessitates a public force (that is, law-enforcement officers); this force is then instituted for the advantage of all and not for the particular use of those to whom it is entrusted.

  13. For the maintenance of the public force and for the expenses of administration a general tax is indispensable; it should be equally apportioned among all the citizens according to their means.

  14.  All citizens have the right to ascertain, by themselves or through their representatives, the necessary amount of public taxation, to consent to it freely, to follow the use of it, and to determine the quota, the assessment, the collection, and the duration of it.

  15. Society has the right to call for an account by every public agent of its administration

  16. Any society in which the guarantee of the rights is not assured, or the separation of powers is not determined, has no constitution.

  17. Property being a sacred and inviolable right, no one can be deprived of it, unless a legally established public necessity eveidently requires it, under the condition of a just and prior indemnity.


Reform (change) the �Old Regime�- the old system in France


August 4th 1789- enacted reforms


1791- new constitution (The Tricdor Badge- red white and blue- became the emblem of the revolution)

Slogan of the Revolution: �Liberty, equality(before the law), fraternity(brotherhood-everybody worked together)- to the death!�


New Constitution: (of 1791)- changes to the �Old Regime�

-          All male citizens equal in the eyes of law

-          Limited power of monarchy

-          Established Legislative Assembly- elected by taxpaying male citizens

-          Abolished special privileges and announced end to feudalism

-          Taxes are levied according to ability to pay

-          Abolished guilds, forbade labor unions

-          Compensated nobles for lands seized by the peasants (the Great Fear)

-          Declare freedom of religion *

-          Took over and sold church lands (to pay off deficit) *

-          Placed the French Catholic Church under control of the state*

-          Provided that bishops and priests be elected and receive government* salaries

*= Caused the most problems for Assembly


Constitution of September 1791


Power in Government

~ Neither the nobility nor any other feudal titles exist

~ The legislative power is delegated to a National Assembly�freely elected by the people

~ The executive power is delegated to the king

~ The judicial power is delegated to judges who are elected by the people

~ The person of the King is sacred

~There is no authority superior to the law, the King rules under the rule of law 

Civil Liberties

~ All citizens are admissible to offices�the only qualifications being their virtues and talents

~ All citizens shall be given the liberty to:

               *Come and go as they please



Aim: Why did the French Revolution turn radical? (1791-1795)


Spectrum of Political Opinion in National Assembly

A.    Radical

Favors extreme changes in government policy(no monarch-republic)

B.     Liberal

Favors some changes in government policy

C.     Moderate

Open to minor changes in policy

D.    Conservative

Favors maintaining the status quo (same-limited monarchy)

E.     Reactionary

Favors a return to post traditional policies (monarch)


Royalists: nobles/church return the king


�Reign of Terror�- Robespierre- �It is necessary to stifle the domestic (internal) and foreign (external) enemies of the Republic or perish with them��- the basis of popular government in time of the revolution is both virtue and terror.


Stages of Revolution

Stage 1: Activity of writers who denounce existing conditions and satirize common practices. The writers provide new goals and ideas (Enlightenment writers)

Stage 2: Public dissatisfaction culminates in riots, assassinations, and other acts of violence (Bread riots, women walk on Versailles, Bastille Day)

Stage 3: The ruling group is intimidated into making repeated concessions until power is transferred. (sometimes give up power willingly)

Stage 4: The reformers carry out their jobs

Stage 5: The new reforms divide the nation into rival groups (left, center, right)

Stage 6: Radicals seize power and attempt to impose their views on the nation

Stage 7: The public tires of the radicals, thus allowing moderates to regain power and restore order



Chapter 17 Sections 4-5, Pages 434-440:

  1. Define- Universal manhood suffrage: every man could vote, regardless if he owned property or not

National Convention: governmental assembly of delegates from France who ruled the country for three years.  It ended the rule of the monarchy and began the rule of a republic.  It was an equivalent of the United States� Congress.  Made up of Girondists and Jacobins.

-          Held their first assembly in September 1792

-          Nobody supported the king

Three main groups
    1. On the right �Girondists�- many of them came from the department of the Girande in southwestern france

    2. �Jacobins� members of a radical club of that name; sat on the left.  Among the most powerful of this group was George-Jacques Donton and Maximilien (xtreme radicals that wanted reform benefiting all the classes)

    3. A group of delegates that had no definite views; later most of those delegates came to favor the Jacobins

Committee of Public Safety= In 1793- set up in order to direct the French army in defending the country and subduing foreign invaders.  Established the Revolutionary Tribunal to put enemies of the French Revolution on trial.

Conscription= the draft- all men between the ages 18 and 45 were liable for military service; adopted by the Committee of Public Safety

Reign of Terror= the convention made a systematic program in order to suppress opposition to the republic; this lasted from September 1793 to July 1794.

Directory= 1795This was the name of the government created by the revised Constitution in 1795.   This government was run by five executives called directors.  It ruled France for four years.  The Directory displeased many people, and the five directors were always arguing.  The Directory was a weak form of government and experienced protests and riots.  Eventually, it went bankrupt.

-          Governed France for a few years, but neither the radicals or the conservatives were happy about it.

-          The five directors were selfish and constantly fought with each other- couldn�t solve France�s problems

-          Prices skyrocketed, and the peasants and the poor people of France suffered as a result of thatthe directors made no effort to improve their desperate situation.

-          Directors didn�t interfere with corrupt business leaders

The economic situation got badcrowds rebelled and argued that the government wasn�t helpingdirectors made no effort to improve their desperate situation.

-          Soon became as unpopular as the old regimerepeated history- went bankrupt and made way for military dictatorship.



Aim: How did Napoleon Rule France? (1799- 1815)


The French Revolution (1789-1815)

Reign of Terror(1793)

Directory (1795)



Napoleon was a general at age 26,  and suppressed the uprisings in Paris that tried to stop the establishment of the directory, and therefore made him very popular with the citizens of France.  He was also an excellent organizer both politically and in military actions.  He also had military genius.

  Napoleon became the leader of France because conditions got bad and people thought that only Napoleon could be victorious abroad and bring it home.  Then, in 1799, three directors resigned and two were arrestedmade way for change, troops with bayonets entered the legislature and made most of the members leave (and those that remained left the government to Napoleon and his fellow plotters~ �I found the crown of France lying on the ground, and I picked it up with a sword.�

 . People accepted Napoleon�s dictatorship because: 1- wanted stability and sick of the chaos; 2- afraid to protest because feared arrest; 3- Didn�t try to abolish changes from the revolution, but rather supported them.  Also, he respected the Declaration of the Rights of Man, and didn�t restore serfdom and feudal privileges= reassured the peasants that they would keep their land and it wouldn�t be taken away from them.


-          �He was like an expert chess player�- strategy- his opponent was the entire world, which he wanted to control

-          �I am the constitution�- making power-absolutist

I.                   Early successes

  1. Victorious general- Austria, Germany, etc.

  2. Coup d�etat- when military takes over and overthrows directory which was corrupt and weak in 1799

  3. Established �Consulate�- a governing 3-man board

  4. 1804- declares himself �Emperor� of France- invited pope to crown him emperor- Napoleon grabs crown and crowns himself- shows he derives power for himself

  5. Conducted Plebiscite- public ballot- yes/no- people of France public strongly support him

II.                Reforms (order, security, and efficiency)

  1. Regulates economy- tries to restore prosperity- keep people happy

Controls prices, encourages new industry and builds roads and canals

  1. Public schools under government control- wants marked soldiers- taught to be loyal to the government

  2. 1801- Concordat- makes peace with the church

  3. Encourages �migr�s to return to France(nobles)- had to take an oath of loyalty- many were high ranking soldiers and had control of wealth.

  4. Recognized sale of church land to peasants

  5. Careers open to �talent�- not favoritism

  6. Napoleonic Code:

    1. Equality of all citizens before the law

    2. Religious toleration

    3. Advancement based on merit

Helped Jews- they were all over the world and wanted their support



Aim: How did Napoleon�s Empire Fall?


 Building an Empire (1804- 1814)

  1. Excellent battlefield strategy/ very motivational speaker (Austerlitz)

  2. Conquers and annexes territory (everywhere he went he put a family member on the throne- �nepotism�)

  3. Allies himself with several countries

  4. Britain was not part of his empire- �Tiger and the Shark�- tiger is Napoleon, he dominates the land.  Great Britain is the shark- controls the seas.  To conquer an island you must have a strong fleet- France lacks this and is defeated.

  5. Napoleon rules out invasion of Britain- how does he bring them to their knees?

    1. Blockade- Great Britain�s economy depended on trade, on commercial contact- �nation of shopkeepers�- Napoleon�s strategy is called �Economic Warfare�. Continental System.

    2. Britain�s response was a blockade upon European ports

  6. Restrictions on trade have a negative impact on Europe- decline of trade, scarcity of goodsprices go up (supply and demand), businesses fail, unemployment went up, people resort to smuggling- this is the �beginning of the end� because people began to resent him for their loss of business.


Napoleons Downfall

  1. Merchants resent the continental system

  2. British opposition

  3. Nationalism- in French Revolution, fought for people-as he spreads these ideas- they get tired of French.

  4. Peninsula War (1808-1814)- Spain and Portugal- guerilla warfare (�Little War�- their southern American colonies soon declare their independence).  Spain and Portugal start to rebel against Napoleon�s forcesdefeat them�guerilla warfare� in Spain- you don�t fight in a straightforward manner- hit and run- you hide

Spain has colonies in South America- while Spain is fighting France, what will the colonies do?- start to declare independence (Peru, Mexico, Chile, etc.)

  1. Russia resigns from Continental System- Napoleon responds by attacking Russia (Le Grande Army- 600,000 men).  Napoleon invades Russia with roughly 600,000 men- �Le Grande Army� and leaves with less than 4/5 (30,000 men).  To resist Napoleon, the Russians used a new strategy- instead of meeting the French army in open battle, the Russians retreated slowly, drawing the French deeper and deeper into Russia.  In September, Napoleon�s Forces finally reach Moscow, which the Russians had evacuated.  The day after the French entered it, a huge fire, probably started by Russian Patriots, destroyed the city.  With the Russian winter looming, Napoleon didn�t know what to do- he could either chase the Russian army farther to the east or turn back to the west.

He waited too long to make his decision to retreatbitter cold and driving snow crossed the vast Russian plain once againtemp. dropped and the Russians began to attack French forces without mercy.

Finally, Napoleon retreats.  As England, Russia, Britain, Austria, and Prussia fight, they finally defeated Napoleon- Lipseg, Germany.

  In Paris, Napoleon was forced to abdicate(give up his crown and throne).  He was defeated in the Battle of Waterloo.  Finally sent to the South Atlantic- to an island (St. Helena)in exile-and died there.


Napoleon didn�t realize that Britain also trades with the colonies in America and with India- when he cut off trade.


Defeated, abdicates, retires to Elba Island, escapes, comes back to France as a hero for 100 days- final defeat at the Battle of Waterloo.


Homework #8


1.  What was known as the Continental System was a French Blockade of the British isles.  This blockade served as a trade embargo upon Britain, which the French hoped would render the British without trade or profits.  Unfortunately, the British responded with a similar international blockade on France, making trade with either country very difficult

2.  Napoleon decided to invade Russia because it was apparent that it refused to obey the French Continental System, and such behavior was inappropriate for allies of France.  This infuriated Napoleon and led him to invade Russia.  However, as the Russian army was attacked, they slowly moved deeper into the recesses of Russia, and began to destroy things of value in the towns that the French were destined to pass through.  Eventually, they had drawn the French army into the middle of the country with the Russian winter coming, which left them helpless and caused them to retreat.

3.Napoleon�s defeat in Russia was a disaster because it showed how unprepared the French army had been and it pointed out its weaknesses.  Not only that, but the French had taken 4/5 casualties.  This served as a major embarrassment for France because the Russians had taken advantage of their vast knowledge of their homeland, and put it to use in the swift destruction of the French army.



Quote- �My glory is not to have won forty battles, for Waterloo�s defeat will destroy the memory of as many victories.  But what nothing will destroy, what will live eternally is my Civil Code.�- Napoleon�s Legacy:

1.Napoleon�s Code

-          No privileges of birth

-          All men are equal under the law

-          Close to older French laws and customs to be acceptable to the French public and legal profession

-          Moderate, well organized

-          As a result, the code not only endured in France, but has been adopted with local modifications, in many other countries

  1. Impact on Spain and colonies

-          So weakened the Spanish government that for a period of several years, it lost effective control of its colonies in Latin America.

-          But during the period of De Facto autonomy that the Latin American independence movements commenced.

  1. Louisiana Purchase- now US can be a major rival to England- �the enemy of my enemy is my friend�:

-          Sold a vast tract of land to the US because�

-          Realized that the French possessions in North America might be difficult to protect from British conquest, and was short on cash

-          Largest peaceful transfer of land in all of history

-          Transformed the US into a nation of near-continental size

-          Doubtful that the US would be a great power today without the Louisiana Purchase

-          Napoleon wasn�t solely responsible for itUS government clearly played a part, also- but French offer was such a bargain that any American government would have accepted itbut the decision to sell the Louisiana territory came through the arbitrary judgement of a single individual, Napoleon Bonaparte.

  1. Spread ideals of the French Revolution


Napoleon called, by some, �Son of the Revolution�

Others say he was a �Traitor of the Revolution�.


Long Term Causes

-          Corrupt, inconsistent, and insensitive leadership

-          Prosperous members of the third estate resent privileges of first and second estates

-          Spread of enlightenment ideas



Immediate Causes

-          Huge government debt

-          Poor harvests and rising price of bread

-          Failure of Louis XVI to accept financial reforms

-          Formation of the National Assembly

-          Storming of the Bastille


The French Revolution


Immediate Effects

-          France adopts its first written constitution

-          French feudalism ends

-          Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen adopted

-          Monarchy abolished

-          Revolutionary France fights coalition of European powers

-          Reign of Terror


Long Term Effects

-          Napoleon gains power

-          Napoleonic Code established

-          French conquests spark nationalism

-          French public schools get set up


Connections Today

-          French people remain proud of Napoleon�s glory days

-          French law reflects Napoleonic Code

-          Metric system, set up after the revolution, in use worldwide

-          After centuries of power, French political and military influence declines in Europe



Aim: How did the Congress of Vienna (1815) attempt to stabilize Europe following Napoleon?


Trying to �turn the clock back� to the Old Regime- complete monarchy

Metternich-leader of Congress of Vienna- reactionary

  1. All countries should be repaid for expenses incurred while fighting the French

  2. Political power in France and its conquered lands should be returned to those who ruled prior to Napoleon (Bourbons)

  3. No country should ever dominate Europe. (weakened France)

-          Formed �Quadruple Alliance� to maintain peace and balance of power, and to prevent revolution

-          Metternich was against liberalism, revolution, and freedom of speech.

-          Established a secret police force to make sure that there was non

4.      government, responsible for maintaining peace and the balance of power established at Vienna.

5.      Prince Metternich wished to abolish completely any ideas of revolution and of liberalism.  Liberalism was a movement which supported the rights of man and freedom of speech, religion, press, etc.  He aimed to preserve absolutism, and achieved this through a secret police system in Austria.  Any liberals that were caught were imprisoned, fined, or exiled



Aim: How did Production Change in the Late 1700s to early 1800s?




Industrial Revolution



I.                   Agricultural Revolution

Farming Change

A.    Enclosure Movement- combine lands (enclosing or fencing) to form larger-land holding that were more efficient for large-scale farming

  1. Increased crop production

  2. Experimentation

  3. Smaller farmer cant compete- move to city- �Urbanization�= growth of cities

B.     New Invention

  1. Seed Drill (Jethro Tull)

Less need for many famers

Some move to cities

  1. Crop rotation (Townshend)

Alternating crops of different kinds to preserve the soil

  1. Iron Plow (Ransome)

Efficient farming

Crop production increases

Less need for farmers

Move to cities


II.                Population Explosion

England 1700- 5 million

1800- 9 million

Europe 1700- 120 million

1800- 190 million

Why?   (more food:)

-          Ate healthy

-          Improved hygiene

-          Less famine

-          Improved medical care

              Vaccine smallpox (1796)


III.             Domestic SystemFactory System (More demand)

  1. Time consuming

  2. Very costly

  3. Inefficient


With the population, came a greater demand for the goods:

 First came John Kay�s Flying Shuttle for hand loom:

-          Wider fabric, faster weaving

-          More yarn needed�..


James Hargreave�s Spinning Jenny (home)/ Arkwright�s Water Frame (factory)


Led to Crompton�s Spinning Mule

-          Faster spinning-increased thread

-          More thread than weavers use


Led to Edmund Cartwright�s Power Loom- more cotton needed�.


Eli Whitney�s Cotton Gin

-          Removes seeds faster

-          Growers raise more cotton

-          US main exporter

-          Slavery increases

-          More cotton needed


HandwaterSteam Engine (coal)


-          Can be located anywhere- not stream

-          Works 24/7- doesn�t depend on flow


-          Pollution


Additional Inventions

Steam Boat



Bessemer Process

Machine gun- 1861

Dynamite-Nobel-originally for mountains and mines

Telephone- 1876

Gasoline automobile-1889


Population GrowthGrowth of CitiesUrbanizationOvercrowding(tenements)pollution(includes noise pollution)

Tenements- very little light, many families share one bathroom

Factory- all the factors of production in one place


Homework #10







John Kay

Flying shuttle

Moved the �woof� across the loom more quickly.

Weavers could weave thread faster now.

James Hargreaves

Spinning jenny

Spin out thread quicker

Thread produced eight times faster now

Richard Arkwright

Water frame

Spin out thread by use of water power

Thread production automated by water

Samuel Crompton

Spinning mule

Combined the spinning jenny and water frame

Fine-quality thread produced amply

Edmund Cartwright

Power loom

Weave cloth by water power

Weaving output multiplied by 200

Eli Whitney

Cotton gin

Removed the seeds from cotton

One person could now do the job of that of 50

James Watt

Steam engine

Used to propel vehicles such as cars & trains

Steam replaced water as main power source

Henry Bessemer

Bessemer process

Removed carbon to facilitate steel-making

Steel could now be made cheaply and efficiently

Charles Goodyear

Rubber vulcanization

Mixed rubber with sulfur to make it more elastic

Became the basis of the modern rubber industry

George Stephenson


Used steam to propel a moving engine

Established ways of transportation around G.B.

Robert Fulton


Steam-propelled boat for travelling across rivers

Steamboats soon appeared all over the world

Samuel Morse


Used system of dots and dashes to communicate across large distances

Telegraph soon became world standard of communication



Aim: How were the Lives of the middle and working class affected by the Industrial Revolution?

Theme: Human Rights


A.    Tenements- Little light, few windows, shared bathrooms-overcrowding

Built as a square- those in the middle had no windows- little fresh air or light

-          No real sewage- those conditions led to diseases


B.     Middle Class- more spacious housing.  Could afford servants.


C.     Child Labor is predominant in factories and mining

Why?  1. Lower wages

            2.Smaller-this was a needed trait in coal mining, as well as in working machines

  1.  Very impressionable

No real education for these children- they worked all day.

Middle class children were the ones who received education.


Ad from the time:

�Wanted: A few sober and industrious families of at least 5 children each, over the age of 8 years.  Widows with large families would do well to attend this notice.�

Widows- could take advantage of them

Families- work well together, more manageable

Wages- determined by how much person can make doing other jobs; these children can�t do other jobs so their wages are low.

These wages are also determined by scarcity of workers- supply and demand.


12 hour work days:

The problem with women working is that they must take care of their children


Argument: These kids worked on farms before anyway, now they are making money for their family (the skilled workers lost their jobs)


Conditions are dangerous as well.  No compensation, no insurance for workers, while there were frequent injuries.


Big difference between middle class(doctors, lawyers, merchants, factory owners) and the working class- they would exploit the working class.  They weren�t sympathetic to the working class.


Middle Class women stayed in the house, hired servants, later on began no to marry and to work (many are teachers)


As a result of cheap goods being produced, working class standard of living is raised- have a little left over after expenses.


Homework #11


Globalization= a trend toward a single worldwide market without respect to national borders. 

�Free Trade�- trade without tariffs(taxes) or restrictions


1). What is meant by oppressive child Labor?

When children are under the minimum age of work, have longer work hours than allowed by law, the employers pay the children very little or no wages at all, work in dangerous conditions.

2). Why do children go to work instead of school?

Parents are so desperate for money that they must send their children to work.

3). What is the Fair Labor Standard Act?

Roosevelt- 1938-shortens the normal work week to 40 hours, overtime and time and a half, minimum wage.

4). Why do employers want children to work?

Cost less, easily controlled, wont complain.

5). Do international laws exist to protect children?

Yes- but not strongly enforced.  Agricultural industries still don�t have many restrictions.

6). What type of work do children perform?

Weavers, miners, factory workers, and soldiers.

7). Who was Iqbal Marish?

A boy in Pakistan-sold to pay for wedding of his sister- made rugs for a few pennies a week.  Murdered, believed to be by factory owners enraged by his speaking out.



Aim: How Did Modern Capitalism Emerge from the Industrial Revolution and how did Economists propose to improve the plight of the working class?


(Great Britain originally had strict laws on transferring machines, people, and information- wanted a monopoly on their inventions.  This policy didn�t work, however.)


Commercial Capitalism- mainly deals with trade-post-Crusades

-          Spices, nutmeg, coffee, pepper

-          Joint Stock Companies- British East India Co.

-          Reintroduction of money


Industrial Capitalism- producing and manufacturing goods

-          Mechanization- use of machines- first used in the textile industry


Capitalism- 5 Elements (Pure Capitalism)

  1. Private ownership- individual owns means of production and distribution of goods (can go into partnership if not enough money)

  2. Free Enterprise- you can run your business as you see fit

Individuals are free to enter any business they wish.

  1. Profit Motive

  2. Competition- forces prices to go down and quality to be higher

  3. Supply and Demand- determines the price


1. �Wealth of Nations�- Adam Smith- Philosopher- 1776

�Natural Laws� of economics was that individuals should be left free to pursue their own economic self-interest

 The state should in no way interrupt the �free play� of natural economic forces, by imposing government regulations on the economy,Laissez Faire- �let do�

Capitalism= �Free Market� (from regulations) economy

3 Exceptions:



Roads and canals

The individual cant control those


2.Thomas Malthus- �Essay on Principles of Population�- late 1700s

-          Said that food production cant keep up with the population growth(wrong! We see that today)

-          Didn�t realize the technology that would improve farming

-          Agreed with Adam Smith that the government should butt out

-          His solution: people should stop having babies-its up to the people

Naturally the population would decrease-war and famine- also up to the people


3. David Ricardo- agreed with Malthus

-          Theory-�Iron Law of Wages�

When wages are high, families have more children.  More children lead to more labor(workers).  More labor leads to lower wages and more unemployment.

-          Solution: stop having babies-up to individual


4.Jeremy Benthon (1800)

-          Utilitarianism= the idea that the goal of society should be the �greatest happiness for the greatest number of people�

-          Government should therefore make laws that make people happy

-          Institutions, laws and actions should be judged by its utility- usefulness-individual freedom but government needs to intervene under certain circumstances.


5. John Stuart Mill

-          Unrestricted competition- favors strong over the weak- he says that this is not fair.  Says that government needs to step in and help the working class.

-          Advocated two things-giving people education, and giving the working class and women the right to vote.  They have to know what�s good for them, and need to vote to win reforms and change the system.


Socialism- (opposite of capitalism)- public should control and own the factors of production- are operated for the welfare of all people- government runs it, actively plans the economy rather than depending on the �free market capitalism�


Aim #21: How did Karl Marx propose to help the working class?

1)      Karl Marx- German- (Friedrich Engels and him wrote) Das Kapital

A)    All of history is about class struggles and economy

1)      The struggle is between the haves (Bourgeoisie- employers) and have-nots (Proletariat- workers)

a)      The Industrial Revolution is the ultimate struggle

B)    Capitalism vs. Marxism (Communism- Marxism- Socialism)

1)      Karl Marx thought that the original capitalism was good

a)      It allowed people to produce a large amount of goods

2)      Capitalism turned bad because employers started to exploit workers

a)      Workers worked a lot and the employer took all the money. The extra value (labor) that worker put in went completely to the employer.

i)                    He felt that the workers should have gotten some of the surplus (The extra profit taken in because of the workers extra work)

ii)                  According to capitalism this was fair because the employer himself invested his own money in his business, and took the risk of losing his own money. He himself also rose to the top.

a)      If the business would go bankrupt he would have lost all his money not the worker.

C)    Solution to Marx�s problem with capitalism

1)      The communist theory

a)      All means of production should be in the hands of the state (The workers organized as a ruling class)

i)                    This will cause a revolution, a �communist revolution� which will be between capitalists and workers.

a)      This will cause everyone to be equal (�From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs�) and the workers will overthrow the capitalists.

i)                    This will destroy the struggle of classes and history won�t be repeated

a)      No government will be needed.

i)                    Private property will be abolished

D)    He was wrong

1)      Why?

a)      There are factors in society except for economy (Religion and politics)

b)      The government didn�t disappear, but took control of everything

He didn�t take into account that working conditions would improve


Aim: How did the Lives of the Working Class gradually Improve?


I.                   Protest Movement

A.    Lundites- smashed machines- thought that machines took away their jobs- in reality, it created more jobs

B.     Chartists- �People Charter� petition-wanted to pay members of Parliament.  If they had no salary, only rich people would be members, thus allowing only their wants to be voiced.


II.                Reforms

Voting rights/working conditions

Very little changes- women still couldn�t vote

�Rotten Boroughs�- very few people-still sent lots of people to parliament

Homework #13


III.             Unions

a). Sabotage



b). Capital- factory owners and management:

�Black List�



c). Collective bargaining

Management and union representatives meet to negotiate


IV.             Abolition- 1830

-          Slavery was banned to the British Empire

-          William Wilberforce- famous abolitionist


V.                Women�s Suffrage

-          Women also got involved in unions and abolition movements- decided to create movement for their own rights

-          Right to vote was denied because men felt that they should stay at home, and that they got too emotional, and because politics is a very dirty business.

-          Stanton, Susan B, Anthony

-          Utah and Wyoming- 1st States

-          US- 1920- 19th amendment (some women had been arrested, went on hunger strike).  Needed strike ratification, and got it.

-          Britain- Emmeline Pankhurst � WSPU

1918- over age 30 could vote

1928- over age 21 could vote


Aim: How did Italy and Germany become nations in the 1800s?

1)      Bonds that create a Nation-State

A)    Nationality

1)      A belief in a common ethnic ancestry (This belief may or may not be true)

B)    Language

1)      Different dialects (forms) of one language: one dialect chosen as the �national language�

C)    Culture

1)      A shared way of life (food, dress, behavior, ideal)

D)    History

1)      A common past; common experiences

E)     Religion

1)      A religion shared by all or most of the people

F)     Territory

1)      A certain territory that belongs to the ethnic group; �its land�

       2) Nationalism in Europe: Video Review

                  A) Where did people get their sense of identity throughout much of history?

1)      From their families clan village

      B) Which two European nations had an early sense of national identity?

1)      France and England

A)    Why did the idea of nationalism take longer to develop in Italy than in other European countries?

1)      Because people in the regions of Italy had their own government and they felt that they were from their region, not their country

B)    What did Giuseppe Mazzini propose from Italy? Why?

1)      Proposition: Giuseppe Mazzini proposed to unite Italy

2)      Why: Italy had geographical conditions, language, literature, necessities of defense, and political power

C)    How did Napoleon help unite the Italian states?

1)      They had to join to fight Napoleon (War- common bond)

        3) The fight for Italian unification

      A) Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807-1882)

1)      He spent time in exile in South America and the United States

2)      He was an expert in guerilla warfare

3)      He led a volunteer army of red shirts

4)      He conquered the kingdom of the two Siciles in 1860

5)      He surrendered his conquests to Victor Emmanuel II when voters supported the unification of Italy

A)    Pope

1)      �I must surrender the sword, but I keep the keys�

a)      He was willing to give up his power to the secular state, but he kept the key (Control) to religion

2)      Germany

A)    It had many different states (Prussia was the largest), but they share a common language and history

B)    Otto Van Bismark- responsible for the unification of Germany

1)      Real Politick

a)      He would use anything in his means to reach his goal

2)      He was a reactionary

3)      Blood and Iron

a) This means he will unite the nation by any means possible mainly war

b)      He was tired of speeches and voting because they didn�t do anything

3)      Roadblocks and solutions that Otto Van Bismarck proposed and solved

A)    Jealousy and fear of Prussia

1)      Prussia forms Zollvereian (Free trade), an economic union. Prussia led German states in wars against rivals

B)    Rivalry between Austria and Prussia

1)      Prussia fought and won Seven Weeks War against Austria

C)    Religious differences between Southern Catholics and Northern Protestants

1)      Southern German state allied with Prussia against France

D)    France was opposed to a powerful to a powerful Germany

1)      Prussia fought and defeated France- Prussian War

a)      Otto Van Bismark lured France into war

2)      Results

a)      Germany got two parts of France, Alsace and Lorraine

      6) In 1871 Otto Van Bismarck united Germany


Aim: Why did the Europeans embark on a policy of imperialism in the 1800s?

Theme: Power/conflict


Imperialism= domination(control) by one country of the political, economic or cultural life of another country or region

leads to cultural diffusion



Indirect Rule

-          Local government officials were used

-          Limited self-rule

-          Goal: to develop future leaders

-          Government institutions are based on European styles but may have local rule, but from afar- did not have enough people for direct rule; local government can relate to people.


Direct Rule

-          Foreign officials brought in to rule

-          No self-rule

-          Goal: impose European culture-assimilation (ex: Moroccans speak French)

-          Government institutions are based only on European styles




16th-17th century

-          Mercantilism

-          Coastal/ports (inside was controlled by natives)

-          Slavery

-          Very little influence on other people�s lives


-          Conquered more land

-          Coastal and interior(sent Africans and Muslims)

-          Major impact on political, economic, cultural lives of natives.


Connection between Industrial Revolution and (New) Imperialism:

  1. As a result of Industrial Revolution, raw materials, resources, were needed

  2. Factory owners produced a lot of goods to realize profit-couldn�t sell all goods-needed new markets

  3. Outlet needed for growing population

  4. Steam ships-needed refueling stations-islands


  Political &Military Causes

-          Bases needed for merchant and naval vessels

-          National security

-          Nationalism

-          Prestige of global empire

-          Strong, centrally-governed nation-states


  Economic Causes

-          Need for natural resources

-          Desire to expand markets

-          Desire to invest profits

-          Outlet needed for growing population

-          Economies strengthened by Industrial Revolution




-          Advances in weaponry- maxim gun-like a machine gun cannon.  650 rounds/minute

-          Advances in medicine- Quinine- medicine fro bark of tree-cures malaria.  They can now go into Africa to explore without fear of dying from disease

-          Advances in travel- better steamships and railroads helping them to explore




-          Belief in Western superiority- Racism- felt responsibility to spread Christianity and �civilize� these natives

-          Paternalism- treat them as if they are children- need to raise them- �Half-devil, half-child�.

-          Darwin- �Survival of the fittest�Europeans adopt this theory- they have factories, technology, etc.- they should naturally be able to conquer the Africans and Asians.

-          Increased European self-confidence



White Man�s Burden: by Rudyard Kipling- duty as a civilized country to civilize other people- this is racist L

�Take up the White Man�s Burden-

Send forth the best ye breed-

Go bind your sons to exile

To serve your captives� need;

To wait in heavy harness

On fluttered folk and wild-

Your new-caught sullen peoples,

Half devil and half child.�





Aim: How did European Imperialism impact Africa?


I.                   Pre-Colonialism (pre-Imperialism)- 1600s, 1700s

A.    Europeans occupied only the coastline- slave trade (not inland because of Sahara Desert, and in center- Congo- hot, malaria- rainforest; Kalahari- desert

B.     Mostly interested in slavery

C.     Africa- �Unknown�/Dark; Continent- hard to explore-

-          Sahara/Kalahari Deserts

-          Rainforest- equator zone

-          Malaria

-          Rivers are not navigable- rapids, waterfalls


II. �Scramble for Africa� 1850-1914

no sense of order at all

    1. Explorers

  1. Dr David Livingstone- wanted to bring Christianity, commerce, and civilization

  2. Henry Stanley (sent to find Livingstone)-wrote books about explorations

    1. British, French, Portuguese, Belgium, Spanish, Italians (Egypt and Sudan-British; Northern Africa, Ivory Coast-French; Congo-Belgium)

Independent Areas:

Liberia- Given to freed slaves by president Monroe

Ethiopia- fought back and defeated Italians

    1. Berlin Conference- 1884

-European countries met to set rules for dividing Africa (Africans not included).

    1. Motives

European: Nationalism, Economic Competition, European racism, missionary impulse

External: Maxim gun, railroads and steamships, cure for malaria

Internal: Variety of cultures and languages, low level of technology, ethnic strife.


IV.             Effects

A.    Africans lost right to rule themselves

B.     Africans forced to adopt European customs, languages, and way of lifelost heritage(cultures)

C.     African farmers lost their lands to Europeans(forced to grow cash-crops-cotton tobacco, etcless farmlandfamine)

D.    Africans were forced to work for Europeans at low wages

E.     Africans had to pay taxes but could not vote

F.      Europeans made artificial boundaries(borders) without regard to tribal homelands.

Split tribe in different colonies

Rival tribes forced to live together

Ethnic tensionsTribalism=loyal to your tribe (ethnic group) rather than the nation- RWANDA (Hutu and Tutsis )


Aim: How did British Rule impact India?


�The sun never sets on the British Empire�

�(India) The brightest jewel in the British crown�- the most profitable of their colonies

Lipton iced tea, cotton, indigo dye, jute (plant used to make twain)


British East India Com.- controls 3/5 of India:

Unpopular moves:

  1. Sepoys= native soldiers-forced to fight outside of India

  2. Allow widows to remarry- (sutee-widows commit suicide)

 Sepoy Mutiny/ Rebellion 1857

.British government sends troops, put down the rebellion

1858-British government takes full control of India

Primary goal=make $- Incorporate India into the British economy

Large market and source of raw materials

�Modernize� IndiaWestern technology (R&R and telegraph) and culture


Suez Canal- 1869- cut down time and distance to India

British �flood� the Indian market with cheap manufactured goods

-          Destroys Indians domestic system-hand weaving industry

-          Farmers pushed to grow cash crops- reduces Indians self-sufficiency

-          Cleared forests- �deforestation�


British Impact


Brought peace and order

Revised legal system to promote justice

R&R/telegraph (more for business)

Educated Indians �work in civil service exposure to European ideas helped fuel nationalist movements



Looked down on Indian culture; dismissed their achievements, cash-crops.  Indians lost self-sufficiency-reduced food production.

Cheap manufactured goods ruin India�s domestic system


  Homework #15


a.       The British controlled India by way of taking advantage of all the populace.  They exploited quarrels between the little states that they had formed, as well as fights between the two religions present in India (Hindu and Muslim).

b.      British rule brought Western culture and civilization to India.  It brought the English language, Western customs, sciences, and arts.  However, the British rule ended up causing a great many disputes between the people, and eventually, a rebellion, in which many Indians died.

c.       The British took advantage of the people and used the regions� fierce disputes for themselves, in order to win control of those regions.  They also took advantage of the religions formed in India, especially by using cow and pig fat on cartridges for guns during the Sepoy Rebellion. 

d.      The imposition of Western culture led to conflict because the natives disliked the British attempts to take control of their lives and force them to follow their culture.  Also, the British forced the Sepoys to fight wars for the British in Afghanistan, and they were dissatisfied with this.

e.       Approaches to nationalism in India include imposition of British culture, use of the colony to better the advantage of Britain, and on the Indians� side, the unification of the Sepoys to rebel against the British



Aim: How did China fall �victim� to European Imperialism?


I.                   China- Prior to 1800

-          Ming Dynasty

-          Very little interest in trade with foreign countries

-          Foreigners= barbarians- Chinese looked down on them- required to kowtow- bow down to the emperor.

-          �Middle Kingdom�- ethnocentrism


II.                European Increased Interest in China

A.    Dynasty in decline

B.     Industrial Revolution created need for a market

C.     Trade in tea, silk, porcelain�


III.             Trade Imbalance

China- trade surplus

Europe-trade deficit

Europeans then trade opium

-          Worker productivity declines-everybody�s high on opium

-          When the emperor�s daughter O.D-ed on opium, the Chinese had enough.  They seized about 9 million dollars worth of opium from the British and burned it.

Result: Opium War- 1839

Chinese are defeated- result is Treaty of Nanjing:

-          China had to pay war damages (indemnity)

-          4 ports open to British trade

-          British given Hong Kong Island

-          British given �most favored nation� with regard to trade

-          China granted extraterritoriality rights to foreigners


Aim: How was Japan able to resist Imperialism and become Imperialist?


I.                   Geography- Japan

-          Many small islands-scattered over 1500 miles

-          80%mountains

-          Japan lacks resources-lead and oil

-          15%is arable (farmable)

-          Earthquakes, volcanoes, and tornadoes


II. Japan- Pre-1800

Act of Seclusion- nobody can be sent abroad (trade, etc.-no contact with the outside)

-          Isolated

-          Cut off ties with the outside

-          Against Christianity (believed in Shinto and Buddha- �The Way�)


IV.             Commodore Perry (US) 1853

Visits Japan, wanting trade-give them that option or will have war

�Treaty of Kanogawa�- 1854

Mission: Opens trade and harbors to refueling ships

Terms: Opens two ports so US ships can take on supplies

US allowed to establish an embassy in Japan

1860: Japan granted foreigners permission to trade at treaty ports

1867: Tokugawa shogun forced to step down

Japanese angered at shogun for giving in to foreigners demands and fear that he was losing control over the country

Emperor Mutsuhito A.K.A �Meiji�- turns westernized(in the beginning he wore kimonos, and after wore western garb)

~Enlightened Rule~


V.                Other countries also win concessions from China

-          Start to fight vs. China.  Once English start coming in, other countries do, too!  Carved China into �Spheres of Influence�

= Country had exclusive trading rights- only in that area can that country do business

(British took port near India and the Yanghasee River that had large population- could trade)

-          Russia and Japan in a conflict with eachother

-          America late in getting to China but wanted some of the action �Open Door Policy�- no exclusive trading rights, China can trade with anyone (no sphere of influence).


VI.             Chinese government response

Empress Ci Xi


Confucian valuesoppose foreigners

Society of Harmonious Fists= Boxer 1800

US foreigners (Christians) brought in foreign people to teach, and sent Japanese abroad to learn about Western Culture

To be self-sufficient of foreign aid

Japanese Industrialization

1839- First foreign loan negotiated with the British

1855- First steamship


Territory expandsimperialists!

Late 1800- get they beat Russia (big vs. Japan- small)?

Because they had more technology

Why did they want more territory?

-          Resources (iron, coal, iron�)

-          Win respect from other countries

-          Need food for growing population


Homework #16


    1. Confucian attitudes towards trades during the Ming Dynasty were particularly negative.  Merchants were at the bottom of the social classes, and all trade was regarded as something bad.  The emperors didn�t believe that trade helped China, and instead instituted a tribute system from Japan, Korea, and Tibet, but only fort the glory and security of China.

    2. The decline of the Qing Dynasty does not follow the �traditional pattern� because its downfall was not similar to past dynasties.  Rather than another person rising to power and defeating the Qing army, then claiming the Mandate of Heaven, the dissatisfied population of China challenged the government of the dynasty.  The Qing Dynasty did not provide enough officials in the government per capita.  They did not provide enough security for China, as North-Asian tribes were able to invade.  Also, the high-ranking members of the government forced local officials to pay them bribes, and not much money was spent on assisting the Chinese people, but most of it would end up in the pockets of these officials.

    3. Great Britain was very interested in China mainly for their production of tea.  The Chinese government, however, was very picky in allowing trade with Britain, and only allowed a few Chinese merchants to trade with the British East India Company.  They were very strict about their terms of trade, and forced the British living in China to follow Chinese laws.


Aim: How was Latin America controlled by outside forces following independence?

1)      Latin American Geography (Latin America= Central America, South America, and Mexico)

A) Rainforests

B) Most people lived near water

1)      It was cooler

C) Geography prevented unity among Latin American countries because of large distances and geographical barriers

2) The social pyramid of Latin America

There was no social mobility in Latin America and the Church played a dominant role


       A) Peninsulares

1)      They were natural born Spanish or Portuguese who had moved to Latin America

2)      They were wealthy and owned haciendas (Large farming estates)

3)      They ruled colonial society

       B) Creoles

1)      They were people who were born in Latin America, but they were of Spanish or Portuguese background

      C) Mestizos and Mulattoes

1)      Mestizos- people of Indian and white background

2)      Mulattoes- people of Black and white background

A)    Native Latin Americans

B)    Slaves

3) Latin American Independence (Early 1800s)

      A) Why did Latin American countries strive for independence?

1)      Latin Americans were being abused by the Peninsulares

2)      They were inspired by the American and French Revolutions

      B) How did Latin American countries achieve independence?

1)      Napoleon had weakened Spain so Spain couldn�t control its colonies

2)      Revolutionists



Role in Independence Movement

Toussaint L�ouverture

He was the leader of the mulatto rebellion. Under his leadership the mulattoes defeated the French and gained control of the island of Hispaniola. The French sent an army to regain control and they captured Toussaint L�ouverture. He died in prison in 1803.

Miguel Hidalgo

He was a priest. In 1810 he started the first important independence movement in Mexico. He led an army of Indian peasants against the Spanish, Peninsulares and Creoles. Miguel Hidalgo achieved some early victories, but then was captured and executed by the Spanish army.

Simon Bolivar

He led the rebels in bloody civil war throughout South America called �the Liberator� by Latin Americans. He started the revolt in his native city of Caracas in 1810. He only succeeded in destroying Spain�s power in the viceroyalty of New Granada in 1819. He raised another army in what is now called Venezuela, crossed the Andes, and defeated the Spanish at Boyac�. He became president, with almost absolute power, of a new nation called Great Columbia.

Jose de San Martin

He was an Argentinean general who gathered an army and made a difficult crossing of the Andes into a region known as Chile. He joined forces with its inhabitants and they overcame the Spanish resistance there in 1818. From Chile his forces sailed north to capture the city of Lima in Peru. The Spanish viceroy fled and he declared Peru independent in 1821

                   C) Effects of Latin American independence      

1)      The Creoles became wealthy

2)      The native Americans supported the Creoles (and do till today)

3)      The caudillos (military dictators) ruled after the revolutions even though the countries had presidents.

4)      Economic effects

4) Latin America as an independent region

       A) Latin America was rich in natural resources

       B) The United States told European countries that Latin America should never be colonized again

1)      They said that they will defend Latin America

2)      European countries were allowed to keep existing colonies

5) Roosevelt Corollary

       A) Theodore Roosevelt stated that if Latin American countries pay their debts then the United States won�t get involved in Latin American affairs, but if they don�t pay their debts then the United States will get involved

1)      The United States was willing to get European debts for them in order to keep Europeans out of the Americas

2)      The Latin Americans were resentful of this because the United States acted as if it could just go into any Latin American country

Aim #31: How did the �Great War� aka WWI begin in 1914?

1)      Long Term Causes

A) Nationalism

1)      Germany was united because of nationalism

2)      Austria was broken apart because of nationalism

Nationalism can be a negative (conflict) and positive (unite) force


3)      Franco-Prussian War (1870)

a)      The French resented Germany because the Germans defeated them

b)      The French resented German occupation of Alsace and Lorraine

4)      The Balkans

�Powder Keg of Europe�- the Balkans were called the powder keg because it was ready to explode (gun powder)


a)      Serbian independence (1878) and Bosnian independence (1908)

i)                    Background

a.       Turkey had controlled all of Bosnia and westward (the Balkans)

b.      Turkey lost all of its countries

c.       There were many Serbs who lived in Bosnia, that used to be under Turkish control and Serbia wanted to unite Serbia and Bosnia

d.      Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia which angered Serbia

b)      Russia

i)                    Russia was interested in the Balkans so they supported Serbia

a.       Russia didn�t want the Ottoman Empire to take over the Balkans because the Balkans provided the only route to the Mediterranean Sea

b.      Russia also believed in Pan-Slavism

                                                                                                                                                                          i.      This meant that they thought that it was their duty to unite, lead, and defend all the Slavs (Bosnia and Serbia were Slavic countries)

c) Germany

                                                                                                  i.      The Germans wanted control of the Balkans because they wanted to build a railroad from Berlin through Constantinople to Baghdad

                  B) Economic Rivalry/Competition

1)      Germany was becoming a very big economic rival to Great Britain

a)      Germany was beginning to produce more iron and coal and was starting to become a very big trader

i)                    Great Britain feared Germany�s rapid industrial, iron, coal, and commercial (trade) growth

2)      Great Britain feared that if the Berlin Baghdad railroad was constructed it would replace the Suez Canal as the fastest ways to get to all the new countries (The Balkans, India, etc.)

a)      Everyone wanted the Middle East because of its oil

     C) Imperialism

1)      Competition for colonies increased (Raw materials and markets)

a)      Different countries fought over different colonies

2)      Germany wanted their place in the sun

a) From the saying �The sun never sets on the British Empire�

    D) Militarism

1)      Definition: glorification of armed strength

2)      Kaiser William II thought that military power would make him more powerful

3)      People of the time painted a romantic view of war (heroes)

4)      Military leaders mobilized their armies

a)      This means that they made it so their army would be ready very quickly if they were needed.

5)      Germany had one of the smallest populations, but one of the largest armies

6)      New and more weapons are created

a)      Dreadnoughts (A type of ship) were created by Britain, but Germany also started to build a lot of them

b)      There were more weapon and bigger navies which could lead to war

7)      Every country had plans in case it was attacked. (This made it easier to fight a war and showed that every country was ready to go to war)

      E) Alliances

1)      Triple Alliance- 1882

a)      1879- Dual Alliance

Germany         Austria-Hungary


2)      Triple Entente- 1907

Russia              France             Great Britain   


  2) Timeline of the Immediate Causes

        A) June 28, 1914: A Bosnian Serb, named Gavrilo Princip, kills the Arch Duke of Austria (Francis Ferdinand)

1)      Gavrilo Princip was a member of a terrorist group called the Black Hand

2)      He said that he did it because he was a Serbian nationalists, and was angry at Austria-Hungary for annexing Bosnia

        B) Austria-Hungary blamed Serbia and gave them an ultimatum (final set of demands)

1)      Serbia has to end all terrorism and propaganda against Austria-Hungary

2)      They wanted Serbia to arrest all the Serbs involved in the assassination

3)      They wanted Serbia to allow an Austrian investigation team to investigate the crime

      C) Serbia agreed to the first two demands, but not the third

      D) July 28, 1914: Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia

      E) Germany gives Austria-Hungary �blank check� support (Anything they need)

C)    Serbia asked Russia for help

D)    Russia orders a full mobilization of her troops (to help Serbia)

E)     August 1, 1914: Germany declares war on Russia

F)     France supported Russia

G)    August 3, 1914: Germany declares war on France

1)      Now Germany had to fight on 2 fronts

a)      Schlieffen Plan (1905- it was planned in advance)

1.      Germany knew that it would take a long time for Russia to mobilize so they decided to attack and defeat France quickly and then attack Russia

H)    August 3, 1914: Germany invaded neutral Belgium

1)      This violated a treaty that was created in 1839 between Belgium and the rest of Europe. The treaty guaranteed Belgium neutrality if a war broke out in Europe.

I)       August 4, 1914: Great Britain declared war on Germany

1)      They honored the treaty with Belgium and decided to defend Belgium

         Because all of the countries in Europe were able to go to war so quickly it shows that they had been planning for war for a long time.

         Fredric Passy, a peace activist, predicted in 1895 that an accident would happen and would set off a war in Europe.


Aim: How was WWI fought?

1)      There were two different powers; the Central Powers and the Allied Powers

A) The Central Powers

1)      They were Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire

     B) Allied Powers

1)      They were Russia, France, Great Britain, Italy, and Serbia

2) The war was fought on three different fronts

     A) Eastern Front- Russia vs. Germany

     B) Western Front- France vs. Germany

1)      This front was fought with trench warfare

2)      This front was a war of attrition (Each side tried to ware the other out)

     C) Southern Front- Balkan front

3) The Western Front

     A) Germany had conquered part of France, but the fighting reached a stalemate (Neither side was able to advance) at the Battle of Marne

1)      Trench Warfare

a)      Both sides built trenches

b)      There was no movement between Germany and France because no one was able to conquer the other The machine-gun was used which prevented anyone from moving closer


d)     The trench

1.      Each trench had barbed wire in the front and then many foxholes were the soldiers were positioned

2.      Between the two enemy trenches was no man�s land

a.       There was no way to cross no man�s land because the enemy would fire at you from their trench

b.      Many people died in no man�s land

3.      Many soldiers in the trenches got trench-foot

a.       A disease caused by the water in the trenches

e)      Weapons and techniques used by the two enemy trenches

i)                    Large cannons- long range artillery

ii)                  The lifting tower- someone was lifted up to see the enemy trench

iii)                Planes replaced the lifting tower and were used for observation (Later on they were also used for bombing)

iv)                Sapping- they would tunnel under no man�s land and try to break through the enemy trench

v)                  Flame thrower (The first time it was used)

vi)                Chemical Warfare (gas)- many people were killed

a)      Gas masks were used to prevent chemical warfare

vii)              Tanks were used for the first time (To cross no man�s land)

a) They were slow and ineffective


Aim: Why is WWI considered the �first� in many aspects?

1)      WWI is the first of many things:

A) New Machinery- weapons

1)      U-Boat

a)      First submarine- perfected by the Germans

b)      This caused the United States to get involved in WWI

B) Airplanes

1)      Originally they were used for observing, but later on they were used for bombing

a)      They were crude because they had bad aimers

      C) Dog fights (not literally)- Red Barron- Shot down allied planes

      D) Mechanized warfare (1st modern war)

1)      Machines, trucks, and tanks were used during a war for the first time

A)    Biological Warfare

B)    First truly world war

1)      The main fighting was done in Europe, but fighting was also going on in other places as a result

a)      Africa- there was fighting between colonies (Africa become a battlefield)

1.      Great Britain and France tried to capture German colonies

b)      Japan attacked the German colonies in Asia

c)      India and Australia sent troops (1.3 million troops were sent into turkey)

d)     Brazil sent battleships to support the allies

C)    First real total war (Involved various areas)

1)      Every country directed all its resources (Human and industrial) to the war effort

a)      Civilians

1.      Men

a.       They were drafted as soldiers

b.      They worked in the factories

2.      Women

a.       Worked in factories

b.      Nurses

b)      Colonies

i)                    Resources

ii)                  Workers

iii)                Soldiers

c)      Governments

i)                    Controlled the economy

ii)                  Drafted soldiers

iii)                Rationed food and goods

iv)                Sold bonds to raise money

v)                  Raised taxes

vi)                They utilized propaganda (It was very misleading)

a)      To convince people to join the war

b)      To convince people to buy bonds

Side Point: Germany had conquered a lot of ground against Russia because the Russians were poorly trained and equipped. The allies wanted Russia to stay in the war although Russia was being defeated because it forced Germany to fight on two fronts. The only way to supply Russia with supplies was through the Baltic and Black Seas, but after the Battle of Jutland, between Great Britain and Germany, the German navy had retired into the Baltic Sea and blocked any supplies that could be sent to Russia. In the Battle of Tannenberg, Germany defeated Russia and Russia left the war. 


Aim: Why did a revolution erupt in Russia in 1917?

1)      Background

A) The social status of the people of Russia

1)      The Czar: (Romanov was the name of the Czar family)

a)      He was a complete autocrat (absolute ruler)

b)      His will was law

2)      The Officials:

a)      They carried out the Czar�s commands

i)                    They included the army, the navy, the secret service, and the bureaucracy

3) The Nobles:

               a) They served the Czar, but had power over the peasants

4) The Middle Classes:

               a) They included merchants and craftsmen

5) The Peasants: (Some were still serfs)

               a) They were the majority of the Russian people

b)      They were very poor and had few rights

6) The Industrial Workers:

               a) They made up 1.5% of the Russian workforce

                                                                                                  i.      Russia was not very industrialized because it was isolated

   b) They were becoming more numerous

c)      They were underpaid

d)     Most workers in Russia were agricultural workers

                  B) The Czar at the time of the revolution

1)      His name was Nicholas II

2)      Nicholas�s wife�s name was Alexandria and she was from Germany

3)      They lived in a palace in St. Petersburg and were very detached from society

4)      Rasbutten, one of their advisors, cured their son who was a hemophiliac

2)      Events that caused the revolution

A) 1905

1)      Russia was defeated by Japan

a)      It was embarrassing and the people blamed the Czar

2) Bloody Sunday

a)      Father Gapon and a group of people went to the Czar�s palace to plea to him because they felt that they were being oppressed

i)                    They complained that the Czar is not protecting them

ii)                  They complained that the Czar is distancing itself from the people

iii)                They complained that they were poor and oppressed

iv)                They wanted a say in the government

b)      Women also marched to the palace to complain to the Czar

c)      The Czar ordered his soldiers to shoot the demonstrators

i)                    This showed that the Czar didn�t care about the people

      B) 1914-1916 (Russia fought in WWI)

1)      The war

a)      2 million people were killed and another 4-6 million people were wounded.

b)      Industry is unable to purchase weapons

c)      Alexandra, the Czar�s wife, was German born, so the people thought that she was a traitor

d)     Soldiers were very poorly equipped

2)      At home

a)      Their was a lack of food and supplies

b)      A revolution is starting

3) The Revolution

      A) Nicholas II

1)      He was exhausted from the WWI

2)      Every decision he made went wrong

3)      Nicholas abdicated, but later was executed

      B) Lenin

1)      Lenin leads the revolution when the Czar abdicates

      C) February/March 1917 (Not sure which one because they had a different calendar)

1)      There is bad climate, thus there is no food or supplies in the major cities

2)      People in the major cities went on strike

a)      They said that the Czar has ruined Russia and brought famine

b)      They formed a soviet (Which literally means a council), an organized strike against the Czar

i)                    That is where we get the Soviet Union from (USSR)

a)      It reigned from 1917 to 1991

3)      The people were suffering so Nicholas II decides to go and fight the war

4)      People stormed the bread shops and Nicholas II ordered his soldiers to shoot anyone taking food

a)      The soldiers agreed with the people and were unwilling to use their weapons against them

5)      The soldiers and the people joined together in a revolution against the Czar

6)      The Czar ran away to a small town where the soldiers were still loyal to him

7)      March 15, 1917 Nicholas II abdicates (Steps down)

a)      A provisional (Temporary) government is set up headed by Kerensky (He was Jewish)

Aim: How did Lenin transform Russia into a communist country?

1)      What happened to the Czar?

A) The Czar and his family were imprisoned in the palace

1)      Revolutionaries surrounded the palace

a) These revolutionaries were afraid that if the Czar and his family were close to the capital city then he would revolt

i)                    England didn�t want Nicholas because they thought that Alexandra was a spy

ii)                  Nicholas became an international outcast

2)      Lenin and the Russian government

A) The Russian provisional government had kept Russia in WWI

1)      Germany sent Lenin, he was a revolutionary, to get Russia out of the war (Lenin is going to turn Russia into a socialist country)

      B) Lenin

1)      Background

a.       He returned to Russia in April 1917 after being exiled by the Czar for being a revolutionary

b.      His brother was killed by the Czar

2)      Actions and ideas

a.       Slogan: �Peace, land, and Bread�

b.      He proposed modified Marxism

i) His followers were a small group of Marxists called Bolsheviks

c.       He adopted the color red (Which was the European symbol of revolution)

i) The flag had a sickle, which represented agriculture, and a hammer, which symbolized agriculture, on it

d.      November 7, 1917- Communist Revolution- Lenin and his followers stormed the palace. There was no bloodshed, but the Bolsheviks overthrew the provisional government

e.       He adopted �war communism�

i)                    The government takes over banks, mines, factories and railroads

ii)                  Peasants are forced to give surplus food to hungry people in the cities

f. He stated that the Communist part is the only legal party and only communist members could run for office

g. He created the USSR- the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

3)      Lenin�s propositions vs. Karl Marx�s propositions



Karl Marx (Marxism)

V I Lenin (Russian Communism)


Primary industrial

Primary agriculture

Revolutionary Leaders

Working class

A small group of dedicated Marxists. They would train the workers to become a revolutionary force.


�Working men of the world unite�

�Peace, land, and bread�

3) March 1918 Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

     A) Lenin gave a lot of land over to Germany for peace

1)      This split the country and a civil war broke out

a) It was between the Whites, who were anti Lenin, and the Reds, who supported Lenin

b)      The US and the Allies sent troops to help the Whites in order to keep them in the war

i)                    The Whites still lost

ii)                  This started the animosity- Cold War

Aim: How did WWI come to end in 1918?

1)      The United States gets involved

A) Why?

1)      1915: The Germans sunk the Lusatania, a British ship, that had American passenger on it using a U-boat (A new type of submarine)

a.       Germany said that there were weapons on board (There actually were weapons on board)

b.      Germany blamed Great Britain for putting US citizens on board

c.       Germany promised to warn ships to get their passengers off before they bombed them

i)                    Why?

a)      They didn�t want to kill people, they only wanted to destroy weapons

ii) 1917: Germany resumed unrestricted warfare

      2) Zimmerman Telegram

a.       A secret telegram sent from Germany to the German ambassador in Mexico

b.      It instructed the German Ambassador to draw Mexico into the War on Germany�s side. In return Germany promised Mexico the return of parts of Southwestern United States that Mexico had lost in 1848.

c.       The British intercepted the telegram and sent it to the United States

2) President Wilson

     A) He said that the allies were fighting for a �World safe for democracy� because all the allies were democracies, now that Russia left the war

     B) 14 Points plan to end all wars

1)      Ending secret treaties

2)      Agreeing to freedom of seas

3)      Removing economic barriers to trade

4)      Reducing the size of national armies and navies

5)      (Really number 14) �General Association of Nations� that would protect �great and small states alike�

3) How did the fact that America joined the war effect WWI?

     A) It was a big morale boost for Great Britain and France

1)      They had been fighting for many years and now there were new recruits

a.       2 million American soldiers were drafted very quickly

      B) November 9, 1918 Kaiser of Germany stepped down

      C) November 11, 1918 Germany surrenders

1)      Armistice- official end to the fighting, halt, ceasefire

2)      It happened on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month

4) Effects of WWI

     A) Over 10 million people were killed

     B) Over 20 million people were injured

     C) Based on percents France got hit the hardest (Because most of the fighting was in or near France) and the United States got hit the weakest (Because they joined in late)

Aim: How were the �seeds� of WWII �planted� at the end of WWI?

1)      Paris Peace Conference-1919-Versailles

A) Three problems that had to be solved

1)      How to deal with Germany?

2)      How to solve the various territorial claims?

3)      Who pays for the damage and how much?

     B) Who was at the conference and what did they propose?

1)      The United States President Wilson represented the US

a)      He proposed the 14 points peace without victory

2)      Great Britain David Lloyd George represented England

a)      They wanted Germany to pay for the war

3)      France Clemenceau represented France

a)      They wanted Germany to pay for the war

b)      They wanted to deal with Germany harshly and wanted to weaken Germany so that Germany wouldn�t threaten France in the future

4)      Italy Their representative stormed out because the other three weren�t willing to give Italy the port city of Fuime

      C) Who was not invited?

1)      USSR

2)      Germany

a)      The terms of the treaty were dictated or imposed upon Germany without negotiations

i)                    Hitler- How dare they dictate to a German?

A)    Terms of the Treaty of Versailles (Germany lost 15% of all its land)

1)      Germany had to demilitarize the Rhineland (It is on the French border)

a)      This means that there is not allowed to be any type of military in that area

b)      In 1936, the first thing that Hitler does was march troops into the Rhineland

i)                    The world didn�t do anything (France had the right to go to war with Germany)

2)      The Saar Basin was given to France as payment for the damage that was done to France

a)      This land was very rich in coal

3)      Alsace and Lorraine were returned to France

4)      Poland was recreated out of German land (There were still Germans living in Poland)

a)      Poland is given a corridor to the sea out of German land

b)      Poland split Germany in half

i)                    Hitler- How dare they take German land and split Germany?

5)      Germany had many military restrictions

a)      Germany was allowed a maximum of 100,000 people in the army

b)      Germany was not allowed to have a draft (or conscription= a draft)

c)      Germany was not allowed to build weapons

i)                    Tanks

ii)                  Artillery

iii)                Planes

iv)                Poisonous gas

The first thing Hitler did was rebuild the army


6)      German owned African colonies were taken away and given to France and Belgium (Rwanda was given to Belgium)

7)      Germany lost lands that were turned into mandates

a)      Mandate- territory/area administered (controlled by) by another country until the territory is ready for self-rule

b)      British and French mandates

i)                    British mandates included Iran, Iraq, Jordan, and Palestine

ii)                  French mandates included Syria and Lebanon

8)      War Guilt Clause

a)      Germany had to except full blame for WWI

i)                    Now the allies can get reparations from Germany (Now they have the right to ask for them)

a)      The amount wasn�t specified so potentially Germany had to give an infinite amount of money

ii)                  Hitler- How dare they blame Germany for starting the war? How dare they make Germany pay?

a)      The Jews made Germany accept and sign the treaty

9)      The League of Nations was formed

a)      Their goal was to promote peace and justice

b)      The League of Nations failed

B)    Countries that were created as a result of WWI

1)      Poland

2)      Czechoslovakia

3)      Lithuania

4)      Austria and Hungary split

5)      Yugoslavia

a) Yugo means greater

Self-determination: people were allowed to decide what government to live under (Except Germany)


Initially the countries that created the Treaty of Versailles came to the conference with good intentions, but the treaty ended up being neither just nor wise. Hitler vowed to get revenge for Germany after WWI.


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